Fishman Street.

This was supposed to be a shelter for the orphans of Fishman Island.

But with the passage of time.

Especially after the death of the fishman hero Fisher Tiger.

Evil is rapidly growing and twisting here.

There was Aaron and his gang before.

After there was the Honne will, and further twisted by Hordy Jones.

Today, this place has become a dark and lawless place for fish people.

“Gaga, this little pill is really powerful, as long as one can multiply people’s strength, if we eat dozens or even hundreds of pills at a time, how powerful will we get?”

Wearing the helmet of the ancient warriors of the East and looking like a frog, the cadre of the New Fishman Pirate Regiment, Dharma, laughed.

“The potent medicine ES can exert the potential of people several times or even dozens of times, and with such a wonderful product, we will become the strongest, and the Fishman Island will be reborn under our strength.”

The bearded shark man Jaio wrapped his arms around him and sat on the couch with a cool look, opening his mouth with a care.

However, it was gloriously ignored by everyone.

No one noticed him.

Because he was born without much of a sense of existence.

Even so, he remained silent.

“Not good, Captain Howdy”

“Captain Howdy, it’s not good, Neptune’s… The King’s Army is coming? ”

There was an anxious shout outside the door.

A fishman with wide eyes crawled up with a rolling belt.

“Come and come, there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Jaeous, who has extremely high self-esteem and a very low sense of existence, said, still no one pays attention.

Although I am very angry inside, on the surface, I still have to pretend to be indifferent.

“King Neptune, and the three princes of Shark Star, Dragon Star, and Flip Star!”

“The high-ranking members of the Fishman Island Kingdom have all come!!!”

The Fishman Pirate Corps said in horror.

“It looks like something went wrong with our actions!”

“But why is it so fast?”

“That’s ten thousand pirates!”

“It should be possible to turn Fishman Island upside down!”

“Isn’t there a force in addition to the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment that we don’t know is interfering?”

The cadres of the New Fishman Pirate Regiment were all frowning and groaning.


“What if it’s exposed?”

“How much strength does the Neptune Army have left after dealing with the pirate rebellion?”

A strange smile appeared on Hotdy Jones’ face.

“Neptune, the three princes, hahahahaha, come well, come just right!”

“If you sweep away the royal family here, Fishman Island will be our world!”

Hordy Jones opened his arms, his face curled with cruelty, and he laughed wildly.

He casually grabbed a few potions from the jar next to him and stuffed them into his mouth and swallowed them.


Hordy curled up and let out a low roar of pain.

After a few moments, it was back to normal.

At the same time, the muscles of his arm suddenly bulged, and the original dark pupils of his eyes turned a blushing color at this moment.

“Little ones, go out and welcome guests!”

The corners of Hordy Jones’ mouth grinned in a brutal arc.




In the middle of the sea, a special vibration was heard.

It was caused by a group of aquatic creatures quickly slicing through the seawater.

“King Neptune, the three princes, what noble deeds do you have to come here today?” I had already quit the Sea King Army and didn’t do it. ”

Hody Jones, a former Neptune soldier, grinned, revealing a vicious fang.

“Titica, the bones of the Sea King’s Army, what will it taste like when chewed?”

At the bottom of the sea, a frog-looking cigar Dharma shark man burrowed out of the hard seabed, Tika laughed.

“Mu hehehe, Dharma, the boss’s order has not yet been given, and it is still a little bit of peace for the time being.”

Icarus, the king of the squid fish man armed with eight red cherry guns.

The knuckles of the trident in Neptune’s hand were slightly white, forcing himself to suppress the anger in his heart.

“King Neptune, the Shark Princes”

The blue, chubby figure swept across the deep sea at great speed to the Fishman Street.

The person who came was the first master of Fishman Island, the Seven Martial Seas and Sea Heroes were very flat.

Not long ago, after the suppression of the riot pirates in the town of Watermill.

Shi Ping also learned a little bit about this incident by knocking on the side.

I learned that this may be related to the Hawky gang in Fishman Street.


Shihei was the first to return to Ryugu Castle.

I want to ask Neptune for my life.

It was up to him to negotiate in Fishman Street.

However, when they arrived, they learned that Neptune and the three princes had led the Sea King’s army out of the island in a mighty way.

So Shi Ping immediately caught up with him.

“Prince Shark, King Neptune, about this incident, please let the old man negotiate with the guy Hodi.”

Very flat and solemn opening.

“Boss Ping, we are here now, not for the events of the previous riots.”

The Grand Prince Shark Star looked calm.

“Not for riots?”

Very flat.

“What is that for? What did Hody do with that way? ”

A sense of foreboding arose in his heart.


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