“Hodi, what did you bastard do other than plan the previous riot attacks?”

Very flat angry reprimand.

“Boss Ping, your words are really hurtful, I have already hidden in this place where I don’t see the light of day, what else can I do?”

“I am now also curious about what our Lord King wants to do when he comes to my little place.”

Hordy Jones sneered.

“Shi Ping, you back off, I just want to ask Hordy Jones one thing today.”

Neptune’s reddened eyes stared dead at Hody Jones.

“Eight years ago, who fired that shot in Gironcourt Square? Did the human do it, or did you do it for some purpose! Answer me, Howdy! ”


Hordy Jones raised an eyebrow not unsurprisingly.

I didn’t expect that.

Neptune and his party came here to mention the matter.

Did things come out eight years ago exposed?

But why?

Who else knows about this!

After a moment of silence.

The corners of Hordy Jones’ mouth raised an eerie arc.

“Hahahahaha, it seems to be exposed!”

“But I’m really curious who told you the news, and I don’t know if King Neptune could tell me so that I could unload him into eight pieces.”

Hordy Jones smiled and said, but there was a chill like winter in his smile.

“Hordy you bastard… How dare he put Otohime… Did she do anything to you? You have to kill her. ”

Neptune’s eyes were red and his anger was extreme.

“Hodi, did you really kill Princess Otohime!!!”

At this moment, Shi Ping, who learned the truth, couldn’t help but drink heavily, and could no longer contain the anger in his heart.

“Hahahahaha, Otohime is just an idiot who dreams of peace and beauty, and even wants to live in peace with mankind?” Don’t laugh off my big teeth, a woman like her is a traitor to our fish-man race, and that is how traitors should be dealt with. ”

Hordy Jones laughed wildly.

“Hody Jones, I’m going to kill you and avenge Otohime as a husband.”

Neptune’s eyes were red as blood, and his nose was getting thick and long.

“Hahahahaha, if you can do it, try it, Neptune.”

Hordy Jones looked up and laughed.

“Titica, it looks like a battle is going to break out today.”

The Dharma Fishman smiled cruelly.

“Captain Howdy, let them see the power of our new Fishman Pirates.”

Hammerhead Shark Man Toth throws a bag of potions capsules to Hordy.

Hordy took it casually, along with the bag outside.

Stuff all the red capsules into your mouth and chew them up.


There seemed to be a dull beating sound like a war drum beating inside Hody Jones’s body.

In the blink of an eye, Hordy Jones’s body size expanded more than a circle.

The muscles in his arms and thighs were layered like dragons.

There is a sense of power and power that exudes terror between the hands and feet.

“That medicine is… ES Murder Pills!!! ”

The Right Minister of the Seahorse suddenly screamed and recognized what the red capsule that Hody had eaten was.

It was the ‘national treasure’ medicine that had been passed down from generation to generation on their Fishman Island and sealed in the jade hand box.

Taking this murderous drug will gain several times or even dozens of times the terrifying power in a short period of time.

But the cost is equally high, consuming the life force of the user.

This kind of murderous medicine cannot be used unless it reaches the moment of real life and death of Fishman Island.

However, a few years ago, there was a theft in Ryugu Castle, and it was the murderous medicine in the jade hand box that was stolen.

“Sure enough, you did it, Hodi, and even stole the medicine in the jade handbox, do you know what you’re doing?”

Catfish left minister angrily rebuked.

“Hahahahaha, a bunch of old things in the kingdom, you know what, there is such a good thing that is not used, if all our warriors are provided with this drug, what fear do human beings have?” What admiral, what sea emperor, how can it be our opponent? ”

“Neptune, since you took the initiative to send it to the door today, then we are not welcome!”

“All of you are going to die here today, and the future Fishman Island will be safely handed over to our new Fishman Pirate Regiment.”

Hordy Jones laughed with his blushing eyes.

“Oh well”

A sneer echoed in the deep sea, colder than the 10,000-meter deep sea water, and colder than the cold wind in December, as if to freeze people’s hearts.

“The frog at the bottom of the well also dares to argue with the Sea Emperor?”

The breath of terror radiated away.

“Arrogant little shark, the sea emperor is just that, our navy general is not something you can touch porcelain!”

Another powerful breath suddenly spread.

“Neptune, do you need help?”

A third powerful gas machine burst out.

The deep sea is 10,000 meters, for which it is solidified!!!


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