“You… You are…”

The frog Dharma suddenly widened his eyes.

He finally remembered the identity of the man who had made him shudder.

The emotion called fear immediately dominated his whole body.

The complete words that made him come to him were unspeakable.

Next second.

All I could hear was a ‘click’.

The ‘frog’ Dharma’s eyes were scattered.

His neck was completely twisted by Qi Yu.

The feeble body fell like a rag into the ruins of Fishman Street.

The audience fell into a dead silence again.

Not much time.

“Arrogant little shark, the sea emperor is just that, our navy general is not something you can touch porcelain!”

“Neptune, do you need help?”

Two majestic voices came from the dark depths not far away.

A lobster and a crab scrambled to the battlefield of Fishman Street.

The pilot above the shrimp soldier and the crab general is Roger One Piece and the naval hero Cap.

“That’s that…”

“Those two people… It’s a human monster again! ”

“One Piece and the Navy Hero are coming!”

“Strange… The monster has reappeared! ”

“No way, no no no!”

“In the face of these monsters, we have no chance of winning.”


Under the momentum of Roger and Karp.

The war will of the fish people in the New Fishman Pirate Regiment was completely extinguished.

All that remained was a thick fear and despair.

“Captain Howdy, surrender, face those monsters, we…”


Blood stains the deep sea.

The fishman didn’t finish speaking.

Hody Jones’s fist went through his head and exploded on the spot.


The tooth-aching clicking sound resumed.

“Captain Howdy.”

Look at Hordy Jones, who is once again gulping down the potion.

The people of the New Fishman Pirate Regiment all looked shocked and retreated one after another.

Only Hotdy Jones was left on the spot, still gulping down the pills that cost his life.

“More is not enough, I want to be stronger and stronger…”

Hody Jones muttered as if he had lost his mind.

Firmly believing that he was the strongest in the fishman water, at this moment, facing Qi Yu, facing Roger and Kapu, he felt only the darkness and the deep abyss of despair.

He was not willing!!!


Holdy looked up and let out a beastly roar, and his whole body swelled up again.

After a long time, the corners of Holdy’s mouth grinned, feeling the power rushing in his body, and his self-confidence soared.

“Hahahahaha, now I’m invincible.”

Hordy Jones shouted arrogantly.

While strengthening his body, the potent medicine also strengthened his conceit in passing.

“The strongest of mankind, it is really good, the sea is the home of our fishmen, here you even if you are a dragon, you have to give me a plate.”

Hordy Jones laughed arrogantly.

“Solving you here today will be the first step for our new Fishman Pirate to dominate the world.”

“Oh well”

The corners of Qi Yu’s mouth slightly raised an arc of sarcasm.


One Piece Roger laughed.

“Poof, hahahaha”

Navy hero Karp laughed too.

Others, Ping Ping, Neptune, the Shark Prince, and even the new Fishman Pirates themselves.

One by one, they couldn’t help but laugh.

Looking into Hordy Jones’s eyes was like a clown singing a one-man show on stage.

“Bastard Bastard Bastard”

“You’re all going to die!!!”

Hordy Jones yelled angrily.

“Hordy Jones, your opponent is me!”

Neptune, the Grand Knight of the Sea, waved the golden trident and struck out.


In the dark sea, a vacuum waterway appears.

It was a phenomenon caused by Howdy’s movement at a speed invisible to the naked eye.


Neptune’s golden trident collides with Hordy Jones.

With the sound of gold and iron fighting, the vanished Hody Jones appeared and took a step back.

Neptune, on the other hand, retreated tens of meters under the impact of Hordy Jones’s surge of strength relying on the fierce drug.

“Hahahahaha, what a great knight of the sea, it is really vulnerable.”

Hordy Jones laughed proudly.

“Hordy, you are really hopeless, and I will not persuade you to say anything now.”

Shi Pingqiang suppressed his anger and drank in a deep voice.

The right foot takes a step forward, the waist sinks, and the battle posture is ready.

Everyone says that you are the first master of Fishman Island, but they are too ignorant to know how powerful the medicine is.”

“Now I am the real first master of the Fishmen, even if you absolutely win… Oh well”


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