“Even if it is very flat, you will never win…”

Before Hody Jones could finish speaking, he was punched in the face by the speed of light.

“Fishman Karate, 10,000 Tiles – Positive Fist”

Shi Ping let out a low roar.

A terrifying spiral of impact rushed out from his fist.

Before Hody Jones even knew it, he was beaten and thrown out.

His eyes bulged, his mouth wide open, and blood sprayed.

“The power obtained by relying on external objects is all virtual, and the true meaning of fishman karate, have you forgotten it all?” Howdy. ”

Even Ping raised an eyebrow and lashed out in anger.

“Cough cough”

Hody Jones crawled out of the ruins of the seabed, coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood in agony.

“Where there is hypocrisy and truth in strength, I will be injured by you, but I am not strong enough.” 」

“I want to be stronger, more and more powerful.”

Hody Jones seemed to be in a state of madness, constantly swallowing a huge amount of murderous medicine in the shocked eyes of his fishmen.


With Hordy Jones as the center, the sea suddenly rippled.

His short, originally dark hair grew to his waist in an instant, and then quickly changed to a white color, like a twilight old man.

The figure doubled in an instant, and the muscles around the body beat and bulged like creatures.

“Go and die, Mercury – Fish Fish”

Hody Jones, who was in a state of extreme excitement under the stimulation of the potion, waved his hands violently.

Suddenly, countless ferocious sharks made of seawater attacked indiscriminately in all directions.

Not only the Sea King Army, but even the subordinates of the New Fishman Pirate Regiment were within his attack range.

He had completely lost his mind and turned into a beast that only knew how to kill.

Qi Yu swung the slash, Kapu Zhen Fist, and Luo Xian’s sword.

In an instant.

All the saltwater sharks fell apart and ceased to exist.

“Your Excellency Qi Yu, Lieutenant General Roger, and Lieutenant General Kapu, there is no need to bother here, please leave it to us to handle it ourselves!”

King Neptune solemnly opened his mouth.


Qi Yu, Roger and Kapu all nodded and did not intervene in the Fishman’s internal problems.

“Very flat boss”

The Grand Prince Shark Star looked very flat.

“Howdy, this bastard, will be handed over to me.”

Shi Ping took a deep breath, and his gaze gradually became firmer.

He crossed his hands and arms.

Powerful dark armed color covered upwards.

Even if Howdy was the junior he watched grow up.

Today’s Shiping will not have the slightest hand left.

“Hahahahaha, Shihei, go and die!”

Hordy Jones charged at Shiping without fear of death.

“Fishman Karate Upanishads – Oniwa Masamune!!!”


Shi Ping’s right fist, which was covered with a powerful armed color, hit Hody Jones’s front door.

Just for a moment.


Hordy Jones’ facial bone was broken.

The whole face is distorted, sunken, deformed.

Just one blow.

After swallowing a large amount of murderous drugs, Hordy Jones, who overdrew his strength, was defeated!!!

The name of the first master of the fishmen who is very flat in the sea is worthy of the name.

Compared with.

Hody Jones, who gains strength from drugs, is a paper tiger and vulnerable.

The dust has settled.

All members of the New Fishman Pirate Regiment who lost their leader were arrested.

What awaits them will be a never-ending prison.

“Gone for a long time”

“Slipped away”

Roger and Capex were both short of interest.

Riding a shrimp soldier crab will return to the main island of Fishman.

Qi Yu had not yet left.

“Your Excellency Qi Yu, I really thank you very much for assisting the little girl White Star before.”

King Neptune thanked him.

“Don’t care, Neptune!”

“Actually, I came here with the White Star this time to prepare to say goodbye to you!”

Qi Yu Dao.


Neptune was stunned.

“Father King, Lord Qi Yu said he would take me to solve the matter of Lord Fanda Decan!”

The White Star is weak in the Tao.


“That’s the way it is!”

“I can’t ask for it!”

The shark star dragon star flip star three princes hanging their hearts down.

“Go, Bai Xing, remember to be obedient on the road and listen to Your Excellency Qi Yu!”

Neptune asked.


White Star nodded obediently.

“Well, here we go!”

“By the way, Gion and Robin, this time will bother King Neptune with his arrangements!”

Qi Yu Dao.

“Rest assured, we will surely entertain you with the highest courtesy!”

Neptune assured.

Qi Yu patted the baby shark Meccalo.


The tail of the Mercaro shark swings.

With Qi Yu and White Star, he sailed straight to the unknown dark and deep sea.


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