10,000 meters deep sea.

Dark and silent.

There was no light under the four.

I can’t see my five fingers.

In this vast deep sea.

It is difficult to find an old silver coin that is hidden.

Even if all the five million people on Fishman Island were sent out, they might not be able to find it.

However, the largest number of people in this sea has never been a fish man.

It is the creature of the sea that dominates the deep sea.

To find Van da Dyken, it depends on the power of the Sea Kings.


“Lord Qi Yu, what am I going to do?”

“Obviously, I have already done what Lord Qi Yu said, but… But it doesn’t seem to work at all! ”

“I must be too stupid!”

Bai Xing bowed his head and wept.

“Don’t cry, White Star, take your time.”

Qi Yu smiled comfortingly.

But it didn’t work much.

The crying mermaid princess Bai Xing has always cried when she cries.

Feel the scented tears falling.

Qi Yu grinned, not knowing how to comfort him for a moment.

He knows.

White Star’s tears at this time.

And not just because he didn’t live up to his expectations.

It is also because of the unknown life of leaving home alone, leaving Fishman Island and wandering in the vast dark deep sea.

For the timid White Star.

She was still leaving Fishman Island for the first time in more than a day.

It is inevitable that the heart will be uneasy and afraid.


The mermaid princess’s tears finally stopped.

“I’m sorry, Lord Qi Yu, I’m so useless!”

“Obviously Lord Qi Yu is to solve my problem、、、”

White Star weakly apologized for his self-blame.

“Don’t be arrogant, White Star, you have unlimited potential, you are the king of this deep sea!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth seriously.

“No, no, no, a timid 、、、”

Halfway through Bai Xing’s remarks, he suddenly stopped.

“Lord Qi Yu, it seems that something is coming?”

White Star uncertain opening.

“That is the strongest evidence of your being king!”

“White Star, you have succeeded!”

Qi Yu smiled slightly and nodded affirmatively.

“I succeeded?”

Bai Xing tilted his head incomprehensibly, and the flash was cute.


The deep sea suddenly gave birth to a huge wave.

The ripples of the seawater visible to the naked eye quickly swept through from far and near.

Bring up a raging tide of currents, coming from far and near.

The sea swelled violently.

A ‘white dragon’ of unknown length skimmed over Qi Yu and the white star.

Then it took a turn and finally revealed its true form.

This is a white sea snake with a body length of five thousand meters.

After the White Sea Serpent, one after another five-thousand-meter super-large sea kings gathered from all directions.

After the super-large, countless sea kings ranging from hundreds of meters to kilometers converged into a torrent.

If anyone could see this scene, they would be frightened and fainted on the spot.

After all, this is really enough combat power to destroy the world.

Even the Sea Emperor-level pirate group had absolutely only one way to perish in front of such a huge sea king class.

“Qi… Lord Qi Yu, what the hell is going on? ”

“Why do people look at me like that?”

Surrounded by sea kings, the white star held Qi Yu in front of the fierce in fear, weakening the opening.

“Don’t be afraid, White Star, you called all this.”

Qi Yu smiled and encouraged.

“Did I call you?”

Bai Xing’s pretty face had an ignorant expression.

“That’s the princess!”

“Our mermaid princess!”

“Finally met!”

“Then again, who is that human next to the princess?”

“Could it be that Joy Poey that bastard?”

“No, no, Joey Poy is a giant!”


The super-large sea kings opened their mouths one after another.

“Well, that human being is all right, everyone, let’s say hello to the princess.”

The five-thousand-meter-level black snake beckoned.

“I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

The oversized Neptune is densely covered with zebra-like black and white stripes in response.

“I can’t wait.”

Five-thousand-meter-tall deep-sea frogs rub their palms.

“Ah, is it time for dinner?”

The silly purple-haired penguin stepped forward stupidly.

Then there are special creatures with 100-meter fangs and scales like peacock feathers, and huge flat-eyed fish with a radius of 100 meters…

More than a dozen super-large sea king-like overlords moved in unison.


The sea water seemed to be boiling.

“Princess Princess”

“Mermaid Princess”

“Finally seeing you again, Princess!”

“It’s been eight hundred years!”

“We have always kept our agreement with you!”

The sea kings opened their abyssal mouths to express their joy.


Bai Xing tilted his head in shock, his face full of cuteness and puzzlement.

“Come, White Star, say hello to your people.”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

Bai Xing nodded stunnedly.

“Big… Hello everyone! ”

Oh oh oh oh oh!

The deep sea boils!!!


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