10,000 meters deep sea.

Neptune class large assembly.

Celebrate the Queen and Queen of the Deep Sea.

This scene is a stunning scene!!!



The cause of this unprecedented and spectacular assembly is not just the identity of the White Star’s Sea King.

Everything originated from a sea king that Qi Yu had fished yesterday.

Under the power of the passive Seven Beast King.

The original sea king became Qi Yu’s messenger.

Traveled around the world to convey Neptune’s orders.

After a day of fermentation.

This spectacular spectacle was finally created.

“Go, Neptune, and help your princess cut off all potential dangers!”

Qi Yu waved his hand and gave the order.

“Oh oh oh oh”

Some Neptunes should be drunk positively.

“Really, why should a human dictate the order?”

“Yeah, yeah, we don’t listen to humans!”

The oversized Neptunes muttered privately.

“Please, everyone!”

White Star leaned forward and pleaded.

“Alas alas”


“No need to do this”

“Since it was the princess’s order, there was no way!”

“Brothers, get ready to act!”

“Find the bastard who threatened the princess as soon as possible!”

A group of super-large Neptunes began to move with small and medium-sized Neptunes.

Spread out in all directions to find the location of Vandakéken IX.

Under the carpet search of the owners of the deep sea.

In less than half a day.

The position of the deep-sea rat Vandakéken IX is locked.



A deep-sea volcanic area where you can’t see your fingers.

A little light flickering.

It was a big lanternfish.

Aimlessly pulling a tattered old sailboat.

A bare-faced bald-headed sea monster a hundred meters away staggered, holding a small leather whip to drive away the lanternfish.

“Oh well, a new day has begun!”

At one point, on a tattered sailboat, an ugly-looking four-legged fishman wakes up from his sleep, arms held high, and laughs wildly.

“Captain Vandakén, where are we going today?”

The bald sea monster Mianjin asked with a silly face.

“Oh hehehehe, anyway, Fishman Island can’t go.”

“I didn’t expect that a small fishman island would gather so many sea strongmen.”

“That guy in Hordy is really bad luck?” Oh well”

Vandádeacon IX laughed.

As for the changes that have taken place on Fishman Island in recent days, he also learned about it through some channels.

“Is that king of the sea really that terrible?”

The bald sea monster Mizumi asked.

“Oh huh, that’s a real monster, it’s only going to be more terrifying than you think.”

Vandakaken smiled and smiled, the expression on his face darkened.

From the information he received, he also learned a piece of bad news for him.

That is the human overlord who came to Fishman Island this time and took away the mermaid princess White Star.

How can such a thing be allowed!

You must know that he had positioned the White Star as his future wife as early as eight years ago.

“The power of boarding on the white star, I will not give it to anyone!”

“Only I am worthy of using the power of the White Star!”

“If I don’t get it, it’s ruined!”

Van da Dyken IX laughed wildly and wildly.

He took out a double-sided rose axe from the box next to him.

“Oh well”

“White Star, today is still the usual axe of love!”

“Bring my love to the White Star!”

Vandakeken IX laughed and once again threw a giant axe in the direction of Fishman Island with the mark of the target fruit.

That’s it.

Vanda Deacon just wanted to turn around and go back to the cabin to rest.


That’s when it happened.

Mutation regeneration.


Suddenly, there was an unusual fluctuation in the sea.

Vanda Deacon’s body suddenly stiffened, and a cold sweat broke out from behind him for no reason.

It was as if he was being targeted by something terrible.

“Wear… Captain Deacon, I suddenly had an ominous premonition? ”

“It seems… Seems like something is coming! ”

The bald sea monster Mianjin saw the uneasy opening.


The unusual surge of the sea is becoming more intense.

Under the terrified gaze of Van Dakken and the bald sea monster.

A huge black shadow flew by from near and far.

It was only a few breaths before and after.

A huge mountain appeared in front of them.

The cold light of the forest bloomed, and it was the open eyes of the ‘mountain’.


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