Mountain-like shadows descended on Vandakén IX.

The blood-red pupils opened like golden lamps illuminating the deep sea.

An eyeball alone is much bigger than a ship.

It is enough to imagine how huge its body really is

“Sea, sea and sea… Neptune !!! ”

Vandakéken’s eyes widened in horror and he cried out in horror.

Such a huge creature, in this deep sea only sea kings.

This size must be the overlord of the sea kings.

Why are the Neptune overlords here?


Absolutely unusual!

But Van da Dyken IX had no time to think about why.

“Quick… Run”

Vandádekin gave the order to run.

Without the slightest hesitation.

However, under the threat of the super-large sea kings.

Both the bald sea monster and the lanternfish coachman were already frightened and paralyzed.

Unable to move.

Just passively waiting for trial.

Next second.

The movement in the sea water became more and more intense.

The second, the third…

Dozens of large and small Neptunes crowded the entire submarine volcanic area.

Surrounded the ragged sailing ship with Van da Deacon and his party.

It was as if the apocalypse had appeared.


“What the hell is going on today?”

“It’s a dream! I must be having a nightmare! ”

“Why are there so many sea kings here all of a sudden?”

“Wake up!”

Vanda Deacon screamed with a miserable pale face.

Emotions called horror and fear had taken over his entire body.

He raised his slap and slapped it his face.

Sharp pain struck, telling him that he was not dreaming about it.

He was really surrounded by an army of sea kings!!!


The sound of rushing water came from behind him.

Van Dadekken, who was almost stiff, dodged to the side with difficulty.

This was enough to dodge the spinning giant axe.

“That’s 、、、”

Vanda Deacon pupils constricted.

He already recognized that it was the Rose Axe he had thrown earlier.

The next moment.

More and more scenes of his ghosts happening.

A super-large sea serpent of unknown length came out in a row.

Standing on the huge head was the mermaid princess White Star that he had in mind, and a human being.

“White Star”

“Is it really you?” White Star”

“Have you finally figured it out?” Finally decided you want to spend your life with me? ”

Dominated by extreme horror, Van der Deacon unconsciously began to speculate.

“I’m sorry, Lord Vandárdeken, but I’m here to tell you.”

“You’re not my type, please stop pestering me.”

“And I already have a favorite person~”

White Star’s weak opening.

The white slim hand firmly held Qi Yu.

This scene completely stimulated Vanda Dekken’s mind.

His eyes were red with envy and jealousy.

Under the intense jealousy, he was unable to judge the current situation.

The whole thought was to take the White Star into his hands.

“White Star, you are something that belongs to me!”

“Your power can only be used by me!”

Vandadeken’s marked right hand quietly leaned behind him and felt for three knives.

But before he could make the slightest movement.

A terrifying popping sound exploded.

Blood splattered in the sea.


The expression on Vandadeken’s face was sluggish and frozen.

He turned his head in shock and looked at the broken right arm.

It took him a long time to finally realize what had happened.

His arm was severed by his own rose giant axe.

“Boring beam-jumping clown!”

Qi Yu jumped from the top of the Sea King’s head.


A terrible scream burst out of Vandadeken’s mouth.

Half of it was because of the pain of a broken arm.

The other half is because he finally recognizes who the human next to the white star really is?

That’s the overlord of mankind!

This sea… King!!!

Not long ago he was laughing at Hody Jones.

But I didn’t think about it.

So quickly he followed in Holdy’s footsteps.

“In the next life, remember to polish your eyes, and don’t covet what you shouldn’t have.”

Qi Yu’s indifferent opening.

One foot down.



Vandaken’s screams came to an abrupt end.

His body exploded at Qi Yu’s feet along with the tattered Flying Dutchman.

“Lord Qi Yu”

Bai Xing, with a grateful face, pressed Qi Yu between the chasms in front of him.

Tears fell in bunches and fell again.

It was tears of joy at the end of an eight-year nightmare.

“Okay, it’s all right.”

“Let’s go back!”

Qi Yu gently comforted.

“Yes, Lord Qi Yu~”


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