The three-day outing ‘expedition’ ends.

Qi Yu returned to Fishman Island with the White Star.

The top level of Fishman Island who received the news came to the border for the first time to greet them.


“White Star”

“Father the King~”

Father and daughter, who had not seen each other for three days, embraced each other.

This is followed by the Shark Star, the Dragon Star, and the Rolling Star.

One after another went forward and disappeared with his sister.

“Your Excellency Qi Yu”

King Neptune looked nervously at Qi Yu.

“It’s all over!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

“Thank you very much!!!”

Neptune, who received Qi Yu’s affirmative answer, was thrilled beyond belief.

The unhappiness that has accumulated in the heart for eight years is now all expressed.


“It’s really great!”

“White Star, from now on you are finally free!” Red Rollover”

The excitement of the three people of Shark Star, Dragon Star and Flip Star is overflowing.

“I really 、、、 don’t know how to thank Your Excellency Qi Yu!”

Neptune was at a loss.

“Don’t care, just raise your hand!”

Qi Yuhun waved his hand indifferently.

Although Qi Yu said so, Neptune would not really be so comfortable with his heart.

After all, this time Qi Yu had been running for three days specifically for the White Star.

Although it was only three days.

But considering Qi Yu’s current status and status.

The weight of these three days is naturally extremely large.

“Your Excellency Qi Yu, if it is useful to get a place for us in the future, please say that it is okay!”

“We are bound to respond with all our might!”

Neptune cut the opening.

Qi Yu nodded and did not refuse.

Because there may really be a need in the future.

Requires the power of the White Star!

Leave the time to Neptune and the White Star family.

Qi Yu left straight.

Ten minutes later.

Qi Yu came to Coral Hill.

Here is the famous mermaid café on Fishman Island.

It is a place that must not be missed by foreign tourists.

Of course, Qi Yu also wanted to have a good experience.

It’s just that

Jingle Bell~

The doorbell of the mermaid café rings softly.

“Welcome, host”

Greeted by a group of large and small maid girls.

Except for the mermaid girls I had seen in the mermaid bay before.

There are also a few mixed in with it…

“Kalifa, Kira, Lian Da and you…”

Qi Yu’s eyes twitched.

I didn’t expect that.

In his absence.

Kalifa didn’t have a good time and worked as a maid waiter here.

“Don’t get me wrong, Lord Qi Yu, Kalifa will always be just Lord Qi Yu’s secretary and maid!”

Carly Falian moved slightly, lovingly holding Qi Yu’s arm.

“Mr. Qi Yu, the Mermaid Cafe has been closed for several days, and everyone is working hard to rehearse, just to wait for Lord Qi Yu to come~”

Kirla explains.

“Mr. Qi Yu really came anyway!”

The large maid Yamato giggled.

Qi Yu: “…”

“What about Robin and Gion?”

Qi Yu asked.

“Sister Robin and Sister Gion’s words…”

Kirla turned her head and looked inside the café.


The crisp sound of high heels lapping against the ground was heard.

The same black silk maid dressed as Gion strides forward.

Behind Gion are Robin, the black silk maid, and Mrs. Charlie, the owner of the coffee shop.

“Hmm, don’t get me wrong, I just had a whim and wanted to try a different outfit!”

“Isn’t it for you to dress up like this?”

Gion hummed proudly, and his face was duplicitous.


“This outfit is very suitable, oh, I like it!”

Qi Yu nodded satisfactorily.


Gion had a happy face.

The next second, hurry up and continue to pretend to be cold.


Yamato was the first to accidentally laugh out loud.

Followed by.

The huge mermaid café is occupied by laughter.

Inside the mermaid café that belongs to Qi Yu, various activities come and go.

Two days of ‘revelry’.

The morning of the third day.

Ace and Marco join forces.

Say goodbye to Qi Yu.

Before leaving.

Marco relays Qi Yu about the secret operations of their Whitebeard Pirates.

This time after the two of them went back.

The Whitebeard Pirates will aim directly at the Land of Peace.

Forget it.

Marco resigned.

Ace also leaves after agreeing with Saab to say goodbye to the New World.

As for Karp and Roger.

Four days earlier, they had been chasing and fighting, floating on a coated pirate ship to the new world.

But for Qi Yu.

This trip to Fishman Island has just begun.

A week later.

Swim all over Fishman Island.

After experiencing all the customs and customs.

Qi Yu was also preparing to leave.

“Lord Qi Yu and my sister and elders, all the way to the wind ~ ”

Bai Xing waved goodbye reluctantly.

“White Star, next time when the situation above is more stable, we will pick you up and play on land!”

Yamato shouted.


White Star focuses on the head.

In the farewell eyes of White Star, Neptune and others.

Two coated boats floated one after the other.

A few hours later.

The sea surface of the New World broke through two openings.

Don’t wait for the girls to sigh.

Next second.

Flocks of newspaper delivery birds flew over their heads.

Brought big news that shook the world!!!

The new Admiral determines !!!

Admiral – Sakarsky the Red Dog !!!


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