Countless newspaper delivery birds flock to each other.

Fly over the sea and bring today’s shocking events to the world.

The new Admiral determines !!!



“How come?”

The sheep Meili deck, Gion full of shocking cries sounded.

“Sakarsky is the new marshal?” Mr. Ming Sengoku and Sister Crane all supported Kuzan as a marshal! ”

“What the hell is going on here? Did Kuzan back down? ”

Watch the big news of the field marshal’s handover from the Navy headquarters.

Gion couldn’t help but feel confused and puzzled.

Long before she left the Navy headquarters a month ago.

From the mouth of the general Tsuru, Gion learned the news that the Sengoku was about to step down.

And the next marshal.

Most likely, it was General Kuzan who was in charge.

Whether it is Marshal Sengoku or Lieutenant General Crane, or the hero Karp.

Three Naval Headquarters veteran legends support this.

According to common sense.

It has the support of the three legends of Sengoku, Crane and Kapu.

The position of marshal of General Kuzan was almost ironclad.

There can be no mistakes.

However, what is now reported is the news that Admiral Akaino has become the new marshal.

What about General Kuzan?

In the newspaper, it does not occupy even a single page.

This is absolutely unusual.

In the middle must have happened a huge change that she did not know.

About the change itself.

Perhaps it has been forcibly suppressed by the world government.

That’s why it didn’t appear on the news.

“Qi Yu”

Gion looked at Qi Yu resting leisurely on the recliner.

“It’s useless to look at me, I’ve been with you, I don’t know!”

Qi Yu stall hands.

Pretend you don’t know anything.

But actually.

Of course, Qi Yu knew.

Impossible to forget.

The competition around the position of admiral is fierce.

Admiral Kuzan was recommended as a field marshal by the three legends of the Navy.

It would have been very stable.

But the other side.

The world government, for its part, does not want the doves on the Kapu side to remain in power.

Therefore, the supreme power of the world government, the five old stars, recommended the general Red Dog.

A rivalry between the two admirals thus formed.

The always lazy general Kuzan.

In this battle of marshals, it was a rare strength.

I don’t want to let it at all.

The other side.

Admiral Akatsuki naturally did not cede the power of the navy to others.

An unprecedented battle between the great generals ensued.

The time was about half a month ago.

The location is the secret research island of the New World belonging to the World Government, Punk Hassad.

Ice and fire.

The two generals engaged in a duel of ten days to the death.

After World War I.

Admiral Pheasant broke his leg, lost, and withdrew from the Navy.

The general Red Inuyasha returned to the headquarters as a victor and succeeded him as a marshal.

Of course, about the infighting between the generals.

Naturally, the navy and the world government will not publicize it and make it public.

After all, this is not a glorious thing.

It has just experienced the great defeat of the Navy Headquarters.

At this time, there was another fight between the generals.

There was even a major general who announced his withdrawal after the defeat.

If it is announced, it will be another blow to the already crumbling prestige of the Navy.

“Sister Gion, don’t be in a hurry first, or just call the worm and ask about it.”

Kirla reminded.

“Right, Right, Right”

Gion nodded his head in a daze.

She hurried back to her room for the first time.

Take out the bug that hasn’t been dialed in a long time.

Bru Bru Blu!

Bru Bru Blu!


Phone bug connected.

“Kuzan lost!”

Without waiting for Gion to say anything, on the other end of the phone, Vice Admiral Tsuruto, the Grand Staff of the Navy, spoke first.

The intention of Gion’s phone call is very clear.

“Sister Crane, what the hell happened?”

Gion was secretly anxious.

Lieutenant General Crane had no intention of concealing it.

When even the ten-day duel between the Great General Red Inu and the Great General Green Pheasant is told to Gion.

“Kuzan and Sakarsky… How could it be… What about the Kuzan people now? Still alive? ”

Gion asked.

“I don’t know, after losing to Sakarsky, Kuzan explained his withdrawal to Sakarsky, and then disappeared without a trace, and we still don’t know his whereabouts.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru Road.

“How could it, Kuzan that guy, concede defeat so easily?”

“This kind of thing … I must ask him in person! ”

Gion silver teeth bite lightly.

“Then go, Gion!”

Lieutenant General Crane nodded supportively.


The phone bug then hangs up.

Gion looked at Qi Yu with beautiful big eyes.

“Then let’s go and have a look, Punk Hasad!”

“By the time we arrive, it’s probably too late!”

Qi Yu smiled slightly.


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