New World Punk Hasad.

It is a secret research base under the command of the World Government.

Two years ago, because of M. Kaiser Courant’s experiment.

A large amount of poison gas was released on the island, and the entire island became a dead island.

The few prisoners who survived the island were also poisoned and lost consciousness in their lower limbs.

A year ago, M. Caesar Curran returned to the island after escaping from the prison ship.

He used his scientific means to compress the highly toxic substances on the island into a slime-like highly toxic gel object, named Smyley.

Kaiser who successfully dispersed the poison gas thus became the savior of the gas-infested prisoners on the island.

With the convenience of ‘savior’.

Caesar once again began to use the prisoners on the island to carry out another evil experiment.

Then half a month ago.

The highest combat strength of the naval headquarters, General Red Inu and General Kuzan, launched a ten-day life-and-death duel here.

The collision between the frozen fruit of the natural system and the fruit of the natural magma completely changed the geography and climate of the island and the island.

The island was also transformed into a special climatic island because of the duel of the generals.

Half of it is a cold and cold ice earth!

The other half is a fiery land!

Island of Ice and Fire – Punk Hassad !!!

“Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wo

Looking at the special island of ice and fire in the distance, Yamato couldn’t help but exhale in amazement.

His eyes lit up and his face was eager to try.

Can’t wait to venture to the island.

“There’s Punk Hasad???”

Gion’s little head was covered with small question marks.

His face was full of incomprehension.

“What’s the problem?”

Robin and Califa both looked at Gion in disbelief.

“In my mind, that island was never like this!”

Gion shook his head in confusion.


A vice admiral, she also came to the island on a mission.

Deliver the necessary equipment for the scientific research of the genius scientist Begapunk.

Listen to Gion’s description of the island.

Robin, Carlyfa, Kira and others were all amazed.

“That is to say, this place has become like this after the duel between the two generals?”

Saab narrowed his eyes and guessed why.

“Is it really possible that the battle between the generals has caused changes in the terrain and climate?”

Kalifa’s face was full of disbelief.

“It can be done! That Kuzan’s freezing ability can indeed do it! ”

Robin nodded firmly.

“Mr. Qi Yu, where are we going to land next?”

Kira asked Qi Yu for instructions.

“That’s about asking Gion!”

Qi Yu raised an eyebrow.

“Go to the land of ice!”

Gion sipped his small mouth.

Although I know that I am most likely late.

The Great Admiral Green Pheasant should have left long ago.

But Gion still wanted to see for himself.

Two small boats made a turn.

He eventually docked near the land of ice.

The cold is coming.

The girls on the deck shivered coldly.

They all moved closer and closer to Qi Yu’s side.

Qi Yu, who possessed the power of the sun, was like a natural furnace.

Seeing that Qi Yu’s left and right sides were occupied by Kalifa and Robin.

Yamato and Kira had to go to the room to get their cotton coats to put on.

“I’ll take a look first!”

Gion said hello, and then couldn’t wait to step on the moon and rush inland towards the island.

“Oh wow”

The hot-blooded girl Yamato, who is particularly obsessed with adventure, followed closely behind and landed on the ice.

“Mr. Qi Yu, I’ll look around too!”

Yamato Road.

“Go ahead, but be careful not to run too far!”

Qi Yu waved.


Yamato full mouth should be down.

Start your adventure with Kirla and Saab.


Qi Yu looked at Kalifa and Robin next to him.

“Whether it’s going for a walk or going back to my room to do something I like, I can do it.”

Carly Fa smiled and smiled.

“Then let’s go around!”

Qi Yu landed with the two men.

Follow the edge of the Ice Earth.

If it is about half an hour later.


Qi Yu raised an eyebrow.

His domineering look seemed to capture something.

“What’s wrong?”

Robin asked.

Qi Yu didn’t say anything, just took a straight step.

A few minutes later.

He came to a snowy cave.

A faint smell of blood came from the cave.

“The Great General Pheasant!!!”

Robin screamed and covered her mouth.


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