Fierce winds mixed with snow.

In a cave in the land of extreme ice.

A badly injured man covered in blood leaned weakly against the ice wall.

Yin Hong’s blood seeped into the ice, making the ice ground appear faintly bloody.

“The Great General Pheasant!!!”

Robin also recognized the identity of the person who was hiding here to heal and recuperate.

It was the nightmare figure who had saved her and haunted her for twenty years, Admiral Kuzan.

“What a terrible injury!”

Kalifa also changed her face.

Shocked by the injuries around the general Green Pheasant.

If you change to an ordinary person.

I’m afraid it’s already cold and can’t be cooler.

It is also thanks to being a general-level monster.

to last until now.

The injuries are serious.

But there is no risk of life.

“Yo, this is not the Great General Green Pheasant, I haven’t seen it in a few months, how did it pull like this!”

Qi Yu quipped at the opening.


“Looks like I’m done here!”

The Great General Green Pheasant had a weak opening.

“If you want to do it, now is the best time!”

The pheasant closed its eyes as if in acknowledgement.

“If I want to kill you, why should I take advantage of the danger of others, even if it is your heyday, you can suppress it at will!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly and confidently.

Admiral Green Pheasant: “…”

Seemingly, probably no problem.

“But, Robin, would you like to try it?”

Qi Yu smiled and looked at Robin.

Hearing this, Robin’s small face froze.

“Don’t laugh, Mr. Qi Yu, I’ll go to the boat to get the first aid kit!”

Robin said and pulled Carlyfa’s little hand.

Carly’s heart understood.

“I also go”


The two beautiful girls both turned and left.

Leave the space for the two people, the Great General Qing Yan and Qi Yu.

“Well, let’s talk!”

Qi Yu sat directly next to the Great General Green Pheasant.

“What do you want to talk about?”

The pheasant asked.

“You’re out of the Navy now!”


“Since there is no place to go, do you want to come to my side?”


“If you join in, Gion will have a little less inner struggle.”

“Is that the real reason you want me to join?” Pheasant complains.

“Or else?”

Qi Yu stall hands.

“Then I consider considering”

Long silence.

The general Green Pheasant seemed to have made up his mind.

“That’s it、、、”




The depths of the land of the Punk Hasad Ice.

“Gion Sister Gion”

Kirla happily waved to Gion, whom she had met.

“Kirla, how did you get here?”

Gion asked.

“In fact, we found the rare beast ‘Snow Girl’ over there earlier, chased all the way here, and finally did not catch up.”

Yamato is not without regrets.

“Snow Girl?”

Gion was stunned.

Just now.

Her domineering spirit did capture a figure hiding in the snow and wind and flashing away.

“Hey, everyone, there seems to be a research institute in front of here, do you want to go and see it together?”

Saab waved goodbye to Saab who had gone to explore the way early.

“Research Institute?”

“How can there be a research institute here?”

Kirla and Yamato are puzzled.

“Nothing strange!”

“This island used to be a research base for world governments!”

“Presumably that institute survived the battle between Kuzan and Sakarsky!”

Gion nodded.

“Oh, it’s funny, I smell adventurous!”

Yamato’s eyes are shining.

“Be careful, there was a very serious gas leak here two years ago, and maybe there are remnants.”

Gion reminded.

Back to the point.

Gion will not back down.

It’s all come to this point.

Naturally, there is no reason to turn around and leave.

Perhaps the seriously injured general Qingjing was recuperating in the research institute.

Compared to the ice and snow outside.

The environment in the institute is much better.

There are also a variety of first aid supplies inside that can come in handy.

As long as you are not stupid, you will generally go to the research institute to rest.

Gion thought so.

(Admiral Green Pheasant: Gion, are you polite?) )



Right now.

The institute stands between the snow and ice.

“Whoops, so hurried back, did you find anything?” Monet! ”

The lewd man who smelled of heavy gas looked obscenely at the green-haired woman in front of him.

“Someone is coming, Caesar, hurry up and let your men hide!”

Don Quixote family cadre, Monet, the natural snow fruit ability, said in a deep voice.

“Huh? Again? ”


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