“Thunder gossip!!!”

“Dragon Claw Fist!!!”


In the midst of a loud noise.

The gate of the research base was cut through a large hole by Yamato’s mace and Saab’s dark dragon claw fist.

Gion stepped forward with big long legs, and when the road was opened first.

The dark research institute, dead and silent.

Only the footsteps of the four Gion people echoed.


Kirla pulls out a high-powered flashlight from the ‘treasure bag’ he carries with him.

The glare of the flashlight illuminated the four directions.


Kirla’s screams suddenly rang out.

Scared Saab with Yamato not by a spirit.

“What’s wrong?”

Yamato asked hurriedly.

“Don’t make a fuss, Kirra!”

Saab shook his head.

“No… No, look at our heads!

Kirla pointed the flashlight straight into the ceiling.


A vicious punching face came into view.

It was a giant frozen in ice.

“Is that a giant?”

“Bigger than a giant.”

“This is the ancient giants.”

Saab also narrowed his eyes in shock.

“Why are giants frozen in ice?”

Kirla’s face was full of confusion.

The little face was still a little panicked.

After all, this picture is really too shocking.

A look up.

The giant’s big, almost bulging eyes stared at them so straight.

This picture is constantly seeping into people.

“I’m afraid it’s because of Kuzan’s frozen fruit ability a few days ago!”

“But the question is where did these strange giants come from?”

“I’ve never heard of Punk Hasad having giants!”

“Moreover, since the accident two years ago, this place has been abandoned, so Kuzan and Sakarsky will fight here!”

Gion furrowed his brows.

The shell teeth gently bit the thumb.


Just as everyone was puzzled, Yamato suddenly and weakly raised his hand.

“What’s wrong, Yamato?”

Kirla asked.

“I suddenly remembered that it was still a possibility, as if these frozen giants were somewhat similar to the numbers!”

Yamato Road.

“Barbarian, what’s that?”

Saab was puzzled.

“A ten-member ancient giant clan army of the Hundred Beasts Pirates!”

Yamato Road.


Kirla and Saboqi narrowed their eyes.

“Is this related to the Hundred Beasts Pirates?”

“It actually involves the Four Emperors, who is the person in charge behind here?”

“Absolutely get him out!”

Gion firm opening.

Originally, she came to this island to find the great general Green Pheasant who might still be healing on the island.

But now.

Her purpose was one more.

Even if you get on Qi Yu’s thief ship.

The justice in Gion’s heart is still the same.

It is impossible to allow a secret agency related to the Four Emperors to continue to exist.

“Keep going!!!”

Gion stepped forward on his long legs, saw and smelled the domineering radiation, and felt all the breath around him.



Research base monitoring room.

“Damn damn damn damn”

“Good to die or not to die, why is it that woman?”

Crazy scientist Caesar Kurom yelled angrily.

“What happened to that woman?”

Monet, the natural snow fruit ability, asked.

“That woman is an admiral candidate for Peach Rabbit Gion!”

“Damn, why is she here?”

“Not good! If it had been discovered, it would have been really bad this time! ”

Caesar cried out in panic.

“Then don’t get caught!”

Monet Road.

“You’re talking about lightness!”

“My people have all been evacuated, but those children, they are not easy to transport!”

Caesar’s eyes widened.

“Then how about using the children as bait and taking them down in one fell swoop?”

“Is this institute your turf?”

Monet proposed.

Caesar was stunned.

“Nice, good! So be it! ”

Caesar laughed triumphantly.

He seems to be very confident about the upcoming plan.

“Speaking of which, do you know where Luo went?” Caesar? ”

The Snow Girl Monet asked suddenly.

“Seven Takekai Trafalgaro?” Didn’t he offer to replace the paralyzed person with a body that could move? ”

“Now I’m probably preparing the corresponding animal legs and feet!”


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