Empty Institute.

The atmosphere was silent and dead.

The bold Gion four choose to act separately at a fork in the road.

After all, artists are bold.

Neither Gion nor Yamato, Saab, or Kirra are ordinary people.

Kirra’s strength is the weakest, but its reconnaissance ability is the strongest among them.

This time it was also her side that took the lead in discovering something.

“Sister Gion, Yamato, Saab, I have made a big discovery here, hurry up!”

Kirra, who acts separately, contacts the crowd.

Three minutes later.

The three of them joined Kira’s instructions.

“Kirla, what did you find?”

Yamato asked.

“This… See for yourself! ”

Kirla pushed the huge iron door open.

Jingle Bell~

Greeted by Gion trio is a beautifully decorated children’s room amusement park.

‘Big’ children ranging from swaddling to seven or eight years old play happily in the amusement park.

There is a happy children’s room in the gloomy and dead research institute.

This in itself is an extremely anomalous event.

What makes Gion and others feel even more ridiculous and abnormal is that these children are not ordinary children.


“Why are there children here?”

“And so big? Could it be the children of the Giants? ”

Gion, Saab and Yamato were shocked and lost their voices again.

“Sisters, are you here to save us?”

Several older children, both of age and size, came forward weakly.

Gion quickly cleaned up the expression on his face and went forward kindly.

“Yes, kids, I’m a lieutenant general in the Navy headquarters, and I’m all right!”

“Can you tell your sister more about why you’re here?”

Gion asked.

The children looked at each other and all nodded.

The four of them in Gion are ready to listen to the children’s stories.



Purple hypnotic gas spray is injected from all sides.

The children covered in hypnotic gas suddenly fell unconscious.

“No, it’s hypnotic gas, don’t breathe!”

Saab gave a reminder and quickly covered his nose and mouth.

“The passage we came to has also been completely covered with hypnotic gas!”

Kirla said anxiously.

“It seems that the other party is prepared!”

“Sister Gion, what to do, do you want to destroy?”

Yamato asked.

“No, there are many children here, you can’t do anything!”

Gion categorically refused.

Now the structure of the institute is not clear to them.

If one is not good, the whole building will collapse.

The trouble is really big.

Naturally, they will be fine.

Even the children who had passed out in hypnotic gas did not have the confidence to protect everyone.

Just when Gion was at a loss.

“Room, slaughterhouse!”


A wall somewhere in the children’s room was suddenly cut.

“The kids just slept for a while!”

“Hurry up and come over here!”

A muffled voice sounded from the gap in the wall.

Gion, Yamato, and the others looked at each other and all nodded.

Four people fished in from the gap one after another.


The blue circle expands again.

Next second.

The incised hole in the wall was restored to its original state.

There is not a trace of being cut in sight.

“You are… Seven Vuhai Trafalgaro !!! ”

Kirla was the first to recognize the identity of the man in front of him.

It was a month ago, with the help of the hearts of a hundred pirates, the newly promoted Trafalgaro of the Seven Martial Seas was newly filled.

“Trafalgar, why are you here?”

“Isn’t it true that this institute is now occupied by you?”

Gion stared at Trafalgaro with a bad look.

For joining the Seven Martial Seas of the World Government.

Gion has never had a good feeling.

“Honestly and frankly, Trafalgarro, as a vice admiral, I have the right to choose whether to deprive you of your Seven Martial Sea status based on your answer!”

Gion muffled.

“Don’t be in such a hurry, Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit!”

“I’ll tell you everything I know!”

Trafalgaro raised his hands and honestly ‘surrendered’.



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