Ice and Fire Island Punk Hasad Coast.

Two recliners lined up.

The former admiral Qingjing, who was wrapped in a large rice dumpling, lay leisurely on his back and basked in the sun, while chatting with the sea emperor next to him.

On the deck of the sheep boat, Robin and Carlyfa, the two daughters boiled mellow wine, looking at the two people on the coast, the shock of the pretty face could not be suppressed.

They never expected it.

It’s about going back to the boat to get a first aid kit.

Former Admiral Kuzan became their partner.

It’s as unreal as a fantasy.

Nothing touched this more than Robin.

After all, she had lived in the shadow of the great general pheasant since she was a child.

The result is now.

The pheasant became a partner.

Previously even called her Robin… Big Sister Head?!

Although I know that the joke meaning is mostly.

But Robin couldn’t calm down.

“After a while, when Gion comes back, I will definitely be shocked when I think about it, for this situation!”

Robin smiled and shook his head.

Together with Kalifa, Qi Yu was served a warm and mellow wine.

As for the seriously injured patient Pheasant, at this stage, he can only dry his eyes and look at the eyes.

Another moment.

“It’s almost time to come back!”

Qi Yu seemed to nod his head with some feeling.

Don’t wait for Robin and Carrifa to inquire.

Several figures appeared on the horizon in the distance.

It was the Gion Four-Man Squad that had returned.

and two captives, the dark scientist Caesar Curran and Don Quixote’s cadre Snow Girl Monet.

After handing over the children who had passed out to Trafalgaro to take care of and protect.

The Gion four returned to the coast first.

The next thing to do is to contact the Navy.

Send someone to pick up the children and go back to settle down.

Not much time.

The Gion four return to the coast.

“Mr. Qi Yu, Mr. Qi Yu, I tell you, we have discovered some unbelievable events on the island this time!”

Yamato was the first to step forward and knelt down beside Qi Yu.

Start telling the story of the events they have experienced along the way.

Qi Yu nodded.

Yamato told the same things as he knew.

For this punk hassad hides beneath the darkness.

As a crosser, Qi Yu Zi is the clearest.

Since they have all come, they still have to solve it after all.

If the Gion Four hadn’t met.

Qi Yu himself finally planned to take a trip.

Now that it’s settled, it couldn’t be better.

Compared to Qi Yu’s indifference.

The original general Green Pheasant on the recliner next to him was not calm.

He never thought of it.

This uninhabited island that he and Red Dog chose to fight in.

There is such a secret hidden.

Caesar Courant, how dare you!!!

This inhumane human experiment was conducted under the eyes of their two generals.

Even the children are not spared.

“Sister Gion, has the Navy made good contact?”

Kirla looked at Gion, who was walking out of the cabin, and hurried forward to inquire.


Gion nodded.

“I have already informed Sister He, and this time, Sister Crane will take matters into her own hands!”

“Lieutenant General Crane, the Grand Staff Officer of the Navy, then rest assured!”

Kirla nodded.

Sweep your eyes.

Kirla found that his staff officer was crouching in front of the ‘Zongzi’ at this moment, looking at the general Pheasant with only two eyes and a nose on his body without blinking.

“Saab, what are you looking at?”

Kirla asked doubtfully.

“Who is this person coming from?”

“I don’t know, I’m trying to discern!”

Saab shrugged.

The beauty of Gion is also the green pheasant that locks the rice dumplings.

She stepped forward with her big legs.

First he looked at Qi Yu.

Didn’t get an answer.

Gion snorted proudly and did not put down his body to inquire.

A pair of beautiful eyes turned and stared at the general pheasant without blinking

The pheasant, who was a little flustered by Gion’s straight line of sight, closed his eyes.

“Don’t pretend, Kuzan, I know it’s you!”

Gion firmly opened the opening.

The cold breath that had naturally emanated from the green pheasant’s body had determined his identity.

“Alas alas”

“Is he a general pheasant?”

Kirla cried out in amazement.

“Ahahaha, sure enough!”

Saab nodded unconsciously.


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