“Alas, he, he, he… Is this person a general pheasant? ”

The sound of Kira raising an octave echoed over the coast.

“Ahahahahaha, sure enough!”

Saab smiled.

“Kuzan, why are you still on this island?”

Gion’s wide-eyed beauty still stared at the ‘big rice dumplings’ pheasant without blinking.


The green pheasant Kuzan customarily made a loud bang.

“Why can’t I be on this island?”

“Do you see that I am like this, can I run far?”

Kuzan asked with a bitter smile.

“Since you want to recuperate, why didn’t you go to the institute?”

Gion asked.

Previously in the research institute time.

Gion had thought about it.

If the pheasant is still recuperating on this island.

There is a high probability that abandoned research institutes will be chosen.

Didn’t think so.

The other side does not play cards according to common sense at all.

Since it was found by Qi Yu.

That is to say, the pheasant has been hiding in the ice and snow.

“Hey, hey, Gion, what kind of eyes are you?”

“Don’t you think I’m going to freeze to death?”

“Anyway, this is really too much, I’m a natural frozen fruit ability!”

The green pheasant Kuzan muttered disapprovingly.

Gion was stunned.

I thought it really was.

As a pheasant with the ability to naturally freeze the fruit, the pheasant has a natural immunity to ice and snow.

Even the more frozen the environment.

The better it is for his recovery.

“Are you okay?”

Gion asked with concern.

As a top naval officer in the same camp.

The pheasant Kuzan is like a big brother in Gion.

So after hearing that something had happened to him.

Gion can’t wait to find it.

“Okay, still resistant!”

Admiral Green Pheasant Road.

“What about your feet?”

Gion sensed the missing right leg of the pheasant Kuzan.

“I don’t know, maybe I forgot somewhere!”

The green pheasant Kuzan smiled indifferently.

Robin, Carlyfa, Saab, Kira: “…”

“Then you will recuperate from my wounds for the time being!”

“After the injury, go again!”

Gion opened his mouth in a tone that could not be dismissed.

“Wait a moment, Gion.”

The pheasant Kuzan interrupted.

“Well, do you have an opinion?”

Gion narrowed his eyes slightly.

“No, actually, I’m probably going to be bothering for a longer time!”

The pheasant Kuzan grinned.


Gion raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Sister Gion, in fact, before, Kuzanda… Mr. Kuzan has decided to join Lord Qi Yu! ”

Kalifa explains.


Gion, Saab, Kira and others who heard the news for the first time were once again shocked to the point of no return.

It was just a moment of work.

Qi Yu actually recruited another world-class combat power!!!

And he is also a major admiral of the Navy!!!

It’s unbelievable.

There is a big general Green Pheasant joining.

The unprecedented strength of the Sea Alliance centered on Qi Yu had once again expanded.

Are there five emperors or six emperors now?

“Kuzan, are you serious?”

Gion asked, glaring wide-eyed.

“It’s up to you, you’re serious, then I’m serious!”

The pheasant Kuzan kicked the ball back to Gion perfectly.

Speechless, Gion had to turn his head and look at Qi Yu on the side.

The meaning in his eyes seemed to be asking if you should be coerced and seduced, and the badly injured pheasant Kuzan had to join.

“Well, it seems necessary to clarify!”

Qi Yu turned his head to look at the green pheasant.

“Green Pheasant, did I threaten you before?” (Joan warlord tone)


The pheasant Kuzan asked naturally.

“Look, no!”

Qi Yu clapped his hands and continued to bask in the sun.

Gion: “…”


She thought of another possibility.

“Kuzan, you joined so quickly, shouldn’t you be undercover?”


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