“Kuzan, how can someone like you just lose the position of marshal and give up justice and quit the navy?”

“Aren’t you deliberately quitting the Navy, waiting for us here, trying to infiltrate our internal undercover?”

Gion’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if opening.

The voice dropped.

The great shore was silent for a moment.

Robin, who knows the nature of the pheasant, has the same jaw tap.

Kalifa and Kirla and others are skeptical.

Green Pheasant Kuzan: “…”

After a long silence.

“Gion, when did I say I was going to give up my justice?”

“Even if I quit the Navy, I can still continue to enforce justice!”

The pheasant’s eerie opening.

Gion was stunned and then nodded.

“Makes sense!”

Gion had heard this remark Qi Yu say before.

“In addition, Gion you seem to be very comfortable here, so that I and Sister Tsuru can rest assured!”

The Green Pheasant Kuzan said that he had a point.

Gion was stunned again.


She reacted.

His own words of questioning of the pheasant.

The word “we” does not refer to the Navy.

It is Qi Yu’s pirate camp.

She was fully adapted and integrated.

Even unconsciously, they will consider, worry and eliminate hidden dangers for the ‘pirate’.

“Aaaah, no… Forget it, I won’t tell you!!! ”

Gion, who had returned to God, stomped his feet in annoyance and anger.

After a hasty trot back to the cabin.

“Oh well”

Qi Yu’s face raised a curve.

These days of hard work have not been in vain.

Even if the mouth says disgust.

But Gion’s body and heart are already honestly integrated into the community.

This is naturally a thing to be happy about.

As for the thing that Gion had previously proposed about the ‘Green Pheasant Undercover’.

Qi Yu didn’t care in the slightest from beginning to end.



Stayed on Ice and Fire Island for two days.

A naval warship personally led by Vice Admiral Tsuru arrives at Punk Hasad.

As a sea thief, Qi Yu was naturally inconvenient to come forward.

In addition, the discoverer of this incident was originally Gion.

Gion is also responsible for all handover work.

After all abducted children have been arranged.

A big stone in Gion’s heart was also put down.

“Sister Crane, I’m going to go to Dressrosa next!”

“The Doflamingo you’ve been hunting, and this time I want to investigate in detail!”

“Look at what he is doing in addition to this, what other inhumane events are unknown to the public!”

Gion earnestly opened his mouth.

“Then please!”

Lieutenant General Crane did not refuse.

Previously, because Doflamingo was the Seven Martial Seas.

Their navy could not investigate any cross-line against it.

Can only indulge his series of dark deals.

Now it’s different.

Gion still bears the name of Lieutenant General.

But basically will not go back.

Shelter under the wings of the Emperor of the Sea.

Gion can do what you wanted to do but didn’t dare to do.



“Is Kuzan okay?”


Gion nodded.

“It’s almost recovered!”

“That’s good!”

Lieutenant General Crane nodded.

“I’m gone!”

Gion said goodbye and stepped on the moon and left.

With the return of Gion.

Two small boats that had been moored on the frozen coast for a long time set sail again.

The next destination is Dressrosa.




New World Dressrosa.

The second floor of the royal capital, the outdoor swimming pool of the royal palace.

Dressed in a flamingo suit, the Seven Flamenco of the Seven Seas had a gloomy face.

Sitting silently on the recliner.

“Dover Dover”

Torrepol, a disgusting snot man with a big snot all over his body, quickly stepped forward.

“Haven’t you heard from Punk Hasad’s side, Monet’s side?”

Doflamingo asked in a deep voice.

“Not yet, Dover, but there seems to be something on Virgo’s side!”

Torrepol sends a small pitch-black telephone worm to him.

“Dover, the research on the side of Punk Hasad Caesar was discovered by the Navy!”

“I’m afraid the whole army has been wiped out now!”

Vice Admiral Virgo reported in a deep voice.

“What do you say!!!”


The wine glass in Doflamingo’s hand exploded.

Splashes of red wine.

“Who did it?”


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