New World, Land of Love and Passion and Toys, Dressrosa.

It is a ‘peaceful’ island surrounded by a huge fungus rock.

Eight hundred years ago or even earlier, the country was called Don Quixote.

Eight hundred years ago.

An event occurs.

As the initiator of the incident, King Quixote of Dressrosa Church, together with the other eighteen families of Alabastana, settled in the Holy Land of Mary Joya and became Draco.

In accordance with the agreed instrument.

As Draco, they will no longer enjoy the right to dominate their original country.

Inheriting the country from the Don Quixote royal family and becoming the new king of Dressrosa is the Riku family, who has served for generations.


The rule of the Liku family over the country ended eight years ago.

The change of dynasties.

Regime change.

This is perfectly normal.

What a coincidence.

Succeed the Liku royal family.

It was Don Quixote who became the new king of Dressrosa.

Eight hundred years ago, the descendants of Don Quixote took the initiative to leave the Holy Land of Mary Joy.

Renounced the identity of the Draco.

The result was relentless reprisals from civilians.

In retaliation.

The already distorted Don Quixote doflamingo is further blackened.

Under the seducing of the evil party.

Don Quixote was established.

And eight years ago.

Doflamingo used some bloody means to regain control of Dressrosa.

The regime of a country alternates.

Especially the regime seized by pirates.

The Navy should have attached great importance to it.

However, because of the identity of Doflamingo Seven Martial Seas.

Even the Navy can’t do anything about it.

Plus orders from world governments.

Even Vice Admiral Crane had to abandon the full investigation of Dressrosa.

Eight years since the Doflamingo regime came to power.

On the surface.

It’s peaceful, stable, and full of laughter.

Dressrosa’s economy has developed like never before.

In just eight years, it has evolved from an era of farming to a prosperous commercial power.

The city is thriving and thriving, singing and dancing everywhere.

It is also the envy of other countries in the new world.

But what people see is only the appearance.

How could a country ruled by ambitious pirates be as simple as it seems?

Hidden under the light is a deep darkness that ordinary people cannot see.

It is called a ‘living man’ toy produced by Dresrosa.

It is the greatest darkness hidden in this country.

Once revealed, it will be bloody.

This trip to Dressrosa.

Qi Yu didn’t mind showing the true side of Dressrosa.

After all, when the war came.

The Doflamingo boy was also really arrogant.

Just flying isn’t enough.

More lessons should be given.

Of course.

Operation Dressrosa was still led by Gion.

Qi Yu was still sitting high in the clouds, silently watching the play.

But it was to deal with a mere Seven Martial Seas.

If only they were all on the move.

That’s a lot of bullying.

After all, now these two little ships.

However, there were Qi Yu and the Great General Qing Yan, two of the world’s top combat strength.


Gion, Yamato, and Saab are all true imperial lieutenants.

Two emperors and three pairs.

This lineup can almost be eaten by the Sea Emperor Group.

If only they were all together.

I’m afraid I’m not scared to death to scare Doflamingo to death.


“Sister Gion, this is all the information our revolutionary army has gathered about Doflamingo and Dressrosa.”

Kirla carried a stack of documents to Gion.

Gion took over and said, “Thank you, Kira! ”

Robin and Carlyfa were also there to help sort it out.

Over time.

The haze between Gion eyebrows grew darker.

Although it has long been known that Doflamingo is doing all kinds of illegal business in the name of Qiwuhai.

But Gion never knew that Doflamingo’s ‘dabble’ was so wide.

What made her more concerned was the Dressrosa incident eight years ago.

How could King Liku, as the beloved Ming King, change his temperament in just one day and wantonly slaughter his people?

There is indeed an unknown cat in it.

“Wait, Doflamingo!”

“This time absolutely pull out all your fox tails!”

Gion firm opening.

“Already able to see, Dressrosa!”

On the lookout, Saab shouted.


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