Dressrosa West Coast.

Two small boats docked one after the other.

“Let’s go our separate ways, and now disband!”

Qi Yu waved his hand and gave the order.

“Mr. Qi Yu and Sister Gion, Saab and I first went to the underground port to infiltrate and investigate!”

Kirla waved.

When even with Saab.

Get ready to infiltrate the underground trading port of Dressrosa.

As early as the time of the revolutionary army.

Their revolutionary army conducted many investigations into Doflamingo and Dressrosa.

Now is the time to put the intelligence of the investigation to work.

“Robin, let’s go!”

Yamato poked out his white hands.


Robin tapped his chin.

Walk with Yamato towards the nearest port town.

The last group of two people is naturally Gion and Kalifa.

“I’m not interested in Dressrosa, I just want to act with Lord Qi Yu!”

Carrie kicked the ground with excitement, her red lips pouting slightly.

Obviously, this time when Gion and Robin are both involved in action is a great time for her and Qi Yu to have a world.

Kalifa had already made up countless romantic visions of the two-person world in her mind.

For example, staying in a hotel for three days and three nights or something.

“Kalifa, what are you still doing?”

Gion looked back and smiled at Kalifa.

Under the slightly threatening gaze of Gion.

Kalifa’s body trembled for no reason.

Even she is a superhuman-level master.

There is no comparison with a general candidate like Gion.

“Come right away!”

Kalifa looked at Qi Yu at the last time.

Seeing that Qi Yu just smiled and waved goodbye, there was no intention of opening his mouth.

Kalifa could only sigh softly in her heart and quickly follow Gion.

Sent away Gion and the others.

Qi Yu turned his head to look at Kuzan, a green pheasant basking in the sun on the deck of another ship.

“Aren’t you going to go to the island and play?”

Qi Yu asked with a smile.

“No, it’s still just lying there for me!”

“Besides, if I leave, who will help you guard the ship?”

The pheasant Kuzan waved.

“Then the guards of the ship will be handed over to you, Green Pheasant!”

Qi Yu smiled slightly.




There is a breeze blowing through the sky.

A slender figure appeared out of thin air in the Dressrosa Capital, the Avenue of the Bullring Arena.

It didn’t get anyone’s attention.

On the big screen outside the arena.

The sword fighters are fighting fiercely with their swords and knives.

It drew cheers from the people.

In the past, sword fights should have been based on skills, mostly from point to point.

Right now.

Under the subtlety of Doflamingo and Don Quixote.

The evil and inferiority in people’s hearts are aroused.

More interested in the bloodshed of the sword fighters on the stage.

No one side fell.

The sword fight will never end.

Qi Yu just looked at it for a moment and then he was overjoyed.

Compare to watching others fight.

Qi Yu preferred to kill it himself.

Shaking his head, Qi Yu prepared to leave.


“Really, what’s so great!”

“Obviously, I am a one-legged toy soldier, what qualifications have I always restrained, demanded me, and ordered me to learn swords?”

“I obviously don’t want to fight anyone at all!”

“Obviously it’s just a toy, why is there always a father-like shelf in front of me, my father…”


The beautiful girl with pink braids and small mouths complaining incessantly screamed and fell to the ground.


Qi Yu, who was about to leave, turned his head.

His eyes calmly looked at the cute girl behind him.

Under Qi Yu’s deep gaze.

Rebecca, a young girl with long soft pink hair, couldn’t help but tighten the corners of her skirt with some nervousness.

“I’m sorry I accidentally bumped into you, I’m really sorry!”

The girl weakly bowed her head and apologized.


Qi Yu nodded knowingly.

Memories of the girl were searched through my mind.

Queen Rebecca!

Princess Dressrosa and daughter of the sword fighter Cyrus!

The other side.

Qi Yu’s deep eyes kept staring.

Rebecca lowered her head deadly, only to feel that everything about herself was being seen through.

This feeling is even worse than being targeted by traffickers before.


The teenage Rebecca’s pupils constricted.

Look at Qi Yu’s big hand sticking out.

Her heart was all about the throat eyes.

The little head couldn’t think anymore.

He could only close his eyes helplessly, ready to meet Qi Yu’s revenge.


The expected pain did not fall.

Qi Yu’s large hand landed on top of her head.

This was followed by a wonderful sense of relief that had never been felt before.

As wide as the sea.

Warm as the sun.

“Your name?”


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