“Your name?”

Qi Yu habitually asked.

“Ray… Rebecca. ”

Rebecca opened her eyes wide and plucked up the courage to look up at Qi Yu, who had brought her peace and warmth in front of her.

It’s so pretty!

Rebecca thought subconsciously.

Her small face was stunned, and then she hurriedly lowered her head to hide her shyness.

“What about your parents?”

Qi Yu asked rhetorically.


Rebecca whimpered.

Qi Yu reacted.

My own question is indeed a bit abrupt.

In Rebecca’s perception, she was just an orphan.

I had no idea who my father was.

Her mother also died in front of her eight years ago.

The parental problem has always been a trauma to her young mind.


Qi Yu touched Rebecca’s little head again.

“Rest assured, you will find your father!”

Qi Yu smiled and soothed.


Rebecca tilted her head in confusion.

“Big brother, do you know who my dad is?”

Rebecca looked at Qi Yu curiously.

The expression on the pale little face became more and more confused.

“That said, I seem to think that Big Brother you have some familiar eyes?”

Rebecca pressed her fingers against her forehead, pondering.

However, for a while, I didn’t think much of it.


Suddenly, a woman’s cry sounded from not far away.

Attracted the attention of Qi Yu and Rebecca.

A shadow wrapped in a wide robe quickly approached the two of them.

“You are…”

Rebecca subconsciously raised her hand and covered her mouth.



The capital of Dressrosa, the two-storey Highland Palace.

Outdoor pool.

Today, Qiwuhai Doflamingo is still lying on his own recliner.

Shaking a wine glass in his hand.

From time to time, cracks spread over the walls of the cup.

Then it exploded with a roar.

Splashes of red wine.

This is the twenty-first wine glass shattered in the three days of Doflaminco.

As one of the powerful Seven Martial Seas.

It is also the biggest dark intermediary in the underworld.

The clown Doflamingo eats both black and white.

All kinds of business are doing well.

There are signs of rising to become the hegemon of the underworld.

On weekdays.

No matter what the incident.

Doflamingo could face it with a smile.

This time, however.

He couldn’t laugh.

The reason is none other than him.

The loss of the Punk Hasad research base and the impact of Caesar’s arrest were too great for him.

For Caesar is the link between him and the Emperor of the Sea in this new world.

The bond with the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido.

The Man Created Demon Fruit abilities that are now circulating in the world are all from his Dresrosa.

Raw materials provided by Caesar.

Then the villain is responsible for breeding.

A complete industrial chain has only been formed for one year.

The difficulties of artificial demon fruit cultivation have just been completed.

The first batch of artificial demon fruits sent to the Ghost Island of Wano Kingdom also satisfied Kaido.

No surprises.

In the future, the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment will be the biggest customer of his artificial demon fruit industry.

The Don Quixote family was also able to further enhance and expand by backing up to Kaido.

But risk always comes with opportunity.

While enjoying the convenience of being backed by hundreds of beasts.

He also needs to bear the wrath of the hundred beasts that may come at any time.

Once his artificial demon fruit could not be provided.

Worst outcome.

There may be a dragon soaring into the sky descending on Dressrosa.

That would be a real catastrophe!!!

The wrath of the Sea Emperor, only the Sea Emperor can resist!

That’s right!

Doflamingo seemed to have thought of something.

Eyes lit up under pink sunglasses.

The Sea Emperor is solved by the Sea Emperor.

They don’t have the strength of this level to sit in.

But now.

The Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido and the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment in the Kingdom of Peace were already being targeted by the behemoths on the sea!

Now is the time.

The Hundred Beasts Kaido himself was overwhelmed.

How could he come to talk to him because of the artificial demon fruit?


“Even now that I think about this, my head is really dull!”

Doflamingo regained his usual pride and laughed incessantly.

“Dover Dover”

An anxious voice sounded.

Pulling a disgusting snot in his body, Don Quixote’s supreme cadre Torrepol came running with a rolling belt.

“What’s wrong? Torrepol”

Doflamingo asked easily.

“Dover, something is wrong, just received a patrol report from the West Coast!”

“Found that man’s boat!!!”

Torrepol screamed.

“That man? Who? ”

Doflamingo frowned.

“After the war on top, the world’s strongest sea emperor!!!”

“What do you say!!!”


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