Dressrosa West Coast.

This is the world of ice and snow.

Ice and snow cover the earth.

Sparkle in the sunlight.

Magnificent and magnificent.


Doflamingo took a step that his six relatives did not recognize, and slowly stepped forward.

The look on his face was uncertain.

With three points of shock, three points of disbelief and a lot of fright.

I thought what Torrepol reported was shocking enough.

But I didn’t think about it.

There was another big surprise waiting for him here.

“Furofuran, didn’t expect that! I really didn’t expect it! ”

“We actually met in this place, General Green Pheasant!”

Doflamingo smiled negatively.

“Or get out of the way, Doflamingo!”

The pheasant waved his hand casually.

“Little Lord”

Behind the pheasant, Monet, the snow girl who saw Doflamingo appear, his expression changed drastically.

But before she could speak.

A chilling breath struck her, who was a natural snow fruit ability.

Monet lowered his head in panic, not daring to cross the line in the slightest.


Doflamingo silently refocused his gaze on the Admiral Pheasant.

“I didn’t expect that the former Admiral of the Admiral Headquarters, after losing the battle for the marshal, would fall to such a point!”

“By leaving a young girl by your side to serve strongly, has your justice completely decayed?” Pheasant! ”

Doflamingo sneered at the opening.

“If you want to provoke me, forget it, I’m just helping people keep the prisoners!”

The pheasant said casually.

“Help people? Help whom? The Emperor of the Sea? ”

“The former Grand Admiral Green Pheasant became a subordinate of the Sea Emperor less than half a month after he withdrew from the Navy, which is really a big news enough to detonate the world!”

Doflamingo grinned.

His figure flashed.

Take off like a flamingo.

The next drop was already standing on the bow of the ship where the pheasant was.


Several silk threads so small that they are almost invisible to the naked eye eject out.

Wait for the effect.

Next second.

The extremely cold air suddenly burst out from around the green pheasant.


At the same time, it also transformed him into a flamingo ice sculpture

“As I have already said, this is my task at the moment, can you please not be too arrogant?” Doflamingo! ”

The pheasant’s eerie opening.

The mouth is open and closed.

Dark blue gas transpiration.

“Little Lord”

Looking at the frozen Doflamingo, Monet’s eyes widened in horror.

Between the looks, it was full of panic and fear.

Next second.

Only a clicking sound could be heard.

The frozen ice sculpture of Doflaminco’s body suddenly spread out dense cracks.


Accompanied by a soft bang.

The ice sculpture shattered completely.

The Doflamingo body remains intact.

Of course.

This is also outwardly lossless.

As a matter of fact.

His body suffered a certain degree of frostbite under the erosion of the cold.


Doflamingo laughed several times.

The figure rose into the air again.

Mask your trembling with a large movement.

“It’s really worthy of being a general, and it seems that you are recovering well!”

Doflamingo smiled.

“It was ok!”

The pheasant yawned lazily.

“If there’s nothing else to do, just go, and don’t send anyone to me again!”

“I don’t plan to get involved in the Dressrosa thing, so you better go and guard against the others!”

The pheasant waved his hand to indicate a send-off.

The smile on Doflamingo’s face froze.

The look was more solemn than ever.

The worst finally happened.

The most terrifying man in this sea is coming!!!


Doflamingo snorted coldly.

Turn around and walk through the sky, returning to the capital at the first time.

Prepare to deploy to deal with the biggest crisis since the Don Quixote family was built!!!


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