
Dusk falls.

Dressrosa was peaceful and peaceful.

It’s like the last calm before a storm.

Crowded streets.

One man and two women, three tall men and women in parallel.

That outstanding temperament has attracted the attention of many pedestrians.

But don’t wait for them to fixate their gaze.

A sudden gust of wind and sand narrowed their eyes.

Wait until the field of vision is clear again.

The three figures had disappeared from their sight and disappeared.

“How come?”

People who occasionally caught a glimpse of it all laughed and shook their heads.

Leave the ridiculous thoughts in your head behind.

After all, how could the most terrifying emperor of this sea appear here without causing the slightest commotion.

It must be an illusion.

The residents of the royal capital thought so.

Under Violet’s arrangement.

Qi Yu officially stayed in a luxury hotel in Wangdu.

Leave Violet and Rebecca as the two queens in the living room.

Qi Yu went straight to the bathroom to take a shower.

By the way, scan the whole country with the domineering spirit of seeing and smelling.

See the movements and progress of each squad.

Qi Yu’s sight and smell sensed the figure of those who were walking in the air and all the way to the west coast.

There is only Doflamingo in the future.

The words on the other side of the coast were handed over to the pheasant, and they did not need to be ignored.

Qi Yu’s perception then shifted to arrogance and the squad with Robin.




Guest house living room.

Violet and Rebecca.

The two queen daughters, one big and one small, were staring at each other with big eyes at the moment.


“Rebecca, you…”

Violet spoke.

Don’t wait to ask.

Rebecca lovingly took her arm.

“Aunt Violet, we have finally met again!”

“I’m not alone!”

Rebecca’s eyes are reddish.

She had always been alone.

Now I finally found my family.

The mature woman in front of her was her mother’s sister, her sister-in-law.

Violet, the daughter of the former second king of Dressrosa.

Because of her superhuman ability to stare at the fruit, she is favored by Doflamingo and threatens her.

In order to save the lives of his father, King Liku, and others.

Violet had to be perfect, joining Doflamingo and becoming one of the cadres of the Don Quixote family.

But not so long ago.

Violet routinely patrols overseas with his Superhuman Gaze Fruit ability.

She saw the ship of the Sea Emperor Qi Yu and his party.

At the same time, there is hope.

Violet knew that the opportunity to liberate Dressrosa had come.

Even if it’s only one in ten thousand chances.

She’s going to try her best, too.

Whatever the cost.

Therefore, she did not report the news of the discovery of Qi Yu and his party.

After reporting that everything was business as usual, he quietly left the palace.

Qi Yu was found outside the bullfighting arena.

At the same time, I saw my niece.

That is, Rebecca in front of her.

Violet glanced in the direction of the bathroom, and his eyes quickly fell on his little niece.

“Rebecca, what the hell is going on?”

“Why are you with that adult?”

“What about Mr. Toy Soldier, who has been protecting you?”

Violet kept asking.

“Mr. Soldier is a big idiot, I will never pay any attention to him again!”

Rebecca’s small mouth muttered slightly, playing with the girl’s little nature.

Violet was stunned and shook his head.

I knew that my little niece was in trouble with that strange, special toy soldier again.

At the same time, she also knew that Rebecca didn’t really hate toy soldiers.

And the most important thing in front of them now is…

“Rebecca, do you know who that adult is?”

Violet took a deep breath and asked solemnly.

Rebecca shook her head in confusion, “My big brother and I actually just met not long ago, and you’re here!” ”

“Little aunt, who is that big brother?” Is it a very powerful character? Where do I seem to have seen it? ”

Rebecca asked.

Violet took a deep breath.

“Rebecca, that adult… That is the strongest adult in this sea! ”

Violet solemnly opened his mouth.

When the identity of Qi Yu is about to be told in detail.

In fact.

No need to say much from Violet.

After hearing the name Qi Yu and the title of Sea Emperor.

Rebecca reacted completely.

After all, this name represents the new era after the end of the Whitebeard Era!!!


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