“He… That big brother he was…”

Learn Qi Yu’s true identity from Violet.

The teenage Rebecca couldn’t help but freeze for a moment.

The whole body, from the inside out, is dominated by shocking emotions.

She finally knew the source of that mysterious familiarity.

In fact, she was not without doubts about Qi Yu’s identity.

Just because the facts are too shocking.

Causing her to subconsciously deny her conjecture.

Right now.

She finally dared to confirm.

Qi Yu was really what she had seen in the newspaper before!

The big man she thought she would never have met in her life!

O king of this sea!!!

Just as Rebecca was deeply immersed in the shock of emotion.

From the direction of the bathroom came the sound of the door opening.

Qi Yu, who had simply rinsed his body, stepped out calmly.

Look at Qi Yu, who has a perfect nine-headed body.

Look at the well-defined muscle texture of Qi Yu’s upper body.


Violet froze and looked straight in the eye.

Unconsciously, he swallowed his saliva.

The pretty face unconsciously flew up a few red clouds.

The next second she shook her head violently, wiping away the beautiful thoughts in her mind.

Then he respectfully knelt down in front of Qi Yu.

“Lord Qi Yu, my name is Violet!”

“Please forgive me for my previous disrespect!”

The queen daughter Violet opened her mouth respectfully.

“Get up and talk!”

Qi Yu grinned and sat down on the sofa.


Violet was still sitting on his knees.

“Lord Qi Yu, allow me to ask a question!”

“What is your intention in visiting Dressrosa?”

Violet suppressed the tension in his heart and boldly asked.


Qi Yu pondered.

A moment later.

“Would you be satisfied if I said that I was here to overthrow Doflamingo and Don Quixote and save Dressrosa?”

Qi Yu smiled.


Violet and Rebecca’s eyes lit up in unison.

This is the greatest expectation in their hearts.

The next second, however.

The smile on Violet’s face froze.

Looking at Qi Yu’s smiling expression.

Violet knew that he had thought too much.

The mightiest emperors of the sea did not come here to be the heroes of Dressrosa, to help them overthrow the Don Quixote family.

The previous words were just the Sea Emperor making fun of them.

Even so.

Violet did not dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction with this.

After all, Qi Yu was the Emperor of the Sea.

If you provoke him.

The whole of Dressrosa will perish!!!

“I’m really sorry, Lord Qi Yu, I was abrupt!”

Violet touched his forehead and thanked him respectfully.

I couldn’t help but sigh softly.

This time, she finally made a wrong bet.


Qi Yu smiled.

“Look up, Violet, look up! Don’t be disappointed, although I am not here to be the hero of Dressrosa, but there are people on my ship who want to solve your Dressrosa problem from the bottom of their hearts! ”

“Just relax and wait, tomorrow, something different should happen in this country!”

Qi Yu grinned.


Violet, already desperate and hopeless.

At this moment, listening to Qi Yu’s words, I only felt that the willow was dark and the flowers were bright and another village.

Once again, the future is bright.

“I’m not going to lie to you yet!”

Qi Yu smiled and nodded.

“Really… Thank you very much! ”

Violet once again bowed deeply.

Good moments.

Violet finally sorted out his excitement.

The expression on his face gradually became firmer.

This Dressrosa rescue battle.

As the former Queen of Dressrosa, she naturally couldn’t really do nothing.

Even if the strength is low.

But at least she had something she could do.

For example, inform Qi Yu of the Don Quixote family’s intelligence.

Simply sorted out the next idea.

Violet then spoke.

“Lord Qi Yu… The most terrifying thing in the Don Quixote family is not Doflamingo, but the granulated sugar with the power of a special demon fruit, please be small…”

At the end, Violet smiled and shook his head.

Laugh at your own stupidity.

After all, sitting in front of her now was this sea, the true pinnacle of this world.

At the moment when Qi Yu’s true body had come.

Overthrowing the Doflamingo and Don Quixote families is not an easy one.

In the face of absolute power, no matter what ability can not turn the wind and waves.

These so-called secret information of hers are of little use at all.

“I’m really sorry, Lord Qi Yu!”

“I thought I could come in handy!”

Violet Road.

“Don’t care!”

“It’s not early, so I’ll have a good rest tonight!” Wait for tomorrow! ”

Qi Yu said calmly.

“Yes, Lord Qi Yu!”

Violet and Rebecca should be in unison.

Suite with two rooms.

One of them was occupied by Qi Yu.

The other belongs to Rebecca and Violet.

After washing, Rebecca fell asleep early, looking forward to the arrival of a bright tomorrow.

Violet, however, tossed and turned, unable to sleep for a long time.

She knew she had to do something for the country.


Violet seemed to have made up his mind.

She quietly came to Qi Yu’s room.


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