Night falls.

Dressrosa was serene.

Behind the scenes, however.

The undercurrent is already flowing.

A squad of revolutionary armies formed by Kirla and Saab successfully infiltrated the underground dark harbor of Dressrosa.

A large amount of intelligence information was obtained.

That is the record of this clown transit station all over the world.

and a list of arms purchases from around the world.

Robin and Yamato’s casual combination.

Walk around the way and find out the intelligence on the surface.

At this time, it has also come to the king’s foothold.

Finally, Gion and the Kalifa squad.

Just like Qi Yu’s encounter with the queen’s daughter Rebecca.

Gion and Kalifa meet Cyrus, a one-legged toy soldier.

It’s rare to come across a toy with a mind of its own.

Gion naturally does not miss out on nothing.

On the spot, Cyrus in the form of a toy was suppressed.

Cyrus, who had wanted to rise up against the escape.

I have heard questions from Gion.

Learn that she wants to know the truth about the country.

After wanting to save the country.

Cyrus was moved.

Especially after learning that Gion’s true identity was an admiral candidate.

Cyrus made his decision.

He takes Gion to the secret base of the sunflower field.

There Gion is informed of everything in the country without reservation.

When it was learned of the tragedy that had happened in Dressrosa.

The truth about the change of kingship eight years ago.

Gion was so angry that his body trembled.

On the spot, he wanted to go to the palace to liquidate with Doflamingo and Don Quixote.

Fortunately, Cyrus was calm enough.

This was why Gion was stopped in a hurry.

Let her contact the trusted navy.

For Cyrus’s hopes.

Gion euphemistically expressed his current situation.

Cyrus did not force it.

Since the Navy can’t come.

Then it is up to them to liberate the country with their own hands.

If it was only him and the villains, the combat strength was certainly far from enough.

But now they have a large admiral waiting for the army.

In addition, Gion told him.

There are also several partners who are not under her.

In this way, it is inspiring.

Cyrus immediately summoned the warriors of the Little Terran to liaise and agree on the size of the uprising.

It’s all about tomorrow.


Wangdu Premium Hotel.

“Everything seems to be going well!”

“There’s no room for me to get involved!”

Qi Yu smiled slightly.

“Xiaoming, Xiaoming, let me enjoy it tomorrow, your last struggle!”


Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

“Come in!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth at will.

“Excuse me, Lord Qi Yu!”

Violet entered the door in a restrained manner.


Qi Yu on the windowsill glanced calmly at Violet.


Under the bright moonlight.

Violet knelt before Qi Yu.

Raise your chin slightly.

The narrow eyes are full of devotion and hope.

“Lord Qi Yu”

“You are the future and hope of this country!”

“Your great kindness to this country, no matter how much thanks you have, is far from enough!”

“If you don’t want to give up, please accept this thank you gift from me in advance!”

Violet opened his mouth humbly.


Qi Yu asked calmly.

“Yes! Regrets! ”

“Because you are my future!”

Violet smiled like a flower.

The corners of Qi Yu’s mouth raised a curve.

He got up straight and came to Violet.

“Then seize your future.”

“Yes, Lord Qi Yu!”


“I have captured the future 、、、!”



Right now.

King Dressrosa is a two-storey highland.

The royal palace occupied by the Don Quixote family.

Sleepless Tonight!!!

“Haven’t you found it yet?”

Doflamingo roared.

The forehead is swollen with green tendons.

“Yes… I’m really sorry, Young Lord, we haven’t found that Sea Emperor yet! ”

A Don Quixote fell to his knees trembling.

“Dover, the man suspected of having a relationship with the Emperor of the Sea has now entered the King’s Capital!”

Torrepol, with a big snot on his back, hurried and panicked.

“Arrest them now!”

Doflamingo said irritably.


Torrepol’s face was full of embarrassment.

“There is no need to worry, that sea emperor clearly wants to take a shot at me, so why should I give him face!”

Doflamingo murderous openings.

Only when Torrepol was afraid of the wrath of the emperor.

“No, Dover, it’s not that we don’t catch it, it’s that we can’t catch it!”

“Of those two people, Nicole Robin was not afraid, but… But the other person is the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment… It’s Kaido’s son!!! ”

Torrepol’s frightened opening.

“Yamato… Do you? ”

Doflamingo’s face grew ugly.


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