Early morning.

The sun is rising.

The sky is full of splendor in the distance.

The top floor of the Dressrosa Grand Hotel Royal.

Qi Yu, cloaked in a bathrobe, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

With your hands behind your back, you look into the distance, your eyes deep and quiet.

“It’s almost time to start.”

Qi Yu said softly.


Behind him came the woman’s hissing voice.

Violet slowly got up.

Cover yourself with a sheet with pure white and red dots.

“Lord Qi Yu, what’s coming?”

Violet asked with hazy sleepy eyes open.

Next second.


There was a rumble from the Quixote family’s smile factory.


Violet knew.

The light of Dressrosa, which has lasted for eight years of darkness, is coming!!!



Artificial Demon Fruit Smile Factory.


A crisp sword groan echoed under the sky.

The famous sword Jin Biluo sheathed with brilliant golden colors.


The huge factory collapsed.

Become the background board of Gion.

“Oh well”

“It’s awesome! Big sister head is so powerful! ”

“It’s really worthy of being a big sister!”

“That way, it can really be done!”

“Under the leadership of the captain and the eldest sister, we will definitely be able to achieve the final victory!”

The simple little Terran warriors shouted in excitement.

“Princess! Where is Princess Mansheli? ”

A little Terran old man shouted anxiously.

“Mao Ye, calm down!”

“Princess Jiren has her own celestial appearance, she must be fine!”

“Yes yes yes”

Vika and other little Terran warriors persuaded in succession.

“Mao Ye, Princess Mansheli’s words, must be locked up in the palace by Doflamingo, don’t worry, we will pass!”

Reliable little Terran soldier Commander Leo Dao.


A group of villain warriors drank in unison.

“If our Don Quixote family falls, the new world will be in chaos!”

Factory ruins.

A frail opening of a man like a smooth toy.

He is the tough guy Senyol Pique.

One of the cadres of the Don Quixote family.

He is responsible for guarding the factory.

But even the mighty Don Quixote cadre.

In front of Gion, the candidate of the great general, it is still far from enough to see.

Previously it was just a face-to-face.

The tough man Senigall fell under the Gion of Gion.

Later, he struggled to get up, but he was cared for by Carlyfa.

Baptized by the bubble fruit ability of the Carly’s law.

Seignol had been washed away of all his powers.

“The new world will still turn without your Don Quixote family, don’t think too much of yourself.”

Gion walked calmly, past Seignol and then stopped again.

“Whether it is your Don Quixote family, or the other evil parties of the New World, if you gamble on the name of justice, I will definitely arrest you with my own hands!”

Gion cut the iron opening.



The royal capital is on the second floor.

Palace of Dressrosa.

The Don Quixote cadres, led by Doflamingo, gathered together.

“What do you say!!!”

“The smile factory is destroyed!”

“Seignol was also defeated?”

“Which bastard is there?”

Torrepol, Diamando, Pica, Chora, Rao G… The cadres shouted in anger.

The moment the question is uttered.

They have the answer in their hearts.

Now in this country, there is only one force that dares to take a shot at them, and there is only one force that can take a shot at them.

Think of that name, think of that title.

A group of Don Quixote cadres felt fear and cold from the heart.


“Little Lord”

“What are we going to do next?”

“Are we going to give up the turf we’ve worked so hard to run for eight years?”

Torrepol, Diamanti and the others all locked their eyes on Doflamingo on the throne.

Doflamingo did not speak.

At this moment, his heart was also caught in a fierce battle between heaven and man.

What to do?

Surrender or flee?

Anyway, head-on, they definitely don’t have the slightest chance of winning.

Don’t wait for him to come up with a reason.

“Lord Less, things are not good, he he he … The intruders are coming! ”

“Lord Doflamingo, things are not going well, the underground dark harbor… Dark Harbor doesn’t know who invaded it! ”

Two Don Quixote minions in succession sprinted to report.



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