
Palace of Dressrosa.

Don Quixote Base Camp.

The shouts of killing were deafening.

The Don Quixote minions of the palace came out of their nests.

However, it was impossible to even slow down the intruder.

“Moon Step – The Road of Thorns!!!”

The original cp9 superman Califa stepped on the moon and waved the thorny long whip in his hand.

The long whip is like a snake, screaming and screaming everywhere it passes.

Splashing blood with it was a bunch of blood.

Don Quixote’s ordinary minions fell to the ground screaming one after another.

Those who struggled to get up would soon be rushed up by the warriors of the Little Terran Clan and successfully knocked unconscious.

All the way unimpeded.

The Dressrosa Rebellion Squad, led by Gion, broke into the Dressrosa Palace.

“Doflamingo, are you ready to accept sanctions?”

Gion domineering rebuke.

Beautiful eyes like electricity, glaring at the Seven Martial Seas on the throne of the Flamenco.

Look at the beautiful woman who is full of justice.

The Don Quixote family, led by Doflamingo, was blinded by a sudden constriction of pupils.

“You are…”

“How come?”

“The Navy … And also…”

“Why is the Navy here!!!”

The supreme cadre, Pika, couldn’t stop screaming.

“Hahaha, the big guy over there, your voice is really… Hahaha…”

In fact, having heard Pika’s shrill voice that did not match his size at all, even on such a serious occasion, Kalifa could not help but laugh out loud.

“Bastard Navy”

Listening to Kalifa’s wanton taunts, Pika couldn’t help but burn with anger, and the anger in his heart was close to the brink of eruption.

The innate sharp sound has always been the reverse scale of Pica.

He had vowed to kill everyone who laughed at his voice, no matter who the other person was.

“Damn the Navy, go and die!”

Pika swung the armed colored sword in his hand and was about to attack.

“Wait, Pika”

At the critical moment, Doflamingo shouted and stopped.


“Young Lord, didn’t you say before that you were going to kill the people who laughed at Pika’s voice?”

The fighting fish half-fish man Dellinger, who was about fourteen years old, asked subconsciously.

“Shut up, Dellinger”

Jorah, a fancy middle-aged woman, hurried to drink to stop the half-fish man who would not look at the atmosphere.

Indeed, Doflamingo once said that he would help Pika kill all those who laughed at him.

However, this is also to be divided into objects.

The average weak person dares to laugh at it, and without saying anything, just kill it.

Now, however, they are facing the Navy’s general candidate, Momoto Gion.

Big man in the Navy!


More importantly.

They thought suddenly.

Now it’s not just the Navy standing behind the admiral’s alternate.

There is also the most terrifying man in this sea.

Face the man.

Even if they don’t have the Quixote family, they only have a part to run.

A drop of cold sweat started from Doflamingo’s forehead and slid down his cheek.

It represents the tension and unwillingness in his heart at this moment.

Dressrosa was the base camp he had worked so hard to run for eight years.

Eight years.

Relying on his connections and means, he successfully built this place into a transit station in the dark world.

And he also became the number one middleman in the underworld of the New World.

Transcendent status.



The scariest man of the sea is coming!

Although he has not appeared at the moment.

But Doflamingo knew.

He must be staring at some corner of the country.

“Now, Dover, what’s next?”

Torrepol asked nervously.

Doflamingo took a deep breath, his eyes fell on Gion, and said:

“This is not the Navy’s peach rabbit — Vice Admiral Gion, what kind of wind is blowing today, how did the lieutenant general have time to get here?”

“Don’t be disputable, Doflamingo, I already know all about what you have done in this country!” Including what a despicable means you used eight years ago to seize power in this country from King Liku, and now, honestly surrender! ”

Gion’s cold opening.

The green tendons of Doflamingo rose slightly.

“This is a great misunderstanding, but I am a Ming Emperor who is loved by the people!” Lieutenant General Gion must have made a mistake! ”

Doflamingo forced himself to calm the opening.

Gion had no intention of continuing the dialogue with him.

It was just a calm ultimatum given.

“The pirate Doflamingo and Don Quixote and his gang, you have been convicted of illegally stealing Dressrosa, a serious violation of the Seven Martial Seas Ordinance, and I declare in the name of a vice admiral that you will be stripped of your status as the Seven Martial Seas.

Gion opened calmly and domineeringly.

“What do you say!”

“You’re just a lieutenant general, so what qualifications do you have to strip Dover of his status as the Seven Martial Seas?”

“No kidding!”

Diamandy and other Don Quixote family officials lashed out.


Doflamingo on the throne smiled suddenly.

“What are you laughing at?”

Gion frowned.

“Nothing, I just recently heard a rumor that the famous Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit of the Navy seems to have defected from the Navy and joined the Red Haired Pirates!”

“So I’m curious, whether such a Peach Rabbit Lieutenant General is still qualified to deprive me of my Seven Martial Sea status!”

Doflamingo sneered.

Gion looks unchanged.

With a sonorous sound, the brilliant golden light exploded.

It was the famous knife in her waist, Jin Biluo, out of its sheath.

“Another thing that is not qualified is that this sea is going to speak with strength after all, are you confident that you can get out of my sword?”

Gion asked domineeringly.


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