

Listen to Gion.

Doflamingo laughed.

Unbridled laughter.

“Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit of the Navy, you alone dare to confront my Don Quixote family?”

“If it weren’t for the fear of the man behind you, do you think you would still be able to stand here and talk to me?”

Doflamingo snapped his drink.

“Doflamingo, I can tell you clearly that that man will not intervene in the affairs of this country!”

“Your opponent this time is me!” Let the horses come! ”

“I will absolutely save this country!”

Gion is armed with the famous knife Kinbiro, cutting through the opening.

“Furofuran, what a big mouth!”

Doflamingo rose from his throne, his forehead slightly swollen.

“Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered that two months ago, Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit went to the Kingdom of Goya in the East China Sea!”

Doflamingo suddenly asked.

“So what?”

Gion raised an eyebrow.

“Little Lord”


The breathing of the cadres such as Jorah and Torrepol in the main hall was suddenly short.

They realized the meaning of Doflamingo’s words.

Two months ago.

Their most important partner!

The most important family!

Diamante, the highest cadre of the Don Quixote family’s block army, once went to the Kingdom of Goya in the East China Sea to participate in an underground world gathering.

It’s gone forever.

Inquire through multiple channels.

They just knew.

Their family member Diamandy is dead!!! (The first few sheets are written quickly, there are clerical errors)

Along with the agents of the underground world of the East Sea.

Brutally killed by someone, the bones are gone.

The Don Quixote family who heard the news was almost turned upside down.

Up to Doflamingo, down to the cadres, the minions.

They were all outraged by this fact.

There is endless anger in the heart.

However, even the identity of the largest intermediary in the underground world.

Doflamingo still had very little information to find.

It is impossible to know who killed their families.

But in fact.

Doflamingo had always had a guess in his heart.

I just haven’t been willing to face it.

Until now.

Only then did he finally dare to face the terrible truth.

Doflamingo took a deep breath.

“Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, since you were in the Goya Kingdom of the East China Sea at that time, you should have known!”

“The massacre that took place in the high town of Goya? If you can, can you please tell me who killed my family member Diamanti! ”

Doflamingo’s smile grew cold.

Hearing this, Gion frowned slightly.

Of course she was aware of the incident in the high town of Goya.


It was Qi Yu who did it.


Gion just wanted to speak.


Only a loud bang could be heard from outside the main hall.

Accompanied by a series of screams.

A powerful shock wave knocks a dozen Don Quixote minions to the ground.

“Doflamingo, if you were asking who killed the guy named Diamanti, I’m here!”

Yamato and Robin, dressed in masks, join forces together.

Generously appeared in front of the Doflamingo and Don Quixote families.

“What do you say!”


“Was it you?”

“Was it you who killed Diamante?”

Chora, Torrepol, Guladius and other cadres shouted in unison.

The anger in my heart erupted like a volcano.

A strong hatred drives them to step forward and take revenge on Yamato.

“Stop it all!!!”

Doflamingo took a deep breath, suppressed the resentment in his heart, and drank loudly.

“Dover, but…”

“That person… It was the man who gave Diamanti to…”

Pika and the others were all puzzled.

Doflamingo said nothing.

As for the real prisoner who killed Diamanti, of course, he was eager to cut his body into pieces.

But he also knew.

This enemy is not a generalist.

“Furofuran, daughter of the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido, Yamato, can I know why you killed Diamanti?”

Doflamingo asked in a deep voice.

Yamato pondered for a moment.

“If you insist on saying something, you can only blame his own bad luck!”

Yamato answered seriously.

This is also true.

Because Diamand, who was hit by Yamato’s frozen move at the time, if he can thaw it, he still has a chance to survive.

Yamato had no intention of attacking him at the time.

Unfortunately, Diamanti’s luck was too bad.

A stone fell from the sky.

Just smashed his body, dead through.

For this fact.

Doflamingo did not know.

In his mind, Yamato’s reason was entirely to tease him.

“O daughter of Kaido! Hehe! Hahahahaha! ”

“It was so good! Very good! ”

Doflamingo laughed and applauded like a madman.

Next second.

The momentum around him was suddenly frozen.

The mighty Overlord color domineering spirit emerged like a tidal wave.



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