
The tremors of the second floor of Dressrosa were violently tremendous.

A hundred-meter-level stone giant slowly rose from the ground.

It was the supreme cadre Pika who was one with the whole earth.

“you, all of you to give me death!!!”

Pika screamed.

A mountain-like fist slammed into Gion’s head.

The fist did not arrive.

A strong wind is the first to blow.

It is enough to completely overwhelm ordinary people and not move.

However, as an alternate general at the Admiralty Headquarters.

Gion naturally will not be a flower shelf.

The strong wind blew through her hair.

But she could not shake her body and will in any way.

Just when the Golem’s fist was only the last ten meters away from the ground.

Gion moved.

Jade Foot lightly touched the ground.

Gion rose against the strong wind.

A jump stained the stone giant’s arm.


There was a sword roar between heaven and earth.

After a short charge.

Gion wields a knife.

The famous sword Jin Biluo slashed out a spiral sword qi.

Swept over the Golem’s arm tens of meters away.


The giant fist of the Golem manipulated by Pika paused.


Thin cracks emerged from the surface of the giant’s arm.

And then it shattered.

Gion stepped on the moon.

The figure is disillusioned step by step.

Through the stone rubble of the sky.

Finally ascend to the sky, above the stone giants.

“Bastard Navy!!!”

Pika screamed.

The big face looks up, but you can’t see the Gion overhead.

“A pirate of your stature, I’ve already chopped down an unknown amount!”

Gion red lips lightly opened, indifferent opening.


Gion holds a knife in both hands.

The famous sword Jin Biluo stabbed straight into the top of the Pika Giant’s Heavenly Spirit Cover.

The huge body of the Pika giant came to an abrupt end.

Next second.

Horrible images happen.

A brilliant golden light pierced through the body of the Pika giant.

The golden sword light bloomed from the inside out.

The 100-meter Pika giant starts from the head and is neatly divided into two.

Half fell towards the edge of the highland, falling straight down the sunflower field.

The eyes of the other half of the giant’s body, which had been dimmed, lit up again.

Represents the re-entry of Pica.

The next second, however.

Don’t wait for the Pika giant to have the slightest movement.

Above the heavens.

Countless golden rays bloomed.

The magnificence of the light.

Even the blazing sun in the sky seemed to be overshadowed.

It was countless golden sword qi.

It is also Gion’s strongest move.

One sword turns into a thousand swords.


Gion scorned.

Hands flailfully waved.

Quick as a wink.

The golden sword qi that covered the sky fell like rain.

Cut that half of the Pika Giant into countless pieces.

There are no large stones to supply a hiding place.

The Buddha-figure of Pika is then revealed.


Pika coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Roaring angrily and swinging his sword to meet the attack.

However, he was soon drowned in the endless rain of swords.

The armed colored sword in his hand broke.

The gold lock armor on his body was broken inches and inches.

The last of the full body armor color defense was also penetrated by a rain of sword qi.

Riddled with.

Powerless to fall to the ground.

The last Don Quixote cadre, defeated!

“Oh well”

Ruins of the royal palace.

The little Terran warriors cheered in unison.



There was a thunderclap between heaven and earth.

An air of unparalleled horror pervaded the high underground level.

Accompanied by a thunderous rumble.

Not long ago, the half-pika giant that had fallen into the sunflower field rose against the trend and soared into the sky under the impetus of some force.

Then it exploded with the top of the Heavenly Dome.

Shatter into nothingness and dissipate with the wind.



The little Terran warriors, led by Commander Leo, rolled their throats in unison.

“What the hell is this、、、”

Cyrus, with a look of shock on his face, murmured softly.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Lei Bing, that’s a partner!”

Robin smiled slightly.

“Lord Qi Yu~”

Kalifa’s face was full of confusion.

“The priority now is to find Doflamingo, that birdcage-like thing that seems to have some bad feeling!”

Yamato looked solemn.

Next second.

All I could hear was a loud bang.

A flamingo-like figure smashed through the dilapidated wall and turned back.

It was Doflamingo.

“Ahahaha, it shouldn’t be too late!”

Saab, the second in command of the revolutionary army, appeared smiling.


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