Deep in the palace of Dressrosa.

Countless threads of silk catapulted from Doflamingo’s hand and rushed straight up.

Transform into a huge birdcage that is about to envelop the entire Dressrosa.


“Let this country come and bury our Don Quixote!”

Doflamingo laughed maniacally.


Not far from the destruction of the underground elevator was opened by someone punch.

“Dragon Claw Fist!!!”

The heavy punch that had taken off the iron door of the elevator rushed straight towards the front door of Doflamingo.

Faced with a sudden attack.

Doflamingo’s face changed slightly.

Subconscious hands are staggered, and the armed color domineering covers the block.


A loud bang.

Doflamingo, who was in a hurry, was hit hard and flew out.

This blow.

Not much damage.

But it completely pushed Doflamingo into the abyss of destruction.

Wait until you get back on your feet.

Doflamingo was already at the center of the encirclement.

Saab, Yamato, and Gion, three powerful people of imperial strength, had surrounded him.

So it goes.

Even if you insert your wings, you can’t escape.

Even the Emperor of the Sea must be entangled.

Not to mention the Doflamingo of the Seven Seas.

“Doflamingo, you and your Don Quixote family are finished!”

Gion’s indifferent opening.

“If you want revenge, come to me!”

Yamato domineering and calm.

“Joker, your downfall is a huge necessity for the stability of the world.”

Saab opened his mouth calmly.

“Obediently tie your hands and grab it!”

Kirra, Kalifa, and the warriors of the Lesser Terran began to speak.


Under the attack of the three strong men.

Doflamingo burst out laughing.

As a proud celestial fork.

The largest dark intermediary in the underworld.

Black and white all-you-can-eat Seven Martial Seas.

How Doflamingo would obediently tie his hands.

The breeze blows.

The ground beneath his feet underwent a drastic change in nature.

Invisibly, there is a special mysterious force spreading, affecting the surrounding environment.

That was the awakening of the devil’s fruit.

Doflamingo Line Fruit Ability Awakening Ability.

Assimilates everything around him into a white line that can be manipulated by him.

“Kaihara White Wave”

Doflamingo pressed his palm violently against the ground.

Suddenly, the entire palace floor was assimilated under the awakening ability of his thread fruit.

An ocean belonging to the white line, rhythmic with the movements of Doflamingo.

On the ground, it seemed that countless pairs of ghost hands formed by the tangled white lines had been born out of thin air, attacking indiscriminately in all directions.

Dragon Claw Fist !!!

Saab’s right hand is a dragon claw.

Powerful high-grade armed color entanglement.

It touched the white line column that hit like an ocean wave, and then burst violently.

The other side.

Gion wields a knife.

The famous sword Jin Biluo fired thousands of sword qi.

Prepare the hole to pierce all the ghost hands.

At the same time, it is also piercing through the body of Doflamingo.

Wounds were cut on his body, and blood was pouring out.

For their own injuries.

Doflamingo was unconscious.

The eyes under the sunglasses were full of anger and madness.

“Sixteen Divine Bullets God Kills”

Doflamingo shouted angrily word for word.

Sixteen waves of white lines like assault guns rose out of thin air.

At the top of each white thread condensate was the strongest armed color domineering spirit that belonged to Doflamingo.

Sixteen strands of white thread danced like the hair of a demon, unleashing a terrifying pressure.

Suddenly, all the armed colors of the white thread were straight.

With Doflamingo’s instructions, indiscriminate scattering.

Everywhere I went, the air exploded.

“Let me come!”

Orc form Yamato sighed.

Take the initiative to meet Doflamingo’s most powerful move.


Yamato waved the mace in his hand.

So the atmosphere trembled.

Face the strongest attack that Doflamingo is all out for.

Yamato did not hesitate to show his strength.

Overlord, King, Color, Winding, Winding!!!

A stick wrapped around the overlord color domineering waving.

Thunder, Sound, Eight, Gua !!!

The atmosphere, and even the stable space, ripples and vibrates under the stick of Yamato.

Large cracks crisscrossed the walls and floors of the main hall of the palace.


Yamato’s thunderous gossip and Doflamingo line fruit awaken the most powerful moves to touch.

Those sixteen Divine Bullets almost collapsed at a touch!


Doflamingo’s decades-worn pink sunglasses shattered, a face twisted and deformed under the pressure of a wolf’s tooth stick.

A mouthful of blood mixed with fragments of internal organs spewed out of his mouth.

The whole person flew backwards like a broken kite.

Doflamingo, defeated!!!


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