Dressrosa, the royal capital of the highlands, sunflower fields.

Qi Yu, who smashed the Pika Giant with a knife, calmly closed the knife.

“Let’s go!”

Qi Yu greeted him and stepped forward first.

Violet and Rebecca, who had come back to their senses in hindsight, hurried to keep up.

“Lord Qi Yu is really good~”

“Definitely can! Liberation of Dressrosa! ”

Violet and Rebecca both looked at each other and nodded excitedly.

When Qi Yu took Violet and Rebecca to the palace.

“Thunder gossip!!!”

Yamato’s imposing roar exploded.

The blow wrapped around the mighty Overlord color domineering force crushed Doflamingo’s Divine Bullet.



Accompanied by an earth-shattering roar.

Seven Wu Hai Doflamingo, defeated!!!

It’s all over!!!

Cyrus and a group of Lesser Terran warriors looked up at the sky.

Taste this sudden joy.

The quiet atmosphere lasted for a long time.

“Lord Qi Yu ~~~”

Kalifa’s cry of joy shattered the silence.

“Mr. Qi Yu”

“Lord Qi Yu”

Robin, Yamato, Kira and others also stepped forward.

“Well done!”

Qi Yu smiled slightly.

Raising his hand gave Robin and the others a reward for their heads-to-head killing.

It’s Gion’s turn.

Gion snorted proudly, but did not dodge.

“Thank you this time!”

Gion Road.

“Thank you for what I do?”

Qi Yu asked with a smile.

Gion opened her mouth, just trying to say that if she hadn’t followed Qi Yu, she might not have been able to discover the tragedy of Dressrosa in another ten years.


Gion’s gaze swept behind Qi Yu.

“Well, that’ll be said later, you explain the one behind you first…”

Gion didn’t finish speaking.

But he saw Violet and Rebecca sitting on the ground with their legs together and their legs soft.

Gion widened his eyes and quickly raised his hands to show that he hadn’t done anything.


The one-legged soldier Cyrus suddenly shouted in excitement.

Three or two steps to jump in front of Rebecca.

“Daddy, I’m sorry! I’m really sorry! ”

“It’s all Rebecca’s bad!”

“Obviously Daddy, you’ve always been there to protect me, but I…”

Rebecca couldn’t cry.

“Don’t say I’m sorry, Rebecca!”

“Daddy never blamed you!”

“It’s better to say I’m sorry!”

“I haven’t told you the truth all these years, I’m sorry!”

“I’ve been forcing you to practice a sword art you don’t like, I’m sorry!”

Cyrus gently patted his daughter’s back, but his tall body was trembling slightly at the moment.

“Brother-in-law Cyrus”

Violet’s lips opened slightly, and his pretty face looked sluggish, like falling into a dream in the clouds.

I just feel that all this in front of me is so unreal.

So the mighty Doflamingo and Don Quixote were so shattered?

The nightmare that had haunted her for eight years had just disappeared?

This kind of thing、、、

“Violet, you’ve worked so hard all these years!”

“Thanks to you, Lord Liku and Rebecca were not hunted down by Don Quixote!”

Cyrus thanked him.

“Princess! Where is Princess Mansheli? ”

The little Terran old man shouted anxiously.

“Mao Ye, calm down!”

“Princess Jiren has her own celestial appearance, she must be fine!”

“Yes yes yes”

Vika and the other Terran warriors stopped the old man.

“Could it be that the princess you are looking for is her?”

Kirla takes out the little Terran princess who was recently rescued from the ruins of the collapsed palace.

“Oh well”

“It’s a princess!”

“The princess is safe!”

“Great! It’s so nice! ”


“Thank you very much!”

The little Terran warriors led by Mao Ye cheered in unison and thanked Kirra.

“No, no, no”

Kirra kept waving his hands.

“What, it turns out that they are the two queens of Dressrosa!” What a help! ”

Gion suddenly opened his mouth.

“Hitting Doflamingo and Don Quixote is not the end, the aftermath is even more important!”

Qi Yu Dao.

“Well, I will help the queens to reorganize the country!”

Gion is the focus.

When even walking towards Violet and the two men.

Prepare to discuss the aftermath of the aftermath.

“Mr. Qi Yu, is there really a 、、、 between you and those two queen daughters?”

Robin Yuanna stepped forward, and her beautiful eyes looked forward to it, if there was a point.

“Cough cough”


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