The aftermath of Dressrosa was entrusted to Gion, Cyrus, and Violet.

As a pirate, Qi Yu began to tap the booty.

For treasure or something, to be honest, Qi Yu was not very interested.

But idle, look at it is not harmful.

Grab a Don Quixote creep and lead the way.

Qi Yu took Robin, Yamato, Kira and others to the underground dark harbor of Dressrosa.

It is the trading center of the underworld of the New World and the transit point of the Dark Trade.

At the same time, there is a luxurious treasure trove that the Don Quixote family has painstakingly managed over the years.

Pass through an unknown number of bends.

A huge steel door stands in front of it.

This is where the treasure house of Don Quixote is located.

It houses a collection of countless rare treasures acquired by the Don Quixote family since its inception, as well as all the secrets.

It is the center of the family powerhouse.

“Big big, big … My lord, I really only know this, and how to enter the treasure house is only known to the young lord and the cadres of the family. ”

Don Quixote Soldier who led the way said with a weeping voice.

“Come on.”

Qi Yu waved his hand casually.

The creeps were suddenly amnestied, using both hands and siblings, and escaped as quickly as possible.

Looking at the gate in front of him, Qi Yu’s large hand landed on the handle of the Sun Sacred Sword around his waist.


It was accompanied by a loud rumbling.

The gate of the treasure house, which was several meters thick, exploded in response.

Transformed into countless square iron blocks and fell to the ground.


“It’s really worthy of Lord Qi Yu!”

Kalifa and other female beauties are full of beautiful eyes.


Their attention is drawn to the things in the treasure trove.

A dazzling golden light came from inside the treasure house, and everyone who shook could hardly open their eyes.

The wealth of the Don Quixote family over the decades can no longer be simply described as rich and invincible.

Especially in the past eight years, Doflamingo has used Dressrosa as a stronghold, relying on the convenience of the identity of the Seven Martial Seas, pushing his career to the peak and becoming the biggest dark middleman in the entire underground world, making a lot of money.

For gold treasure or something.

Qi Yu was not at all interested.

However, Doflamingo’s treasure trove, as the biggest dark intermediary, may not necessarily contain some rare treasures.

Look carefully, you may be rewarded.

Originally, I just had the mentality of walking around and taking a look.

As a result, Qi Yu really found something interesting.

“This is the extension of this article 、、、 history!!!”

Robin’s eyes sparkled.

Without blinking, the beautiful eyes fell on the historical text that was printed on the paper.

The mind is completely immersed in it, and there is no way to extricate itself.

“Ah, I seem to have seen these few words in the country of peace!”

Yamato tilted his head.

“Oh the country of peace, let’s go for a walk again!”

Qi Yu grinned.

The coming Wano Kingdom will be very lively!!!



The palace collapsed on the second floor of the highlands now.

Cyrus and Violet used a luxurious palace base for the Don Quixote family as a temporary gathering place.

While dealing with the chaos of the country, he also did not forget to make proper arrangements for Qi Yu and his party.

Small half a day later.

When Qi Yu and his party walked slowly through the Wang Capital, they came to the palace.

Violet and the others had been waiting for a long time.

In addition to Violet, Cyrus and Rebecca.

There is also an old man with a Mediterranean haircut.

He was Rikudold III.

The original king of Dressrosa.


Rikudor III fell to his knees trembling and fell to his knees.

“Lord Qi Yu, the sun god, this great grace of saving Dressrosa, I will never forget, please accept my worship!”

King Liku solemnly threw his five bodies to the ground and thanked everyone.

There is no majesty as a king at all.

Behind him.

Cyrus, Violet, Rebecca, and many more warriors who remained loyal to the Liku clan bowed down in unison.

“Let’s all get up!”

Qi Yu waved his hand indifferently.

“Now you have a lot to do!”


Rikudor emphasized.

After a full thank you.

Only then did he set out again with the Liku King’s army to stabilize the turbulent situation in Dressrosa.




The ‘Seven Martial Seas Fall’ event that took place in Dressrosa.

Nature cannot hide from the eyes and ears of the world.

The first to get the news, of course, was the Navy.


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