“What a shame! Too inferior! It’s so inferior! Kaido that guy is so ashamed! ”

The same is the same as the six sons of the grumpy poisonous tongue girl Uluti stomped her feet.

The power of terror made the earth tremble slightly.

“What a fierce chick, I like it”

Charlotte Dafuku stroked her beard and looked at the mad Uruto with interest.

“Now, do you want to be my subordinate?”

The fourth son Daifuku asked.

“What do you say? Bastard, have the ability to say it again! ”

“Kill you, absolutely kill you!”

Uruti was furious.

The animal dragon fruit ancient species of swollen-headed dragon morphological ability is launched.

“Don’t be impulsive sister, be calm, and focus on the overall situation!”

Peggy Wan hugged her sister deadly.


Charlotte Dafu and the other Mama Corps cadres laughed and walked away with a big wave.

Oni Island Banquet Hall.

A grand banquet celebrating the alliance between the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Pirate Group and the Four Emperors bigmom pirate group is underway.

The atmosphere was very warm.

The room was filled with the laughter of pirates.

The banquet began three hours later.

“Lord Kaido, Lord Kaido, things are not good!”

One of the Hundred Beasts Pirate suddenly shouted in horror and crawled to Kaido.

“What’s wrong? Panic into what kind of system. ”

Drought Quinn narrowed his eyes.

“Lord Jack, something is wrong!”

“The news came from Jiuli that there was an accident in Boro Town, and it invaded… The intruders are coming! ”

The Hundred Beasts Minions pirates shouted report.

“What do you say!!!”


As the word ‘intruder’ fell, the powerful people in the field, including the two great and four emperors, were all shocked.

How understated they had before, how panicked they were now.

For Kaido, it was his nightmare.

For bigmom, this is simply the worst timing.

After all, she came with the idea of running away with a single vote.

“Intruders … Who are the intruders? Who are the intruders? ”

“Could it be One Piece Roger and Navy Karp who smuggled in the other day?”

Plague Quinn even asked.

“No… No, the intruders are Malko, the leader of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, the leader of the Second Team, the Fire Fist Ace, and the Sixteen Captains to hide the !!! ”

The contact creep of the Hundred Beasts Regiment reported that under the gaze of the Sea Emperor, his body could not stop swinging.

“Is there anyone else besides the Immortal Bird and the Fire Fist?”

Yan Yan asked in a deep voice.

“This… Lord Ember, according to the news from Boro Town, only the whereabouts of the Fire Fist were found for the time being, and no one else was found. ”

The Hundred Beast Soldier who knew that he was in trouble answered tremblingly.

As his voice fell.

The banquet hall was once again silent.

The atmosphere was slightly awkward.

Feelings are all about their brains to frighten themselves.

It was just that the three captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment had scared the two of them to such an extent.

If it is passed out, this face will be lost.

Good moments.


“Oh well”

Charlotte Lingling and Kaido, the laughter of the two four emperors broke the silence between the scenes.

“You’re still as timid and useless as ever, Kaido.”

Bigmom Charlotte sneered calmly.

“Oh, you’re the same, Lingling, are you scared to pee now?”

Kaido did not show weakness in his fight back.

After learning that it was only a few small shrimp rice.

Kaido and Bigmom changed their previous panic and returned to their usual composure.

The other cadres of the Hundred Beasts and the Big Mama Regiment also laughed awkwardly when they saw the situation.

The atmosphere of the banquet was renewed.

“Big Brother Ember, what about the Immortal Bird and Fire Fist thing?” Is it just laissez-faire? ”

Drought Jack twitched out of the corner of his eye and looked at the embers of the fire.

Yan Yan looked back at Jack.

“I see.”

Jack nodded knowingly.

“Leave the matter of Nine Mile to me, whether it is Firefist or Whitebeard or Roger, this battle is decided.”

Drought Jack’s eyes widened and his words were domineering.

Yan Yan Embers: “…”

Plague Quinn: “??? ”

Fuck this is an iron man!

How anyone dares to touch it.

I want to run away absolutely as soon as I can—Quinn’s triumphant thoughts.


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