The Land of Peace, Nine Mile.

Forty years ago, it was a lawless place that even the generals of the Kingdom of Peace had given up.

There are lawbreakers from all over the country, and chaos is everywhere.

This chaotic phenomenon continued until more than thirty years ago, and with the arrival of Mitsuki Mita, the chaos in Jiuli was finally put in order.

Mitsuki Mita, who was exiled by the shogun Sukiyaki, was also given the title of Kurito daimyō.

For more than a decade after that.

Jiuli once became a model among the five major townships.

Until the arrival of the Hundred Beasts Kaido, everything took a turn for the worse again.

Under the joint occupation of the Hundred Beasts Kaido and the Black Carbon Serpent, the stupid stupid general Mitsuki Oda was defeated.

The light and moon have fallen.

Nine Mile was originally on the right track under the governance of Ota.

From then on, it also went to a dark abyss that was even more terrible than before.

Twenty years later, now.

The turning point in the history of Jiuli has once again appeared!!!



Boro Town.

This is the most prosperous central town in Jiuli Township.

Among them, there is also a Taoyuan Farm specially built by Oda to feed the people.

Right now.

In this farm with the most, cleanest and most comprehensive food stored for nine miles, the gunshots of resistance are firing.

Just three people defeated all the Hundred Beast defenders of Boro Town.

There was no reason for him, because they were the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.


“Lord Haldem, help!!!”

“Real fighters, intruders… O intruder! ”

It was the scream of the former members of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment.

“Kill! Kill! Kill! The dregs of the Hundred Beasts Pirates! ”

“I’m going to expel all of you, and leave none behind!!!”

The leader of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment Sixteen Fan Team hid his eyes red.

Driven by anger, the killing intent around them almost materialized.

The flintlock muskets between his hands exploded one after another.

Everywhere they passed, the pirates of the original Hundred Beasts screamed bitterly.

As one of the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, the strength of Yizang is naturally not to be underestimated.

The Hundred Beast Soldiers who stayed behind in the Nine Mile Farm almost fell to the ground in pieces.

“Marko, to hide him…”

The leader of the second team, Fire Fist Ace, looked at Ezo with a worried face.

“Don’t say anything, let Ezo vent now.”

The captain of the team, Marko the Immortal Bird, shook his head.


After it was decided to fight against the country of peace.

The Whitebeard Pirates began to prepare for war.

Marko, Ace and Israel are the spearheads of the White Order.

As for why they are.

The answer is obvious.

Ace has an appointment with a young girl in the country of peace, and more than once in the past two years she wants to save the country of peace.

Born in the Kingdom of Washino, Izo was a loyal vassal of the Shogun Mitsuki Mita.

As for Marko.

This time, he was the one to take them over the waterfall.

“Damn, intruder, don’t get too complacent!”

The roar exploded.

One with a rugged body.

Above his belly grew an artificial demon fruit capable person with a lion’s head who appeared with heavy steps.

He is the number one of Drought Jack’s sons, Holdham, in charge of everything in Boro Town.

“Intruders, you have figured out how to die…”

Holdem’s eyes widened with cruel brass bells, and his gaze swept over the three intruders in the field.

Next second.

The harsh words that had not yet been spoken suddenly stopped.

Holdem’s already wide eyes widened further.

A lion-like face appeared extremely shocked and frightened.

Because he had already recognized the identities of the three intruders.

“You, you, you… You are in vain… Marko, the undead bird of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace of Fire Fist, and…”

Holdham’s terrified scream was not finished.

Next second.

Accompanied by a ‘bang’ of an explosion.

Tongue of fire in the chamber of the hidden two-gun gun.

Covered with powerful and domineering bullets pop out of the chamber, the real Haldem exploded upside down tens of hundreds of meters.

“It seems to be over.”

Marko Road.


Ace nodded.

“Then Marko, the next thing will be left to you, and I will go to that village to fulfill the promise made two years ago.”

“Go ahead, Ace.”

Marco nodded in agreement.


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