With the defeat of the real Haldem and others.

The rebellion in the town of Jiuliboro is over.

Marco and Yizang are responsible for distributing the plant’s food to the suffering villagers of the leak-picking village.

Ace set off with a large amount of food first, heading to the agreed village, the village of Kitagasa.

“It’s been almost three years, Xiao Yu, I’m sorry, I’m back, and this time I will definitely fulfill my original promise.”

Ace transformed into flames and sped away in the direction of the village of Kurikasa.

About two years ago, Ace first entered the New World.

At the time, he was the captain of the Pirates of Spades.

Under the error of yin and yang, he led the people of spades to the country of peace.

During the waterfall climbing.

A gang accidentally capsized the ship.

All are wandering on the beach.

While they were unconscious.

The people of the village took them back to the village and tied them up.

At the same time, it also took their food.

For Ace, who has the ability to burn fruit, ordinary ropes naturally do not play the slightest binding role.

But he didn’t struggle.

It was only when they watched the villagers happily finish eating their food that they opened the rope with flames.

After learning about the tragic situation of the country of peace.

Ace, a young and righteous man, decisively went straight to the Ghost Island.

He wants to take down the head of the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido and solve the tragic root of the Kingdom of Peace.

However, I don’t know if luck is good or bad.

At that time, the Hundred Beasts Kaido and the three major disasters were all on expeditions.

He only meets Yamato, the daughter of Kaido, who calls himself Mitsuki Mita.

After a fight, even Yamato could not take it.

Ace knew that he was still far from being the opponent of the Four Emperors, and had no choice but to flee.

Before leaving the land of peace.

Ace promised the little girl in the village who begged to take her out to sea that he would definitely come back and feed her, everyone in the country.

Then, leaving the Land of Wano he joined the Whitebeard Pirates.

In the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment.

Ace learns about the origins of Mitsuki Mita, the former lord of the Wano Kingdom, and his father Whitebeard and others.

He had proposed more than once to wage war against the Hundred Beasts Kaido.

But for all sorts of reasons.

Never work.

Even Izo, who was a vassal of the Mitsuki Mita clan, did not agree to the liberation of the Kingdom of Washi.

Because Izo knows the physical condition of Whitebeard and the strength of the Hundred Beasts Kaido.

If you rush to war.

It is bound to place an unimaginably heavy burden on Papa Whitebeard’s body.

Worst case.

Even Papa Whitebeard will die in battle.

Because of this.

The war against the country of peace was delayed.

Yet now.

The situation is different.

Top a battle.

The Whitebeard Pirates suffered huge losses.

But the rewards are also enormous.

Ace’s rescue was only secondary.

Their biggest gain is the restoration of their father’s white beard.

Under Qi Yu’s magical fairy bean power.

Whitebeard returned to his peak.

Coupled with this multi-party target to target the country of peace.

This time, we absolutely must completely liberate the country that has been enslaved by the domination for twenty years and fulfill the original promise!!!

“I really want to tell Xiao Yu the good news quickly, Xiao Yu’s little guy doesn’t know if he has grown into a wonderful female ninja.”

Thinking of this, Ace couldn’t help but grin.

“Oh well”

Suddenly, a large, rugged fox dog suddenly jumped out of the bamboo forest and blocked in front of Ace.

“Oh, where is the big dog, the breed that has never been seen, I don’t know how it tastes like to eat?”

Ace looked at it with interest.

“Stop, Chiyo is my friend, don’t let you fight it, if you have the ability, come to me.”

The voice of a pretty little girl came from the cobblestone road behind.

Not long after, a little girl of about six years old, with a pink carving, appeared in front of Ace.

“Little Jade”



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