Nine Mile of the Kingdom of Wado.

On the bamboo forest path leading to the village of Kōkasa.

Take the opportunity of the two-harmonic dog unique to the country of peace.

Ace and Xiaoyu, after more than two years, goodbye.

“Ace, it’s really you, I almost thought I was blinded and hallucinating.”

Lori Xiaoyu surprised the opening.

The expression of the small face is a little confused, and it looks cute.

“Xiao Yu, I haven’t seen you in two years, you have grown a little taller~”

Ace laughed a few times.

Happily, he stepped forward, lifted Xiao Yu high above his head, and turned around a few times.

“Hahaha, Ace, you hurry up and put me down, I’m not a child anymore, Gulp~~~~”

Xiao Yu giggled.

Laughing and laughing, his stomach suddenly made an indisputable grunt.

The Land of Wano, ruled by Kaido and the Black Carbon Serpent.

It is very unfriendly to the poor people like Xiao Yu.

Even eating a meal of white rice is a luxury throughout the year.

“My belly, hold on, you want to become a glamorous female ninja!”

Xiao Yu patted his grunting belly, and his small face was full of seriousness.

“Hahaha, I can’t stand being hungry!” Xiao Yu, look, I brought a lot of delicious food with me this time! ”

Ace silently Xiaoyu’s head.

Then unwrapped the large package behind him.

Suddenly, big bones, sea beast meat, cakes, melons and fruits… A variety of delicacies appeared in the sight of little Lolita Xiaoyu.

This is the first time since Xiaoyu was born that she has seen so many delicacies.

Smell the aroma of grilled meat and the aroma of fruits and vegetables.

Lori Xiaoyu couldn’t help but look straight into her eyes, and the saliva at the corner of her mouth couldn’t stop flowing.

“This and this… Did you bring all of this with you? ”


The fox dog on the side is also drooling three thousand feet.

It does not have the luxury of being able to eat meat, as long as it can have a bone to nibble on it.

“No, no, Chiyo, we can’t eat it yet, these delicious things that Ace brought have to be brought back to the village to share with the master and everyone.”

Xiao Yu is like a little adult who educates foxes and is heart-wrenching.

If you change to other children, you will see so much food when you are hungry.

I’m afraid I’ve already pounced on it and eaten a lot of food, where will I think of other people.

“Fantastic and enjoyable”

The fox barked a few more times in agreement.

“What a good boy, so let’s go back and eat slowly.”

Ace repacks the food.

Then he held Xiaoyu and sat on the back of the fox.

Not long after, a dilapidated village appeared in the sight of two people and a dog.

More than two years ago, the village is noticeably poorer.

The samurai who had been guarding the village were also absent.

He was arrested and imprisoned by the black charcoal snake on various trumped-up charges.

Most of the people living in the village today are elderly, sick and disabled.

“Grandpa, mothers-in-law and everyone, you are all coming out, Ace… The old Ace came back and brought us a lot of delicious food, and today we all enjoyed eating together. ”

Xiao Yu trotted excitedly, knocking on the door door to door.

Not long after, the only few dozen people left in the village, old, weak, sick and disabled gathered together.

After seeing Ace in the open space and the variety of delicacies.

The elderly and children of the village cheered happily.

“Xiao Yu, come and sit down and eat.”

Ace brought back Xiao Yu, who was still planning to run around.

“But… But Master he hasn’t come back yet, and I have to look for it. ”

Xiao Yu hesitated.

“Don’t worry, your master Fei Che is a samurai.” Ace laughed.

“Well, that’s what it says.” Xiao Yu nodded heavily.

Then start packing food.

“This is for the master, this is for Sister Ah He, who picked up the leak town, and…”

Xiao Yu picked and packed it up to give to others.

In the end, he forgot only himself.

In this regard, Ace seemed to have anticipated it earlier, and handed Xiao Yu a large piece of bone and flesh that he had stolen.


That’s when it happened.

There was a slight rustling sound in the bamboo forest.

“Xiao Yu, everyone”

The knife smith Tengu Mountain Fei Che, wearing a large tengu mask, shouted.

“Ah, it’s the master, the master is back!!!”

Xiao Yu suddenly shouted happily.

A moment’s effort.

Tengu Mountain Flying Che had already swept in front of everyone.

Look at the variety of delicacies, and the smiling Mazi youth.

Tengu Mountain’s eyes widened in shock.

“You are… Ace!!! ”

Tengu Shan Fei Che screamed out in horror.

“Mr. Fei Che, we have met again, and this time I have come to fulfill my promise!”

“Let’s liberate this country together!”

Ace smiled and spoke.


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