Kuri, the village of Kōkasa.

Eat and drink.

The lifeless village of Kōkasa has finally regained some vitality.

The surviving villagers gathered in pairs, leisurely basking in the sun.

The plainly dressed and leaky little Lolita Xiaoyu had a bright smile on her face from the heart.

After running around, bring melons and fruits after meals to the elderly.

The other side.

Tenguyama Furcher went into the house with Ace to discuss important matters.

“What do you say!!!”

A loud cry of shock and shock came from inside the treehouse.

The sound resounded through the four fields, and the bamboo leaves in the shaking forest were all falling in clusters.

“Is it true? Ace, is what you say true? ”

“Is it really possible for our country, this country of peace, to be liberated?”

Tenguyama’s eyes were red in a flash of time as he flew through the mask.

Since eighteen years ago.

Lord Mitsuki Oda is dead.

The country is completely dominated by the Black Charcoal Serpent and Kaido.

The people of this country are also caught in the water.

Many people with lofty ideals, including Tengu Mountain Feiche.

All the time there is no longer a desire to liberate this country.

Their strength is weak, and the enemy is too strong.

All the samurai were just following the prophecy of the lady eighteen years ago.

It is believed that the Akatsuki Samurai will return in twenty years.

With it as a belief, this is what has persisted to this day.


There were still two years to go before the twenty years that Madame Shi prophesied.

But the opportunity for liberation came suddenly.

For a time, Tengu Mountain Fei Chu was also a little confused.

“Ace, I need to know the basis of your statement, can I reveal a word or two?”

Tengu Shan Fei asked solemnly.

“Good for a short stay”

Ace nodded.

There is no concealment immediately.

Inform the Whitebeard Pirates of their actions, the arrival of Roger and Karp, and the movements of other dignitaries.

For the situation in the open sea, Tengu Shan Feichu did not know much.

For a while, it was also in the clouds.

But one thing he knew.

That is, this time there will be unimaginable combat power involved.

Their lord Mitsuki Mita’s former companions.

The powerful people who are the same level as the Hundred Beasts Kaido and even on it will join in.

If so.

Maybe it will work!!!


Yes, it will work!!!

“Twenty years after Lady Shi’s prophecy, the nine Akatsuki samurai returned, and there was still more than a year to go before the founding of the Kingdom of Peace, and Shimoto has always been convinced, waiting for the return of the samurai, but now…”

“The course of history has completely shifted, and I’m sorry Madame, but instead of waiting for the return of the samurai in a year’s time, this is the time for the founding of the Wano Kingdom.”

Fei Chu bowed deeply towards the void.

The old face under the mask has only absolute firmness.

“Ace, the founding of the country is the matter of the country of peace, please be sure to let the next join, and now scattered all over the country, everyone is also waiting.”

Fei Che solemnly pleaded.

“Ah, of course.”

Ace smiled slightly.



Around noon.

After a short explanation and preparation.

Ace took Xiao Yu with him, and Fei Chu carried the sword casket on his back.

The three of them left the village in a harpa dog.

Prepare to go to the town of Leak Picking, first join Marco and Ezo, and then make plans.

As Feicher said.

The liberation and founding of the country of peace.

They cannot rely solely on these external forces.

They also needed to join the samurai of the country of Kazunoku.

He and Izang came to this point as the vanguard of the Whitebeard Pirates.

There is also the purpose of contacting various samurai.

A few minutes later.

The large fox dog carried Ace and the three of them out of the bamboo forest to the vicinity of the port of Jiuliida.


Nine Rieda Port Coast.

A Neptune mount slowly docked and moored.

“Wait, Fox”

Ace let out a sigh and looked at the sea kings on the coast, and his look gradually moved.

“Is that a sea king?” Why is it here! ”

Tengu Mountain flew through the look of emotion.

Next second.

Under the horrified gaze of three people and a dog.

Two unusually tall figures leapt down from the top of the Neptune’s head.

Wait until you recognize the two tall figures.

Es’s eyes widened, and his face was full of surprise and excitement.

“That’s Mr. Qi Yu and… Yamato!!! ”

Ace screamed unconsciously.


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