One moment at noon.

The sun is hot and scorching.

But it is not as good as a man.

An hour ago.

Qi Yu, who had entered the daily arrogant posture, returned to the hut above the sea king’s head to take a nap.

Prepare Yamato to wait until he gets to the place to wake him up.

The big and big grinning girl was also stunned.

As soon as he arrived, Qi Yu, who was in a state of arrogance, woke up Qi Yu, who was in a fiery rage.

“Mr. Qi Yu, where do we go next?”

Yamato asked with a dumb face.

“Sure enough, we still have to join Roger One Piece first, and then slowly think about the long term!”

“What stupid thing are you talking about?” Yamato! ”

Qi Yu was condescending, looking down at Yamato arrogantly.

“The next place to go is, of course, the Ghost Island, and I’m going to find your idiot father to have a good fight!”

“Alas alas”

Yamato was surprised.

I thought it was different from what I said in the morning.

“But, Mr. Qi Yu, didn’t we receive the news, bigmom, that the Four Emperors Aunt has also landed in the Land of Peace?” If it’s just the two of us now, wouldn’t it be bad! ”

Yamato is not without worries.

“What do you think I am?”

Qi Yu’s tall figure cast a terrifying shadow.

That dragon-like muscle made Yamato swallow his saliva with unconsciously difficulty.

Under the domination of Qi Yu’s arrogance and domineering, she only felt that a small heart was involuntarily fluttering and jumping.

“No, no, no”

Yamato, Yamato shook his head violently again.

“No, no, no, now is not the time to think about this, the top priority is to stop Mr. Qi Yu, absolutely can not go to the current Ghost Island!”

“Facing two Four Emperors Pirate Regiment at the same time, even Mr. Qi Yu, who is unparalleled in the world, 、、、 and if the current situation passes, Mr. Qi Yu’s increase will gradually weaken!”

Yamato made up his mind to hold Qi Yu back.

Come to think of it.

She took a deep breath.

Despite the heat, he resolutely opened his arms and hugged Qi Yu.

The scalding heat from the sun made her fair skin turn red instantly.

However, Yamato still has no intention of letting go.

“Yamato, do you want to stop me?” Blocking me as the sun with my own body? ”

Qi Yu smiled slightly.

“Yes, Mr. Qi Yu, please be patient for a moment!”

“As long as you don’t go directly to the Ghost Island, no matter what you do to me, I won’t resist!”

Big and Little blushed and plucked up the courage to speak.


Qi Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Don’t wait for the two sides to rub out any sparks.

“Alas, alas, alas”

In the bamboo forest not far away, the strange cries of young people were heard.

“Mr. Qi Yu and Yamato!!!”

Ace shouted in excitement and excitement.


The two Hardies stride forward.

Not far from Qi Yu and Yamato, the brakes were slammed shut.

Can’t get too close to the sun.


Looking at the sudden appearance of Ace, Yamato was also surprised.

“Why are you here?” No, you’re really great here! ”

Yamato’s eyes lit up.

For the reunion with Ace.

Her heart was also overjoyed.

In addition to the inherent friendship.

More importantly.

Finally there was a helper who could stop Qi Yu with him.

“Yamato, you and Mr. Qi Yu are 、、、”

Ace glanced at the two men who were acting intimately, and a look of surprise appeared on their faces.

“Am I here by chance, or are you going to finish things first?”

Ace tentatively opened his mouth.

“What are you talking about, Ace!”

For Esther that weird hint.

Yamato, who prides himself on being a man, is unaware of it.

“I’m just blocking Mr. Qi Yu, otherwise, Mr. Qi Yu will go to the Ghost Island alone to face the Hundred Beasts and the Big Mom, the two Four Emperors Pirate Regiment!”

Yamato Anxious Road.



Ace was also stunned.

It’s not just that Qi Yu is going to the Ghost Island.

It is also because of the information revealed in Yamato’s words.

Not just the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Even the bigmom pirate group landed in the country of peace.

This time they were going to face two Four Emperors Pirates!!!

“Ace, don’t be stunned, hurry up and help, I can’t stand it!”

Yamato urged.

“Oh well”

Ace returned to God with hindsight.

“Wait a moment, I’ll be here right away!”

Ace said as he dialed a white-bearded phone bug.

Long before leaving the team as a pioneer.

Whitebeard had once instructed him.

If you meet Qi Yu, let him know through the phone bug.

Ace didn’t forget.

Bru Bru Blu ~

After a brief ringing.

Phone bug connected.

“Ace, what’s wrong?”

Whitebeard’s voice came from the other end of the phone bug.

“Father, I have met Mr. Qi Yu!”

“But now it’s a little bit of a problem!”


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