“Sakuten Maru, I’m really sorry!”

“With a foolish lord like me, you must be very upset in normal times!”

Mitsuki Mita came to his former courtier, Sakuten Maru.

“Mita… Adult”

Sakuten Maru opened his eyes blankly.

Looking blankly at the lord in front of him.


He could no longer tell the difference between reality and dreams.

As a human intuition told him.

Lord Mita had died eighteen years earlier.

It was impossible to appear alive in front of him again.

But what we saw in front of us was so real.

Did his lord Mitsuki Mitaru really come back?

Jiu Tianmau’s head couldn’t help but put a big question mark.

That’s when it happened.



The accompanying Yizang slapped a slap on the head of the dazed sake pill.

“Stupid Egg Wine Heavenly Maru, what are you still doing?” Now that Lord Oda has returned, do you still want to give up on yourself like before? ”

“Haven’t you woken up from a decadent dream yet?”

With a hidden angry voice.

Having experienced the shock of Roger’s resurrection in the war on top, he quickly accepted Mita’s resurrection setting.

But a person like Jiu Tianmaru who lives in a chaotic nightmare is difficult to accept this reality for a while and a half.

“Sakutenmaru, can you please trust me again?”

“Can you please join me in dispelling the darkness of the Kingdom of Peace!”

“This time we absolutely want to let this country be founded!”

Mitsuki Oda poked out the invitation to Sakutenmaru with a big hand.

“No, no, no, Lord Mita, you don’t need to say sorry to me!”

The hindsight of the sake tenmaru panicked and waved his hand continuously.

“I just want to say sorry to you, I’m really sorry, Lord Oda I’ve failed to live up to your expectations, and I have actually started my old business again and become a mountain thief, I am ashamed…”


Ezo slapped the back of the head of the sake pill again.

Hit his head with a buzzing sound.

“Stupid Eggsake Tenmaru, just nod your head here and respond to Lord Oda expectation!”

Ezo reminds you.


Sakutenmaru choked and raised his trembling right hand

However, before touching Mita’s right hand, it was quickly withdrawn.

“No, no, no, not only have I abandoned the glory of being a Red Sheathed Samurai, but I have even restarted my work as a mountain thief, and scum like me are no longer qualified to be your vassals!”

At this moment, Jiu Tianmaru finally couldn’t help but cry.

At the same time, it also represents that he has finally accepted the reality of Mita’s resurrection.

“Is it qualified to say it yourself, Sake Heavenly Maru, you are my courtier!”

Mitsuki Mikata grinned

His large hand popped out suddenly.

Grab the right hand that the sake tenmaru retracted.

Pull it up from the ground.

“Lord Mita!!!”

Once again he was recognized by the Lord of worship.

Sake Tenmaru couldn’t help but have infinite complex emotions in his heart.

He couldn’t say a word, but just kept shedding tears.

“Sorry Sakutenmaru was heavy in my words before, these years you have carried everything alone, it is really hard.”

Apologize for the hidden.

“But from now on, let’s fight together!”

“Oh well!!!”

Sake day pill choked in response.

The enlightenment work of the family minister Sake Tenmaru was successfully concluded.

Mitsuki Oda turned.

Next second.

A blue line of fire spanned tens of meters.

Hit him hard.

Hit it with a stumble.

“Oda !!!”



The captain of the Whitebeard Ichiban team and the captain of the former second team embraced each other heavily.

“Bastard, Mita, what a 、、、 you guy”

Marco punched Mita’s solid bear chamber with reddish eyes.

“Marko, I’m really sorry, and the dialogue Xiao Ji also…”

Oda apologized.

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Marko waving.

“If you want to apologize, or you apologize to Daddy personally, anyway, Daddy they will come soon, I won’t contact them in advance, Quan should give Daddy a surprise!”

Marco waved.

“Are you really Mitsuki Mita?”

Ace stepped forward stunned.

“It’s me, are you?”

Mitsuki Mita’s face showed a suspicious look.

Marco grinned and put his arm around Ace’s shoulder and introduced, “Mita, he is Ace, the captain of the second team after you, Fire Fist Ace, and don’t be surprised when you hear it, Ace is not only Daddy’s son, but also Roger’s own daughter!” ”

“Alas alas”

Hikari Mitsuki, who had not yet read this part of the memory, couldn’t help but widen his eyes in shock.


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