“Alas, alas, alas”

“You… Are you Roger’s son!!! ”

Mitsuki Mita’s voice couldn’t help but raise an octave.

It represents the shock and shock of his heart.

For Roger and he was resurrected in this era.

Mitsuki Oda is clear.

It’s just that the young Ace in front of him is Roger’s own son.

Mitsuki Mikuta had no way of knowing, so it was a shock at this moment.

“Hahaha, let’s count it out!”

Ace nodded awkwardly.

“Ahahaha, so good! It’s so good! That’s great! ”

Mitsuki Oda patted Ace’s shoulder and said yes.

“Lord Mita, after a long journey, you must be hungry, please use it!”

The people of the leak village collected the scattered food and delivered it to Mita and the others.

“Everyone, these foods, or you eat!”

Mitsuki Oda waved his hand.

“No, no, no, Lord Mita, man is iron rice and steel, and only when he is full can he fight!”

“Lord Mita, you’re welcome!”

“We’re all useless people, completely useless in combat, at least logistically, please let us do our part!”

The villagers of the leak village opened their mouths firmly.

Looked at.

Oda did not refuse again.

Just symbolically pick up an apple.

“Everyone, you are all indispensable members of the Nine Mile, and when I regain the country, I still need you to continue to build this country together, so everyone must also take care of your health, so please enjoy it now!”

Mitsuki Oda solemnly opened his mouth.


The old people looked at each other and finally nodded in unison.

“Then let’s enjoy it together!”

“Thanks to the little buddies, there is a lot of food today!”

“Lord Mita”


A joyful pre-war banquet begins.

The mountain thieves under the sake of the Sake Pill were not excluded either.

After learning that Sakutenmaru was once also a Akasha samurai.

The old people in the leak town did not care about the previous suspicions, and took the initiative to stuff food to the sake of Tianmaru and others.

Such a move made the sake of the people ashamed and embarrassed.

“When everyone has eaten enough, they must work with Lord Oda to retake this country.”

An old man asked.


Everyone in the Toushan Thieves Regiment, led by the Sake Heavenly Maru, nodded their heads with tears.

This kindness, they can only make up for and return with their lives.

“Lord Mita, I…”

Asura Boy Sakura-Tenmaru looked at the lord in front of him, Mita, and opened his mouth, wanting to stop talking.

Mitsuki nodded.

Know what Sakutenmaru wants to say.

After all, the sudden resurrection of this dead man was such a thing.

If only Roger had known that there was a precedent.

I’m afraid that no one can calm down.

It is also common sense that the sake tenmaru has this question.

To this.

Mitsuki Oda didn’t say anything.

Just for the first time to set your eyes on the big dog fox not far away.

To be precise, it is on the man in front of the fox.

“Who is that person?”

The sake pill looked confused.

“That’s a miracle man!” The reason why Lord Oda was able to resurrect and return this time must also be a miracle displayed by that adult! ”

To hide the opening of the face full of adoration and excitement.


Sakuten Maru was surprised.

“Miracle man! A being that can control even the miracle of life and death! ”

“Isn’t that 、、、 God?”

Thinking of this, the Asura Boy Sake Heavenly Pill and others couldn’t help but be in awe.

For the first time, he respectfully knelt down in the direction of Qi Yu.



Right now.

Nine Mile Coast.

A large three-masted sailing ship with a mammoth’s head on its bow docked.

The huge sail is written with the four letters of jack, representing its identity.

Three plagues of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment – Drought Jack.

“Lord Jack!”

“Just received a call from Boro Town!”

“The intruders seem to have gathered in the village of Leak Picker!”

Drought Jack’s Jinta Hipps Head and others reported one after another.

“Leak Village! This time it was just a one-time extinction! ”

Drought Jack’s cold opening.

“But Lord Jack, according to the report, there seems to be something going on there, shall we inquire further and report to Lord Kaido?”

Zhen hit Kim Lamy tentatively opened his mouth.

“Who do you think Lao Tzu is?”

The tall Drought Jack glared at him, his eyes bloodshot in them.

The astonishing momentum frightened all the men to retreat unconsciously.

“Lao Tzu is Drought Jack!” This battle is decided! ”

“Oh, that’s it!” Foxford, one of the Flying Six, sneered, “Fire Fist Ace is my prey!” ”

“Gagaga, it’s just a few people in the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, and it’s not Whitebeard’s personal arrival, what’s so terrible!” The Dragon Suit Six Sons, who didn’t even deserve a name, laughed triumphantly.


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