
Watching his idol Mitsuki Mitsuki approach.

Yamato was like a frightened rabbit and quickly hid behind Qi Yu.

If it is a general star-chasing fan.

Watch your idol appear in front of you.

It is bound to be so happy that it loses its mind.

Be the first to meet your idols.

But Yamato didn’t.

Now when I see the resurrection of Oda return.

Yamato’s mood has always been very restrained.

He had been honestly staying by Qi Yu’s side and hadn’t gone anywhere.

Even now watching Oda come along.

For a moment, she couldn’t help but hide behind Qi Yu in a panic.

In front of others.

Yamato can freely call himself Mitsuki Oda.

But in front of Oda the Buddha-figure.

She was a fake.


Or did Mita appear too suddenly.


Yamato wasn’t ready to meet with Mita.

More importantly, she is also Kaido’s daughter.

If only Oda knew…

However, Mitsuki Mita’s visit was not for her.

From start to finish.

Mita’s eyes only fell on Qi Yu.

For those who resurrect themselves.

Mitsuki Oda naturally did not fail to know.

“Lord Qi Yu”


For the resurrection of his own ‘god’, Oda naturally gave him the honorific title.

Talk at the same time.

Mitsuki Mita fell to his knees in front of Qi Yu without hesitation, his head touching the ground.

“This time I have been able to return to this world, and I am really, really grateful!”

Mitsuki Mita thanked Qi Yu Lian.

Next second.


Izo also bowed down to the ground with five bodies.

This was followed by Asura Boy Sake Tenmaru, Tengu Shan Fei Che, Tea House Master Azuru, Xiao Yu, and all the villagers in the village who were present.

If it’s before.

For such things as the Lord’s prostration to others.

They must be the first to stop it.

But this time it was different.

All of them simply followed the example of the Lord, praying and praying reverently.

For the only one who can bring their dead lord back to this world must be the !!!

Kneeling before God is a matter of course.

“Let’s all get up!”

Qi Yu waved his hand casually.

Motioned for Oda and the others to get up.

Qi Yu had little interest in becoming a god of the Kingdom of Peace.

He resurrected Mita only because he happened to have this card in his hand.

“Mita, come and get to know each other for a while!”

Qi Yu smiled slightly.

Gesturedly looked at Yamato behind him.

“Yes, Lord Qi Yu”

Oda strode forward, his eyes falling on Yamato.

At a glance, he realized that Yamato’s dress was somewhat similar to his.

“Lord Qi Yu, who is this?”

Mita’s face was confused.

“Kaido’s daughter Yamato, who is also an avid fan of yours!”

Qi Yu said casually.


Oda was taken aback.

But not because of Yamato’s status as the daughter of Kaido.

“My fans!”

Marko, Ace, Ez, and others: “??? ”

“Speaking of Mita, shouldn’t you be concerned about Kaido’s daughter?”

Marco complained.

“Ahahaha, it seems to be, oh, don’t care.”

Oda grinned widely.

There is no slightest concern or concern that Yamato is the daughter of the enemy Kaido.

On the contrary, it is a wine day pill, some of which are eager to try.

But there is a hiding.

Nor is he too out of line.

“Yamato, isn’t your idol coming, aren’t you ready to say hello?”

Qi Yu smiled.

“Mr. Qi Yu really is, he knows to see my jokes!”

Yamato pouted a small mouth.

Now that it’s been said.

She didn’t hide anymore.

“Mr. Oda

Yamato took a deep breath and introduced himself.

“In Shimoyawa, I’ve been thinking about seeing you again since eighteen years ago.”

“Ahahaha, huh? Yamato little girl, I am also very happy to have a fan like you. ”

Mitsuki Oda touched his chin happily.

“Mr. Oda this is your logbook, and now the thing is returned to its original owner.”

Yamato took a well-preserved logbook from his arms and returned it to Oda.

“Oh well”

Looking at the familiar log, Oda couldn’t help but light up.

“I didn’t expect this log to be preserved in good condition.”

“Yes, this is what I found from the burning city of Ota, and it is my Bible!”

Yamato nodded awkwardly.

Mitsuki Mikuta flipped through the pages with a sigh of relief and then handed the log back to Yamato’s hand.

Yamato tilted his head in confusion.

“Just like a little gift for the fans.”

Oda smiled.

“Really? Thank you, Mr. Mita! ”

Yamato put the logbook back in place.

“Then again, Yamato, how on earth do you know about me?”

Mitsuki asked.


Yamato did not hide it, when even the beginning and the end were told to Mita.

Listening to his own death also touched the daughter of the enemy.

For a moment, Oda couldn’t help but laugh and shake his head.

Then there was a little pride in my heart.

I was about to make some testimonials.


Mitsuki Mita’s heart moved.

Suddenly, he stood up and locked his eyes on the wasteland hundreds of meters away.

Hundred Beasts Pirates, here it comes!


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