“Shimojiro, wait for eighteen years, and hereby welcome the return of Lord Oda !!!”

The underworld boss doze off and die.

Rujiro, who was also one of the Akatsuki samurai, wept bitterly.

Weakly, he knelt down in front of Oda and fell in front of him.

When he heard that the lord Mitsuki Oda recognized him now.

Runejiro’s emotions uncontrollably ‘collapsed’.

I just feel that the suffering of these eighteen years is all worth it.

“Passero, hurry up.”

Sure that the strange face in front of him was one of his former courtiers.

Mitsuki Oda was also overjoyed, and quickly took the initiative to help Runejiro get up.


Underground bases, other people in the field.

Kawamatsu, Sakutenmaru, Ezo, and Hana no Shogun Goro.

After hearing Mitsuki Mita’s conversation with Rujiro, he was completely stunned.

Their eyes widened in shock in unison.

Looking at the head of the plane, Fumijiro’s face was filled with shock and disbelief.

Obviously, this man’s appearance is so strange.

They’d never seen it before.

However, their lord, Mitsuki Mita, called him Tsunejiro, their former close companion.

“Who can tell me what the hell is going on? Is this airplane head really Rujiro? ”

He Song hugged his head and shook his head vigorously.

“Rujiro, is it really you?”

Sakutenmaru asked anxiously and nervously.

“Ah, it’s me, Kawamatatsu, Sake Tenmaru and Izo.”

Under the soothing of Mitsuki Mita, Fumijiro’s agitated emotions gradually calmed down, and he looked excitedly at his former friends.

“It’s really that Rujiro!”

Kawamatsu and Sakutenmaru murmured.

“But… Fumijiro, what the hell is going on with you? How did you end up like this? It’s not at all the same as it used to be. ”

Ezo shook his head, a look of incredulity.

“I was possessed by a monster named Angry and became what I am now, and even the most familiar of me didn’t recognize me at all, but I was still able to see it at a glance by Lord Mita.”

Passerō said.

“Rujiro, you’ve worked really hard all these years.”

Mitsuki Oda had tears in her eyes and gave Funajiro a heavy hug.

“Everybody, don’t stand, sit down and have a glass of wine together to celebrate the return of Fumijiro.”

Hana no Sengoro greeted.

Everyone nodded their heads and drank.

“I didn’t expect that the famous Berserker was actually Runejiro, which really frightened me.”

Sakutenmaru Road

“But then again, Fumijiro, how did you know we were here?”

Hana no Sengoro asked.

“Hahaha, Boss Binggoro, when I was practicing here before, I heard you mention this place of wine storage, and after becoming the boss, I thought that this place might come in handy later, so I made some preparations in advance, not long ago I observed some situations in the room, guessing that someone here is coming, so I will come here to check, I didn’t expect that Lord Oda actually came back.”

At this point, Fumijiro’s voice couldn’t help but choke up again

“That’s the way it is.”

Hana no Shogun Goro and the others all nodded knowingly.

“Runejiro, I have one more question, why are you doing things under the Great Serpent?”

Sakuten Maru pursed his mouth and asked seriously.

The atmosphere of the underground base space is stagnant.

A moment later.

“It’s rare to become this ghostly look you are now, how can you not make good use of it!” Now I am the poisonous snake that is ambushing the black charcoal snake bastard! ”

Pass Jiro’s eerie opening.


Sakutenmaru whispered an apology.

“Ahahaha, let’s not talk about that, and toast to the return of Runejiro.”

Mitsuki Oda laughed and raised a glass.


Everyone shook their glasses in unison.

Three bowls of wine under the belly.

Rujiro wiped the sake stains from the corners of his mouth.

“Lord Oda, your next target should be the Black Charcoal Serpent.”

Passerō said.


Mitsuki nodded.

“Sure enough, Lord Oda, there is a word in the following.”

Fumijiro opened his mouth solemnly.


Oda nodded.

“Can you delay the attack a little bit?”

Funajiro asked.

“What do you mean by that?” Passerō! ”

“Don’t you want to quickly eradicate the Black Charcoal Serpent?”

“Ruanjiro, now the Black Charcoal Serpent doesn’t know the news that Lord Oda has returned, it is the best chance to raid, and the longer it drags on, the easier it will be to get into trouble.”

The river loosens the opening.

“No, no, no, no,

Fumijiro hurriedly waved his hand.

“Everyone, don’t make noise first, listen to what Runejiro has to say.”

Mitsuki Mita Road.

“Lord Mita, before you attack the Great Serpent General’s Mansion head-on, you must first ensure the safety of the people of the city!!!”


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