“Lord Oda must ensure the safety of the entire people before the official beheading operation begins.”

Pass Jiro’s solemn words.

“This is nature, Runejiro, why did you say that?”

Mitsuki asked incomprehensibly.

Both then and now.

Mitsuki Oda puts the safety of the people first.

Never ignore or sacrifice the suffering people in front of them.

If not.

Twenty years ago, he didn’t need to lie down for three years to rescue all the hostages before attacking the Black Charcoal Serpent.

“Runejiro, don’t doubt, I’m still the same fool you used to be.”

Mitsuki Mita grinned.

“No, no, no, I don’t mean that, Lord Oda I never doubted… Wrong…… Lord Mita, you are not a fool Your Highness. ”

Pass Jiro’s helpless Tao.


Mitsuki Oda burst out laughing.

“Lord Oda is really…”

Fumijiro who had calmed down shook his head with a smile.

“Lord Mita, not only have you not changed over the years, but the treachery and meanness of the Black Charcoal Serpent have also not changed.”

Runejiro had a straight face.

“What did that bastard snake do?”

Jiu Tian Maru and Kawamatsu were all frowning and sweating nervously.

In order to guard against Lord Mita, the Black Carbon Great Snake, at the suggestion of the traitor Fu Lu Shou bastard, has already taken the entire residents of the Flower Capital as hostages, and if we really rush out unguarded, we are bound to fall into a passive situation of dilemma.”

Passerō said.

“What do you say!!!”

“It’s that traitor Fu Lu Shou again!”

“The whole inhabitants of the Flower City are held hostage, and this kind of thing … Are they serious? ”

“Can it really be done?”

Ezo, Hesong and the others all stared at each other with wide eyes that couldn’t help but be angry.


Passerang nodded solemnly.

Say you’re not joking.

“A day ago, the Black Charcoal Serpent had been to the Ghost Island and had obtained a large number of plague bombs from the hands of Quinn, the big signature of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment.”

Passerō said.

“Epidemic Quinn’s Plague Bomb!!!”

The sound of hiding suddenly increased by an octave.

As the leader of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, it is impossible for him not to recognize the name of the plague Quinn.

“Ezo, you know? What is that plague bomb! ”

Kawamatsu asked.

“Ah, that’s a terrifying biochemical weapon developed by the plague bastard of the Hundred Beasts, and if someone is infected uncontrollably, I’m afraid that within half a day, the entire Flower Capital will fall.”

With a dignified look.


Everyone inhaled a cool breath.

“Just today, a hundred samurai squads under the Great Serpent have been distributed all over the Flower City with plague bombs, in order to wait for Lord Mita to appear, as a threat to force Lord Mita to surrender.”

Passerō said.

“Black Charcoal Serpent, what a despicable little man this is!”

Kawamatsu’s angry punch landed on the ground.

The ground shattered.

“If only we had killed the past…”

Sakutenmaru turned pale.

I dare not continue to imagine.

Because he knows.

His own lord, Mita, would never watch his people suffer in plain sight.


The result will only be the same as eighteen years ago.

Nothing will still change.

“Fortunately for the misfortune, we knew in advance the despicable plan of the black charcoal serpent, so that we would have a chance.”

Hana no Soldier Goro Road.

“Chuan Jiro, the Flower Capital is your territory, do you have any good methods?”

Sakutenmaru looked expectantly at Ryojiro.


Fumijiro nodded.



“It’s really worthy of Rujiro!”

Everyone shouted in surprise.

“Lord Mita, how many people do you have on your side now?”

Funajiro asked.

“Eight hundred people.”

Oda answered.

“They are all first-class players.”

Hana no Shogun Goro added.

“Eight hundred people, that’s pretty much enough.”

Fumijiro nodded.


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