At noon.

It was supposed to be the time to go into business.

However, the base camp of Mad Deathboy on Luocha Street was closed with its gates closed.

Closed for recuperation.

Many people who were looking forward to seeing Hua Kui were disappointed.

The interior of the vast base camp is also cleared.

Even if it is the little brothers of the crazy Lang family.

It is also impossible to enter, and can only be guarded on the periphery.

Right now.

Reception room on the second floor of the courtyard.

Dressed in a dignified red kimono, Hikari and kneeling quietly.

However, the heart was already full of terrifying waves.

From eight o’clock in the morning to now.

She had been waiting for nearly four hours.

Over time.

There was no disappointment in her heart.

Some are just increasingly strong expectations and hopes.


There were footsteps outside the door.


The scarlet door opened in response.

Several tall figures obscured the skylight.

Just so suddenly appeared in front of the light moon and day.


The light moon and the shell teeth bite the red lip.

The beautiful big eyes are red in a flash.

Two lines of clear tears flowed uncontrollably down her cheeks.

“Hinata, we’re back!”

Fumijiro’s eyes were slightly red, and he was the first to speak.

“Click! Click! Snap Snap! ”

Kappa Kappa Kagome couldn’t help but laugh freely.

Look at the familiar figure in the room.

He Song couldn’t help but burst into tears.

Eighteen years ago.

It was he who took the young Nichiwa from Lady Shi.

Take her by water to escape the burning Oda Castle.

However, the young Princess Hi and Princess were concerned about his hardships.

Because he didn’t want to see him hungry, he ran away alone, unwilling to be a burden to him.

Such a difference is more than ten years.


See the appearance of the kind princess of good manners.

He Song’s heart was naturally excited and joyful.

“Riwa, my daughter, you have really grown up!” It’s exactly the same as before! ”

Mitsuki Oda looked at her daughter who was close at hand.

The tall body trembled uncontrollably with excitement.

“Lord Mita”

“What are you waiting for?”

Ezo wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with the Asura Boy Sake Tenmaru (佐繭機丸).

At the same time, he gently pushed Mitsuki Onta’s back.

“Hiwa, I’m back!”

Mitsuki Oda smiled and scratched his head as if he was a little overwhelmed.

The most beautiful kimono girl Hikari Moon Day and get up.

He jumped straight into the arms of his father, Mitsuki Mita.

“Welcome back, Father!”

The light moon and the red lips gently opened, making a whispering sound with a crying voice.

Listening to her daughter’s crying, Mitsuki Oda suddenly became more and more overwhelmed.

“Little Riwa, don’t cry, don’t cry, dad hold you high.”

Mitsuki Oda held her daughter’s slender waist.

Just like when I was a child, give the light moon day and lift high.

For his own father’s hand.

The light moon day and the time are also confused.

At the same time, infinite nostalgia arises in the heart.

Its white face also flew up a few red clouds.

“Really, Father, hurry up and let me down, Hikazu is no longer a child!”

Hikari and complained.

If she was still a few years old, there would be no violation of the law.

But now she was a twenty-four-year-old girl.

Especially in this big public.

It’s a bit shy to hold high.

Under the strong protest of Nichiwa.

Mitsuki Mita smiled silly.

That’s when it was finally put down.

“Click, great! It’s really great! ”

The tears in Hesong’s eyes still couldn’t stop falling.

“Don’t cry ~ River Pine ~”

Day and gentle soothing.

“Hikazu Lord, but all these years… Wow”

“It’s me who should say I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Hesong, please forgive me for not quitting!”

Nichiwa apologized softly.

“No, no, no, Princess, is under …”

Don’t wait for Kawamatsu to finish.


Kushitenmaru gave Kawamatsu a slap on the back of the head to interrupt.

“Now it’s enough to just go down!”

Take the Tibetan path.


Kawamatsu nodded tearfully.

“Ezo and Jiu Tian Maru, you haven’t seen each other for a long time!”

Hinata turns to say hello to Ezo and Sake Tenmaru.

“Long time no see, Nichiwa!”

Ezo nodded happily.

“It’s better than anything if you’re safe!”

Sakutenmaru Road.

“Princess, has the adult left?”

Funajiro asked.


Day and shake his head.

“That adult is still taking a nap in my room!”

After Nichiwa finished speaking, he felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere between the scenes.

Look at the strange look on his old father’s face.

Hinata lowered his head shyly, “I’m sorry, Father, I should have let my father see it first, but… But…”

“Really, who’s who, so lucky to be favored by the princess!”

“And he should also know that the princess’s elders are coming, and if they don’t come to greet them, they just have to worry about sleeping on their own, which is really rude!”

Sakutenmaru and Kawamatsu skimmed their lips in unison, and were very dissatisfied with this.

Only by hiding suddenly does the heart move.

I just started from now.

The air is getting hotter and hotter.

“No, it won’t!”

With the corner of his eye, he had already guessed something.


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