“Well, I think I’ll meet the princess’s sweetheart later, how about that?”

Seeing that Jiu Tian Maru and Kawamatsu were going to go up and arrest people.

Ezo hurriedly listened to the body, opened his arms, and stopped the two men,

“Ezo, what do you do?” Hurry up and get out of the way! ”

River Pine Road.

“Ahaha, I think that’s what… It doesn’t seem polite to disturb other people’s sleep! ”

Hide the words casually.


The sake tenmaru had a ridiculous look on his face.

It’s not like Izo can say it.

Compare to them disturbing the nap.

Now it is even more rude not to come to see them for a nap.

After all, it was already the best luck to get the favor of their princess.

However, the other party still has the princess’s favor and acts so wantonly.

Even the old man did not come to see him.

This is the greatest disrespect.

“Ezo, what the hell is wrong with you?” Why not let us go up! ”

He Song looked solemnly at Ezo.

“Do you know?” The princess’s sweetheart? ”

Sakutenmaru guessed.


With a hidden grin, it should be down.

“Could it be your partner in the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, that undead bird Marco is not right, he is a little older, but this temperature, is it the young boy?”

Sakutenmaru thought of Ace, whom he had met in the town of Leak Picking yesterday.

From Ezo’s mouth, he already knew that Ace’s ability was to burn the fruit of nature.

It just fits in with such rising heat.


Ezo made a silent gesture in a hurry.

“Sake Pill, don’t talk nonsense, I’ll tell you the truth, it’s twelve o’clock in the afternoon, if you wake up that one, it will be bad!”

“What’s not to like? It’s just a little ghost, even if he is your partner, you don’t need to be afraid to this extent! ”

Sakuten Maru was puzzled.

To hide a stunned.

Knowing that the sake tenmaru was misunderstood.

Without waiting for him to explain.



Amazing heat waves come from top to bottom.

A tall figure like the sun, stepping on the twisted atmosphere, fell from the sky.

“I’ve heard you talking behind your backs since just now, what are you talking about?” Don’t mind my joining! ”

Qi Yu had a faint smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Condescending, arrogantly looking down on the crowd.

“No, no, Mr. Qi Yu, we didn’t…”

Ezo quickly denied it.


The sake tenmaru on the side is like a duck stuck in its throat.

I can’t say a word again.

Right now.

He finally knew.

Why did Ezo try so hard to stop them.

The emotion was that his earlier guess was wrong.

The princess’s sweetheart is not a flame boy.

It’s 、、、 a true god!!!

In the presence of God.

Naturally, the wine heaven pill did not dare to have the slightest opinion.

Field room.

Only River Pine.

He did not know much about Qi Yu’s situation.


Look at the tall figure standing in the sky.

He Song opened his mouth.

I only felt a dry mouth.

In the end, I couldn’t say half a word.


Qi Yu’s gaze swept through the field and finally landed on Mita.

“Are you ready to take back this country?”

Qi Yu asked.


Mitsuki nodded subconsciously.

Originally, it was planned to take a good test to compare Qi Yu’s son-in-law.

The result is now.

In front of Qi Yu in the form of arrogance.

Oda the old man had completely fallen into the inferior position of being dominated.

In addition, he himself was resurrected by Qi Yu.


The words of the elders that had been prepared could not be said at all.

After a short exchange.

Qi Yu nodded satisfactorily.

“If nothing happens, I’ll keep taking a nap!”

Qi Yu Dao.

“Yes yes yes!”

Fumijiro and Izo nodded.

Step by step, Qi Yu returned to the top room.

Until the heat wave completely recedes.

Only then did the crowd finally breathe.

Look at each other, not from each other.


Inside the house, looking at everyone’s appearance.

Hikari and unkindly laughed.

“Ezo, what the hell was going on before?” Shen Qi Yu’s appearance didn’t look much the same as yesterday! ”

Sakutenmaru whispered Bibi.

“Shen Qi Yu? Who the hell is he? ”

River Pine was amazed.

“I told you that earlier!”

Ezo shook his head.

There is no concealment immediately.

Inform Qi Yu of his arrogant nature.


When you hear the words ‘invincible in the world’.

Everyone in the room swallowed hard.

“Ahaha, the lord will not bother for the time being, let’s continue to plan tonight’s action!”

Fumijiro smiled.

“Yes yes yes!”

Everyone nodded their heads.


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