“Abominable? What exactly did you do? ”

“Xiao Zi, do you know what you’re doing?”

“That’s the General!”

“Are you going to die?”

“General, cheer up!”

“Black Charcoal Serpent General!!!”

“Berserker, what the hell is going on?”


The banquet at the General’s Palace, which should have been sung and danced, was now in unprecedented chaos.

The first flower of the Flower Capital, Xiao Ziyi, shot through the throat of the Black Charcoal Great Snake, the general of the Wano Kingdom, and blood fell to the ground.

This sudden and terrifying scene was something that no one had expected before.

The accompanying geisha screamed involuntarily.

The courtiers and cronies of the Black Carbon Serpent General were roaring angrily.

Countless chaotic footsteps sounded from everywhere.

“Hua Kui Xiaozi, what did you do?”

A group of ninjas dressed in strange costumes appear out of thin air.

Just in the blink of an eye, Xiao Zi and the mad death lang who was still calmly drinking wine surrounded him.

There are hundreds of pounds of fat people wearing black masks, light and pulled on the ceiling;

There are strong men with strong hair and looks like green cows;

There are also beautiful women dressed as Xiaozi as geisha.

This unit of different shapes is the ninja army directly subordinate to General Black Carbon Serpent –

The Great Serpent Imperial Court is under the command of Captain Fu Lushou.

Once, their name was Guangyue Imperial Court Fanzhong.

Generations of service to the Light Moon family.

The ninjas of the Imperial Court looked at Xiao Zi and Berserker Lang with a tiger’s eye.

“Berserker, what the hell is going on!” Hurry up and explain it to me! ”

Fukuroku, the leader of the Imperial Court clan, glared at the old god who was drinking.

A glaring look at ninjas and samurai.

The look on Hua Kui’s little purple face was as usual.

As for the mad death lang, he is still calmly drinking by himself.

Completely unimpressed.

“Do you want to die?”

Fu Lu Shou’s eyes widened in anger.

He was about to wave his hands and order his ninjas to attack.


Amazing changes are happening again.


An indifferent cry exploded.

It actually emanated from the mouth of the big black charcoal snake that ‘threw up the street’.

The black charcoal snake was not dead yet, and stood up slowly.

The neck that had been stained with a little blood instantly became intact, without the slightest wound.

“Oh oh oh oh”

“Lord Serpent!”

“Great, Lord Serpent is all right!”

“This is not a matter of course, that is the Great Serpent!”

“Lord Snake wouldn’t have an accident so easily!”

The black charcoal warriors and courtiers in the field were shouting with excitement.

“Pleasant stay in Kyoto”

The black charcoal snake smiled negatively.

His body shook violently.

Next second.

Under the horrified gaze of the people.

The body of the Black Charcoal Serpent underwent earth-shaking changes.

Eight vicious dragon heads surged out from behind them.

The rim of the faucet hunched over.

His eyes rolled white as if he were dead.

The other seven dragon heads were writhing in the ballroom, dancing like a bunch of demons.

This is exactly the Black Charcoal Serpent’s Demon Fruit Ability——

Animal Snake Snake Fruit Esper Species Yagi Great Snake Form !!!

As an esper species that is more precious than the natural system.

Each esper fruit has unique abilities.

For example, Marko’s immortality, the Giant Buddha’s shockwave, the vampire’s blood-sucking rebirth, and so on.

The Black Charcoal Serpent’s Yagi Great Snake ability can give him eight immortals.

“Xiao Zi, answer me?” Why? Who instructed you to do this? ”

“As long as you answer truthfully, I can give you a chance to live!”

Yaki Great Snake Form Black Charcoal Great Snake General said coldly

Face the terrifying Yagi Great Serpent.

Xiao Zi still does not change color.

At this moment, she is no longer a weak flower queen.

She was the daughter of a samurai!!!

One of the greatest samurai of the Wano Kingdom, daughter of Mitsuki Oda !!!

“My name is Nichiwa! Light Moon Day and! ”


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