“My name is Hikari Sunawa!”

Faced with countless samurai and ninjas loyal to Black Carbon.

Guangyue Ri and Dafang unabashedly reveal their true identity.

The voice dropped.

The vast ballroom could not help but fall into a death-like silence.

“The light moon 、、、 day and day?”

“Hey, she said earlier that she was Hikaritsu!”

“Hikari Hikazuki, I remember, seems to be Mita’s daughter!”

“There can be no mistake, she she turned out to be…”

“Unbelievable! Hua Kui Xiaozi turned out to be the princess of the light moon! ”

“The light moon is really back, aaaaa


There was an uproar.

“It turned out to be Light Moon…”

Fu Lu Shou’s pupils shrank suddenly.

He turned his head suddenly.

Look at the mad man who is still drinking and dozing.

“Bastard Crazy Death Lang, you really have another identity, Xiao Zi is the princess of the light moon, so who are you?” Among the courtiers of Mita, I don’t remember having your number! ”

Fu Lu Shou shouted angrily and stopped drinking.

“Of course you won’t know!” Otherwise, how could I have hidden it until now! ”

Berserker sneered.


Fu Lu Shou snorted coldly

“Since you can no longer endure and take the initiative to expose, you should also be ready to bear the price.”

“It is you who really should be enlightened!”

The crazy death lang’s gaze swept over everyone in the field, which was chilling.

Fu Lu Shou’s face was extremely gloomy.

He stopped talking nonsense, raised his right hand high, and was about to order a siege.

“Wait, Fu Lu Shou… I decided, Xiao Zi, no, Ri and I decided to forgive you, I will make you the general’s wife, and I will announce this news to the whole country. ”

The black charcoal snake who learned Xiao Zi’s true identity was not angry and rejoiced, and laughed morbidly.

“It’s the idiot daughter of Mitsuki Mita, it’s funny, it’s really funny, I’m really getting more and more excited, grunt hehehe.”

When it is learned of the identity of Hikazuki’s Princess Hizuki.

The black charcoal serpent was more and more happy.

It occurred to him that Mita’s daughter would eventually submit to him.

It will be blissful on earth!!!

“Big snake, you’re happy too soon!”

Berserker sneered.

“What if you still have accomplices?” This is the General’s House, our home! Is it no longer the era of light and moon? What else can you do? In the end, your crazy Lang family is just a bunch of! ”

Fu Lushou’s eyes widened in anger and he shouted loudly.

However, the next second after Fu Lushou’s voice fell, the punch in the face came.

‘Boom boom boom’

The terrifying booming sound was formed one after another, causing the entire General’s Mansion to be shaken.


“Bastard snake, today is your doom!”

“Down with the Black Charcoal Serpent!” Give us and the country a quiet! ”


The angry roar of the samurai shook Shino.

At the same time, it also shook the hearts of the nobles of the Wano Kingdom, led by the Black Charcoal Serpent.

Without warning

Everywhere in the General’s Mansion, there was an earth-shaking shout of killing.

The roar of the explosion and the sound of the sword colliding were endless.

While the Black Charcoal Serpent and the others were in chaos because of the change in the banquet.

The samurai who were brought into the castle by Fumijiro during the day launched a surprise attack.

It’s not just the eight hundred powerful samurai of the Bunny Quarry.

There were also four thousand samurai who entered the capital in four ways.

In addition, there are also volunteers wandering in the Flower Capital.

After learning that this was Hikari Moon’s counterattack.

The samurai did not hesitate to rise up and join the army of the uprising.

The vast General’s Mansion instantly turned into a battlefield of blood and fire.

Listen to the earth-shaking shouts of death outside.

The high-ranking nobles of the Wano Kingdom in the banquet hall were all looking very different.

“This and this… What happened again? ”

“Is it a thief?” But why is there such a large scale. ”

“Not good! Bad! Bad! ”

“Lord Serpent, the enemy is coming to the door!”

“What are we going to do next?”


The high-ranking people of the Wano Kingdom, who had always been mighty and blessed by the Black Charcoal Serpent, had lost their former composure at this moment.

They are the best at eating, drinking, and having fun, but dealing with war is more than a straw bale.

At this moment, they had no other use than to scream in horror.

“Berserker, is this a ghost you’re doing again?”

Fu Lushou, the captain of the Imperial Court Fan Sect, who was tragically punched in the face by the speed of light, glared at the mad death lang.

“What the hell are you?”


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