“Ezo, your face looks bad, is the world government that the black charcoal bastard says is really that terrible?”

Kawamatsu, who knew very little about overseas affairs, asked incomprehensibly.

“It’s not just terrible, it’s a real behemoth!”

Chuan Jiro’s humble opening, his look was solemn to the extreme.

Over the years, he used the identity of a merchant with the help of black charcoal.

Runejiro also has a lot of information about the open sea.

“Has the hand of the world government finally reached out to the country of our peace?”

Mitsuki Mita’s eerie opening

“Up to eight hundred years now, the country of peace has always adhered to the policy of closing the country away, and the most important point passed down from generation to generation is to completely isolate the infiltration of the force that plotted to seize the world eight hundred years ago! But now, big snake, do you know what you’ve done? It’s a lure in the house! ”

Mitsuki Oda roared.

Once he went to the final island with Roger’s Pirates, he saw everything best and knew best.

The country of peace must not allow the world government to infiltrate.

“Gulp… Gulp”

Listen to Mitsuki Mita’s reprimand.

The black charcoal snake was not angry but happy, and his laughing body trembled.

“Bringing wolves into the house? So what? Since twenty years ago, my real purpose has been to completely destroy this country, whether it is Kaido or the world government, it is only my power to slowly destroy this country. ”

The Black Charcoal Serpent laughed wildly.

“Besides, what I am doing now is exactly what you want, Mita, when the world government moves in, this country will be fully opened as you wish, isn’t that what you want?”

The Black Charcoal Serpent grinned.

“No, the founding I want is not complicity with the world government!!!”

Mitsuki Oda roared.

“It doesn’t matter what it is!” In short, the rebels, if you know that if you are afraid, surrender now, General Ben can still keep you a life, of course, Xiao Zi, no, Rihe, the position of the general’s wife I have always kept for you. ”

The black charcoal snake looked greedily at Rihe.

“The concubine is the daughter of a samurai, so why not let her die?”

Light Moon Day and Resolute Opening.

“Oh hehehe

The Black Charcoal Snake smiled coldly and suddenly clapped his hands.

“The guys in the world government, if they still want this country, hurry up and solve these rebels now.”




Along with the voice of the black charcoal serpent fell.

There were subtle noises in the shadows of the banquet hall, in the corners and on the roof.

In the middle of the room, everyone only felt that their eyes were flickering.

Next second.

Dozens of figures dressed in wide robes and wearing various masks appeared in the sight of Riwa and the others.

They are the world’s government’s direct subordinate, the most mysterious supreme spy agency, the cp0 !!!

Among them, there is no less than the admiral —

It is known as the world’s top strong man who is “the strongest shield of the Draco”.

Feel the powerful oppressive force that comes from the CP0 people.

Yi Zang, Jiu Tian Maru and others were all looking extremely solemn.

On the other hand, the black charcoal snake side.

After the initial consternation.

All are invariably ecstatic and self-satisfied.

“Hahahahaha, it’s really worthy of our big snake lord!” It is so powerful that even the power of the world government has been obtained! This is really stable! ”

The chief of the inspection group showed a villainous face.

“Remnants of the Light and Moon, today is the day when your entire army is destroyed, you have no future to speak of, obediently lay down your weapons and surrender!”

Fu Lu Shou, the leader of the Great Serpent Imperial Court, also sneered.


Next second.

Suddenly, there was a terrifying explosion in the sky.

A brilliant meteor fell from the sky.

With the force that distorts the atmosphere and even the air, it falls towards the cloth bag and Fu Lu Shou.

“Thunder, Sound, Eight, Gua!!!”


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