
Thunder exploded in the night sky.

Brilliant ‘shooting stars’ fall from the sky.

Towards the number one dog legs under the Black Charcoal Serpent.

Fu Lu Shou, the leader of the Imperial Court Fan Congregation, and the chief of the inspection team, Bu Bao.

When the head, smash the !!!

For this sudden situation.

Fu Lu Shou and the cloth bag, who were in a state of pride, did not expect anything.

In a hurry, there was only time to draw the knife and block.


With their ‘weak’ strength, how can they be stopped?

After all, this was an all-out blow from the Imperial Vice Rank Strongman.

Wrapped around the Overlord’s domineering attacks, it was enough to easily defeat them.

Not to mention the acceleration that now comes down from the sky.

This blow is already the strongest of Yamato’s life.

Thunder, Sound, Eight, Gua !!!


There seemed to be a substantial lightning bolt between heaven and earth.

The chief of the inspection group was a knife in a cloth bag.

Fulu Shou is used to block the arms.

Under the thunderous gossip of Yamato, it broke in an instant.



The boom exploded heaven and earth.

The terrifying shock wave caused the samurai and ninjas to fly backwards in a radius of 100 meters.

Even the powerful CP strong people can’t help but retreat one after another.

The face under the mask changed suddenly, and a look called shock appeared.


Hikari and his little face were pale, hiding behind his father.

“Don’t be afraid, Riwa, it’s your own people!”

Mitsuki Oda softly reassured.

Good moments.

The shaking of the earth finally stopped.

In a crater with a radius of 100 meters.

Yamato, wearing a mask of Prajnaparamita, carries a wolf’s tooth stick and stands domineeringly.

At her feet.

Fu Lu Shou and Bu Dai were already creeping like dead dogs.

More samurai and ninjas fell to the ground and wailed.

“This blow is really incredible!”

Whitebeard’s captain Marco, the undead bird, jumped.

“Yamato, it’s only been two years, how did you get so much stronger?”


“Ahahaha, it’s okay!”

Yamato broke the spell for a second and smiled.

“Ace, now you probably can’t beat me who is entangled in the Overlord color!”

Ace: “…”

“Mr. Mita, count me in the fight against the world government!”

Yamato Road.

“That’s a big help!”

Oda nodded in response.


The Great Fast Sword Heavenly Feather Chopper and the Black Sword Yan Demon were unsheathed in unison.

Mitsuki Mita’s gaze fell on the strongest shield of the Draco.

The strongest cp leader whose strength has reached the level of a general.

“Mita Nichiru Stream”

No more nonsense.

Mitsuki Oda attacked.

Starting is the most powerful move you are proud of.

“Taoyuan Waterfall!!!”


A white sword qi like a waterfall rushed out.


The Cp0 leader snorted coldly and attacked without showing weakness.

“Ace, we’re on too!”

Marco greeted.


Ace focused on the head.

The natural system has the ability to burn the fruit in full bloom.

The fiery flames burned the firmament.

The captains of the first and second teams of the Whitebeard Pirates joined forces.

Strong against the onslaught of more than a dozen CP strongmen.

“Thunder gossip!!!”

Yamato wielded a wolf’s tooth stick and struck again.

A stick to solve a strong CP who is confident in his own iron block defenses.

The final battle began.

In the courtyard, the Mitsuki Samurai clashed with the Samurai of the Black Carbon Group Inspection Group and the ninjas of the Imperial Court Ban clan.

“Go and die! Black Charcoal Serpent! ”

The Asura Boy Sakutenmaru roared in anger and swung his samurai sword in his hand to kill the Black Carbon Serpent.

“Protect the serpent.”

The ninja cadres of the Imperial Court all stepped forward in unison to block it.

“Fumijiro, Princess Hinawa will be handed over to you.”

With a loud cry, the figure shot out of the air and plunged into the battlefield.

“Hesong, the princess will be handed over to you.”

Sakura let out a loud roar and followed with a surprise attack.

“Oh well”

He Songzuo looked and looked, but he could no longer find the successor to the guardian.

“Hesong, we’re all right, and you’re going to help everyone.”

Light Moon Day and Opening Mouth.

“No, no, no, how can this work…”

He Song shook his head.

That’s when it happened.

“Kawamatsu and Lord Hikazu will leave it to us for protection!”

Goro the Flower Soldier leads the crowd into the final courtyard.

Looked at.

Hesong’s eyes lit up, and he immediately attacked and killed the Black Charcoal Great Snake.




A secluded courtyard about a few hundred miles from the battlefield.

Dressed in a white exercise suit and holding a long sword, the samurai old star closed his eyes.

Meditate quietly, not moving like a mountain, as if one with the world, regardless of each other.


The samurai old star who was meditating and waiting for his heart moved, and a trace of uneasiness flashed for no reason.

Frown slightly, open your eyes.

A familiar face suddenly caught his eye.

Suddenly his pupils shrank in shock.

“See you again?” What did you say when you escaped the previous war on top? If I remember correctly, you said you wanted to make me look good the next time we met, right? Now here I come! ”

Qi Yu plucked out his ears and grinned kindly.


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