"There are many sacred places, and there are not a few immortal kings, so why let these few hairy children mix up?"

   Emperor Zhantian said disdainfully.

Although the talents of the group members are indeed amazing, the current battle is imminent. According to Mo Cangqiong and Ning Beichen, this battle is even more dangerous than the last time against the outer monsters. In this case, the strength of the group is not enough. What's the matter with the little baby?

   Is the fairy king dead? Or are the holy places destroyed? Why let a group of small forces that can't even compare with a holy place to participate.

   "You can't say that, Ning Xiaozi's subordinates have been fighting against the evil **** Rao Shizi for a long time, and they must know more than us."

   The real ancestor of Bodhi shook the Pu Shan in his hand and said with a smile.

   His words are indeed reasonable, and it makes the Emperor Zhantian not continue to speak.

only. . . . .

   "I hope that my subordinates can act as the commander-in-chief and lead the rest~people to fight against the evil **** minions."

As the Bodhi ancestor said, no one is more suitable to deal with reincarnations than group members, and no one knows better than them. Although most of the strength of group members has not reached the immortal king, their experience-undoubtedly Rich a lot.

  The Samsaras have many methods, and they are strange and unpredictable. You never know what kind of damage they get from what world. Even if you are one rank higher than him, you may capsize in the gutter.

   This time the attack, the Lord God must be fully prepared, the strength of the reincarnation must be far beyond the previous one, and it is still unclear whether there will even be a picket, but it is not far from ten.

   The so-called pickets have only appeared once. What is the strength of this group and how many people are there? It's still unclear, but it's true that each strength is good.

If people in this world are allowed to face the strange and unpredictable reincarnations, it is easy to suffer a big loss and cause unnecessary losses. The members of the group must play in the face of the Lord God. After all, the members of the group represent the heavens. Ten Thousand Realms, and only the heavens and Ten Thousand Realms can contend with the Lord God.

   In this way, let the group members lead the masters of all sects and the backbone of the holy places, but they can maximize all their strength.

   However, this group of people may not agree!

   "What? Let my disciples and grandchildren take orders from these ants?"

   A sharp-mouthed monkey gill, the emperor known as the Great Sage, raised his voice by an octave and shouted, sharp and piercing, so that everyone present could not help but frown.

   Known as the Great Sage, he is actually the weakest emperor. Legend has it that a mandrill in the mountains has been trained and formed, and being able to become a great emperor can be regarded as an outstanding talent, but. . . . . .

   This great emperor was the only one who had not participated in the fight against the monsters outside the territory, and even the great emperors who had instigated other demon cultivation backgrounds should not participate in the fight against the monsters outside the territory, but. . . . .

   Haha, at that time, Mo Cangqiong, as the organizer, was half-step immortal. He even dared not participate in the Holy Land, which was the same as the heavenly land at the time, let alone other people.

   Today, the so-called Great Sage originally wanted to take this opportunity to ease the relationship, of course, it was also because the Heavenly Holy Land had to do this except for the two immortals.

   But after hearing Ning Beichen's words, the "Great Sage" began to stab again.

   However, his words did indeed evoke the dissatisfaction in the hearts of the emperors.

  This kind of dissatisfaction is not because Ning Beichen wants those disciples and grandchildren to obey the members of the group. Rather, what he said made the emperors feel that Ning Beichen and Mo Cangqiong meant to unify all the holy land?

   "Get out."

   There is no nonsense, Mo Cangqiong really doesn't like this guy at all. If the emperors were not here, in order to avoid them thinking too much, Mo Cangqiong might have killed it directly.

  Speaking out of the law, the strong in the immortal realm is not something that the emperor can contend, let alone the weakest emperor.

   The great emperor with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks was in full view, his body flew out, slammed open the door, and flew out.

   has been flying out of the heavenly holy land before stopping, and hit the ground heavily.

   "You don't need to care, let's continue."

   is a small episode, but the emperors also saw the strength of Mo Cangqiong and Ning Beichen.

With just a word, a great emperor was driven out without any resistance. According to rumors, Ning Beichen, the immortal, was even more mysterious and powerful than Mo Cangqiong. For a while, what Ning Beichen said before was no one. Dare to refute.

   They somewhat underestimated the strength of Heavenly Sacred Land, and forgot that although Heavenly Sacred Land treats each other with courtesy, Mo Cangqiong and Ning Beichen are immortal, but they are not easy to provoke.

········ Ask for flowers·······

   "Emperor Ning Xian said, we all think it makes sense, in that case, it is better to follow the arrangement that Emperor Ning Xian said."

   An unknown emperor stood up and said, and he glanced at each other with a few people around him, and he had asked everyone's opinions.

   Just kidding, it is impossible to have an opinion. Who dares to have an opinion?

   "In that case, please be prepared in time after you go back. In a short time, you will gather again in my heavenly holy land to fight the enemy together."

Right now, there is nothing more to say. Now that they should know, these people already know it. Now is the time for them to digest. Mo Cangqiong has set the time for them, whether they understand it or not, please. Yes, in the end all must obey the orders and come to the Heavenly Holy Land to resist the enemy, that's enough.


   "Um... Then in that case, I'll leave first."

   One great emperor started, and all the great emperors began to bid farewell one after another. This ceremony seemed to be halfway through, and everyone was almost gone.

   "Hahaha! Come on, boy Ning, you are welcome, the rest of these things are just packed for your little guys!"

Mo Cangqiong looked at the countless melons and fruits left behind, and smiled from ear to ear. The feelings he had had before was not a deterrent at all, but simply the good things that he saved to let this group of people leave early. At that time, they will be used on their own people.


   The sudden change of painting style Mo old man made the members of the group look confused.

   "You eat yours, and let other disciples take away the guest seats that have left. Then, the entire Heavenly Holy Land will enter a state of preparation."

   Ning Beichen spoke to the members of the group, and immediately began to arrange business.

At the moment, the most important thing is to prepare for the main **** and extraterritorial demon. Since Mo Cangqiong said that everyone should gather in the heavenly sacred land, he must be prepared here, and even be prepared to use this as the main battlefield. That way, There is so much to do.


   The elders didn't hesitate at all. Even though their seniority was older than Ning Beichen, they didn't hesitate to say and do what he said. begging.

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   "Come on, give you some good things."

   On the Tianqi Peak of Ning Beichen, the members of the group gathered here, playing outside the hall, when Ning Beichen came out holding a big box and said.

   "The leader of the group? What is it?"

   Limru jumped up and down, her chubby body ran over like a ball and asked.

   Other people also came over, waiting for Ning Beichen, the Santa Claus. . . . Give gifts to the public.

   "Rimuru, I remember that you learned sword skills with your subordinates of the big ghost clan, then this knife will be given to you."

   Ning Beichen opened the box and took out a long knife from the messy box.

   Big brother. . . . . Are you sure it's in your box. . . . . Isn't it rubbish?

   Although she couldn't help but complain, Limru turned back into a human form and took the long sword.

The style of    is not much different from that of the samurai sword, but it is shorter. It should be regarded as a small sword, and it is suitable for the short stature Rimuru.

   "This knife!?"

   Limru just grasped the handle of the knife, and felt that the knife was good.

   "These things were prepared by my master, and there are some gadgets that I have ‘collected’ that I have nothing to do over the past few years. They are just right for you to use."

   Ning Beichen took out a few weapons from the box again, curious how this small box got out so many things.

"this is for you."

   "This sword is for you."

   "This staff is for you."

  . . . .

   At the end, everyone’s equipment was completely new.

Su Xiaoyu got an emperor sword, a sword given by Emperor Huang Tian privately. Originally, he wanted to recruit Ning Beichen to be his son-in-law. Ah, maybe it was the grandson-in-law that brought it out, but it was taken out by Ning. Bei Chen refused, but the sword was still accepted by his Xin (tian) An (bu) Li (zhi) (chi), and now it was transferred to Su Xiaoyu.

   This sword was given to Ning Beichen for use, which is enough to prove the strength of this sword. Otherwise, Emperor Huang Tian would not be able to send it out. It was indeed a bit early for Su Xiaoyu to use it.

   However, thanks to Su Xiaoyu's exercises, this sword recognized the master.

  The weapons of the other people are also very powerful. It can be said that holding these weapons allows them to have the capital for higher-order battles, except for Thor. . . . . . .

   This guy has a hammer and an axe in his hand. Although these two weapons are no longer helpful to him, these two weapons are the most suitable for him.

   "The leader of the group..."

   The one-meter-eight strong man looked at Ning Beichen pitifully. This scene is too much for anyone to bear!

   "Ehhhhhhh! After all, don't look at me with this kind of eyes!"

   Ning Beichen quickly stepped away from him and said.

Then. . . . . Sol's small eyes were even more resentful.

   "Your weapon, I will help you rebuild it, don't worry, most importantly, you don't come here again!"

   Ning Beichen looked at Saul who was eager to hold his thigh, and said quickly, let’s talk about it, although I know that I am suave in Yushu, but I am really not good at being a man, especially a man with a hairy chest.

   "Thank you guys! Thank you guys!"

   Thor heard Ning Beichen's assurance, and cried with joy. Just about to rush over to give Ning Beichen a big hug, he was knocked out by an invisible force.

   "Give me my paw!"

  . . . . .

   "Boy Ning, have you finished the arrangements over there?"

   In the middle of the night, the elders of the Heavenly Holy Land gathered together, and Mo Cangqiong asked when sitting on the main seat.

   "The arrangement is over, but I don't know, how is the arrangement with Master?"

   Ning Beichen nodded, looked at Mo Yandao and asked.

   "The big formation has been laid, but... Are you sure you want to open a gap here?"

Mo Yandao nodded, all the arrangements are ready, but he is still a little puzzled about using his home as the main battlefield. If there is an accident, no, it’s not an accident. Just treat this as the main battlefield. Regardless of the victory or defeat, the Heavenly Sacred Land will inevitably suffer a great blow, and the accumulation of such a long time is likely to be ruined.

   "I also think that we can intercept in the void, there is no need to bring them here, right?"

   Qingdi asked inexplicably.

   "No, since we raised this matter, it should be so."

   Mo Cangqiong shook his head and said.

"The outer devil and the evil **** naturally want to block them in the void, but the minions of the evil **** can only be handed over to the children. Instead of fighting on all sides, it is better to control everything under me. In the heavenly holy land, if it is destroyed, it will only destroy a holy land..."

Mo Cangqiong deserves to be the oldest and the longest living emperor. No one in this world can match him in terms of righteousness. Controlling the battlefield in the heavenly holy land, even if the entire heavenly holy land is destroyed, at least it can be guaranteed. A moment of peace in this world.

   If the group of reincarnations are scattered in this world, it may cause much damage. Therefore, in any case, they must be firmly controlled in the heavenly holy land to fight against them.

   Mo Cangqiong's words also made others understand why they did it. It is precisely because of Mo Cangqiong's words and deeds that everyone underneath was not opposed to this matter, but was proud of it.

   "Have you already set off on the other holy places?"

   Now that I have finished my own business, let's see how other people are preparing now, Mo Cangqiong asked.

   "Emperor Huang Tian wrote a letter saying that he has participated in the war with all his power, and he should be on his way now, and he may arrive almost tomorrow."

   An Elder Hui reports.

   "Gan! Another big expense!"

   Mo Cangqiong suddenly changed his face and cursed.

   Everyone: "..."

   You don't feel distressed if you put the whole family in. This person will help you with a distressed look. . . . . .

"any left?"

   Mo Cangqiong said with a voice that almost squeezed through his teeth.

   "Except for the goods that were thrown out that day, the rest will arrive sooner or later, but there will not be as many people as Huangtian, after all, no one is the emperor."

   Mo Yandao said.

Basically all the great emperors are already on the road, but the people with them are not too many. Except for a few immortal kings who stayed at home, all the people who can come have arrived, plus many disciples, some small sects and even the heads. The elders and Taishang were dispatched, and they paid great attention to this matter.

   "Well, in that case, everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng."

   Mo Yandao nodded and said.

  . . . . . . . .

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