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   Heavenly Holy Land.

   In the heavenly sacred land surrounded by mountains, the sea of ​​people crushed by black at this moment is full of people, and the great heavenly sacred land is gathering more than 10,000 people at this moment.

   Most of them are a group of soldiers with the highest strength but rank seven, wearing black gold-swallowing armor, holding Chang Ge in their hands uniformly, a flag painted with a bird pattern flying high, and the air exudes a breath of killing.

   These people were all brought by Emperor Huang Tian, ​​and they were the most elite troops in his dynasty. It took tens of thousands of years to save these people.

The soldiers in    are all rank five and above, and the standard armor and weapons on their bodies are made of horns shed by unicorns.

   Such luxurious equipment also enabled when all the soldiers condensed together, they could explode with enough power to contend with the emperor.

   The Emperor Huang Tian really brought out the family this time, but he still saved his hand. The sacred beast of the town, the Qilin, still remained in the country.

The remaining 26 great emperors are relatively weaker, except for a few more ancient holy places, such as Taoism and Buddhism. Two great emperors each came, and the remaining great emperors brought one or two immortal kings. It's pretty good. Few holy places are as powerful as Heavenly holy places, and a nest of great emperor doesn't seem to need money.

   "I said, are you trying to take your little dolls with us to die in the void?"

   On the top of the mountain, the emperors gathered here, looking at the black soldiers under the mountain, Emperor Chiwu glanced at the emperor Huangtian beside him and asked.

   Emperor Huang Tian turned white, and he didn't speak at a glance.

   "These soldiers still stay here to play a greater role. If they let us go, they may not even be cannon fodder."

   Qingdi couldn't see it and said.

These soldiers can compete with a great emperor, but it does not mean that they can compete with all the great emperors. If they really go to the void to deal with extraterrestrial demons and evil gods, a group of great emperors fly randomly, and this group of soldiers can survive a second. They are lucky.

   "What about these fairy kings? They stay here too?"

   Chiwu Great Emperor asked.

The number of immortal kings is much more than that of the great emperor. It adds up to nearly a thousand. If they are all thrown here, it is a little overkill. Moreover, with them, these great emperors are intercepting in the void, and only small crawlers can cross the endless void. , If a big guy really broke in, it would be possible that all the great emperors were cold. In that case, the immortal king would not be able to do much.

   "Last time, the strength of the extraterritorial celestial demon army was not strong, so there is no need to waste the power of the emperor in vain. This time, except for the two subordinates of Ning Xiaozi, all the other fairy kings entered the endless void with us."

   Mo Cangqiong walked out and said.

   However, his words made the other emperors reluctant.

Almost all they brought were their own family properties. Among those immortal kings, there were many younger generations who had the aptitude to break through to become a great emperor. They were the treasures of every great emperor. Now it is the limit to bring them out to fight, and now Mo Cangqiong actually wants them to take the whole The hope of the village goes to endless void with them to die?

   Then it is absolutely impossible for them to agree.

   However, Mo Cangqiong shut their mouths in a word.

"My heavenly sacred land, all members are participating in the war, from top to bottom, no one is separated. If the outer celestial demons and evil gods rush into this world, it will not only destroy us, the strong, but also your seeds. The whole world is destroyed. If anyone thinks what I said is wrong, then leave by himself. If you win, it has nothing to do with you. If you lose, you will ask your family to fight alone, whether you will be slaughtered or begging for mercy. , It's up to you to go."

  It is a matter of the survival of the entire world. These great emperors brought their families here with just a word from Mo Cangqiong. Naturally, they are not unclear people, but they just feel distressed. Who wants to send their children to the battlefield? However, Mo Cangqiong's words also made them realize the severity of this war, and no longer babbled, and everything is completely headed by the Holy Land of Heaven.

  The members of the group followed Ning Beichen on the mountainside and looked at the people below.

   "The leader of the group, we..."

   Zhang Sanfeng said hesitantly.

"Don’t worry, you should lead your own army. Just guard the wormholes we opened. Regarding everything that is accurate, Xiao Yu is respected, and her words are mine."

   Ning Beichen comforted and said his arrangement.


Su Xiaoyu did not expect that Ning Beichen would actually entrust her with heavy responsibility. You must know that although she is an administrator in the chat group, her strength is not the top in the entire chat group. She will do this, you can say Is the position of commander in chief a bit too sloppy?

   However, the other group members have no opinion.

You know, in a fundamental sense, among all the group members, only Su Xiaoyu is the only one who is similar to Samsara. She knows far more things than any group member, and she is the commander-in-chief. , It couldn't be more appropriate, it has nothing to do with strength.

  Ning Beichen didn't say much, he didn't doubt whether he was using someone, he just touched Su Xiaoyu's head with a smile, and flew to the top of the mountain alone, and joined the other emperors.

   Only because of Ning Beichen's head-killing, and the blushing like red-hot steel, Su Xiaoyu kept steaming in the same place.

   What adjective is this! ?

   Yakumo Zi, Gu Xun'er, Yan Ling Ji, Nan Xiao Niao: You blush a bubble teapot!

  Finally, after Su Xiaoyu came back to his senses, they arranged their respective positions for everyone.

  The soldiers brought by Emperor Huang Tian were led by Gao Yao, who had commanding experience, Baiyue and He He, to guard the West.

   And Su Xiaoyu alone took the entire Celestial Holy Land disciples to guard the East, among them was her old rival, Mo Qingcheng. . . .

   Saitama and Zhang Sanfeng brought the strongest one hundred nine-tier true celestial guards in the center of all the holy grounds, and they were also the first party to fight if there were any enemies.

   Dagu, Nan Xiaoniao, and Yan Ling Ji, with a team to guard the north.

   Hexi, Li Mochou, and Gu Xun'er guard the south of the heavenly holy land.

   Meng King, with his men, even brought Storm Dragon and his harem Milim, and some other holy land disciples guarding the northeast.

  Bone King, and his men, guarding the southeast.

  Brother kill, Yan Chixia, Lin Jiu, guarding the northwest.

   In the end, Thor took Conna and Crimson Eyes, guarding the southwest. .

Chapter 379:

   "Is the arrangement finished?"

   Ning Beichen came to the top of the mountain, Mo Cangqiong had been waiting for a long time.

"it is ready."

   Ning Beichen nodded in response.

   "Okay, then, let's start!"

  Mo Cangqiong nodded, since everything has been prepared, there is no need to waste time.

   "The disciples listen to the order! The heavens break the emptiness! Kai!"

   Mo Yandao, as the head, gave orders.

   The disciples who had been eagerly waiting for a long time opened the big array in an instant.

   This large formation is jointly operated by the disciples of Yuanxu Holy Land, and even the head Yun Taichong is among them.

   It is not difficult to open up a space to connect to the void, but it is not a simple matter to maintain this channel forever.

An inexplicable ripple formed in the air. I don’t know when, a small black spot that is hard to find with the naked eye appeared in the sky above the Holy Land. However, as the ripple becomes more intense, the speed of this black spot has been constantly changing. Big, it has reached the size of a basketball in less than a moment.

The enlarged hole does not look like a black hole as before. Now it can be clearly seen that its interior is a grayish piece. Not only does light and color do not exist, even darkness does not exist in it. .

   However, the expansion of the void also made the space around it extremely unstable. The ripples continued to form and spread, distorting the surrounding space and appearing to collapse.

   "Wuyuan Hengxu Great Array! Open!!!"

Yun Taichong shouted, and personally opened another prepared array to stabilize the void wormhole. For a while, a gray array with a radius of only tens of meters opened, but this time, the array appeared in Above the wormhole.

   At this time, the void began to grow steadily again, spreading to the boundary of the Infinite Void Array before it stopped.

   "The princes follow me like nothingness!"

   Just like before, this time, Mo Cangqiong is still leading the crowd, rushing into the void first.

   Ning Beichen followed closely behind.

Following the two were the great emperors of the Heavenly Sacred Land. After that, the rest of the great emperors rushed into the void. The speed of the immortal kings was much slower than that of the great emperors, and there were also a large number of people in batches. Into the void.

   For a time, the top combat power of the entire world all entered the void, and everyone who guarded the big formation also tightened their nerves at this moment.

   They all know that not only in the void, the battle here will also be fierce and dangerous.

  . . . . . . .

   In the endless void.

   The void is like a sea of ​​Wangyang, fading out of the endless gray ocean and there is nothing outside. Here, even if there is someone standing in front of you under the Immortal King, you can't see it, let alone feel it.

The endless void is connected to various worlds, and if you can cross the void, you can also reach other worlds. However, it seems that the distance is close at hand. In fact, it is also billions of light-years away. Crossing the void is not casual. It can be done.

   Being able to enter does not mean that you can cross. It does not mean that you will be swallowed by the void. It is as if you are floating in the ocean without anything to support you. You will be exhausted sooner or later by swimming.

As soon as    entered the void, the decayed dark air on the surface surged crazily toward the crowd, and the few immortal kings with low power almost didn't get back abruptly.

   Looking around, two "hong~々liu" in the void, one black and one red, continue to grow and pour into this side.

   The speed of these two torrents rushing toward the crowd is unimaginable, and the endless void in front of them seems to be no different from the ordinary ocean. Such speed also made Mo Cangqiong and Ning Beichen's complexion serious.

   "Everyone is on alert! Be sure to keep these two intruders here!"

   Mo Cangqiong shouted, and cast a barrier in front of him.

   Ning Beichen took out the ancient bronze sword and drank the spirits from his waist.

   Although the advanced immortality has made him no longer need this kind of bells and whistles, his habits are always difficult to change.

  Everyone is all ready for the war at this moment.

   Gradually, when the two torrents were approaching, other people finally saw clearly what kind of "torrent" was there, but the real "flow of people".

Above the black torrent, countless disgusting people are like rotten corpses. The rotten and black monsters rush towards this side madly in the void, stepping on other companions from time to time, and even Suddenly tripped a large group, but the momentum did not weaken in the slightest, as if there was something they wanted very much here.

  Probably, it is almost equivalent to the zombies in the Zombie World War.

   And the other half, the red torrent is relatively more orderly, but the number is also very large, and the speed is not weak at all.

That group of humanoid monsters, carrying all kinds of weapons in a uniform manner, carrying a huge blood jewel helmet on their heads, wearing black armor made of unknown things, and a strange red light faintly in the armor. , Underneath his feet stepped on a river of blood surging towards this side continuously, as if the demons of **** were slaying out.

   These people looked a lot like the pickets that Ning Beichen had caught, but the helmets didn't look like them.

Although the number is too large and too dense, so that everyone cannot accurately determine what kind of strength this group of monsters have, but according to the observations of Mo Cangqiong and Ning Beichen, the average level of this group of monsters is above the eighth level. In terms of numbers, even they don't know how to count them.

   "¨ˇLet me try first."

   The other great emperors all saw this group of monsters, and they were not much different from the group of miscellaneous fish before. Chiwu Great wanted to try the water first to see if there was anything tricky.

You know, although the number is indeed terrifying, but for (Li Qianhao) at their level, especially since there are so many immortal kings here, the number is really the most useless thing, if the other party really If he only sent out such a bit of play, it really had no effect except for the disgusting person.

"All right."

  Mo Cangqiong also didn't know why the other party sent a group of miscellaneous fish as the advance army, and agreed to Emperor Chiwu's request, tearing open the barrier in front of him.

   Great Emperor Chiwu got out of the barrier, two flame wings rose behind him, and the entire void was dyed the color of flames at once.

   "The fire burns the sky!"

   is just a test of water, Chiwu Great Emperor did not use his full strength, but now his strength is devastating even if he uses a trick casually.

   Two wings flopped twice and slapped forward, the endless void in front of him was instantly engulfed by the sea of ​​fire, and it was burned to the enemy. .

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   "Uh ah!!!"

The extraterritorial demon and the front army of those pickets were instantly engulfed by the sea of ​​fire, and various screams emerged endlessly, but these seemingly witless monsters are like flying cranes fighting the fire, still marching forward without fear of death. .

   For a time, a large number of monsters were burned to death by the fiery flames-the number increased geometrically.

   However, those extraterritorial celestial demon and picket who were burned to death, after their death, showed a black energy, and even dyed the flames of Emperor Chiwu black and red, like the demon flames of hell.

   At this moment, Emperor Chiwu frowned.

He could clearly feel that the power he released was being eroded. After the first flame was completely corroded by the black gas, it would no longer be able to cause damage to those monsters and also allowed them to advance on the road. Moreover, the black energy was even being absorbed by the monsters behind, so that their strength became stronger.

   "The extreme sun is really fire! The golden crow eats the sky!"

   A three-legged golden crow formed by flames rose from the body of Emperor Chiwu. The huge size appeared so tall in the endless void, and it seemed to illuminate the entire void.


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