Seeing this miraculous scene, Chongzhen and the others were stunned, and Ying Zheng and the others were even more excited. They didn't expect that there was such a treasure in the little things they had brought.

The jade token shook in mid-air, then turned into a starlight, and instantly disappeared into Ye Yu's forehead and disappeared.

Ye Yu closed his eyes to digest the knowledge brought by the jade card.

After a while, Ye Yu opened his eyes again, and a star flashed in his eyes, and Ying Zheng and the others were startled by the stern and distant aura.

Ying Zheng said tentatively, "Sir, this is..."

Ye Yu smiled and said: "It's nothing, a small item was lost and found, Lao Zhao thanked him, if it wasn't for you, I really don't know when I would be able to find this jade tower.

After a pause, Ye Yu's expression suddenly became solemn: "Old Zhao, do you know where this Yuque Hun came from?"

Ying Zheng smiled bitterly and said: "Sir, the Huns have all been destroyed by the widows, and this jade tower was also placed in the corner of the treasure house. Where did it come from, we really don't know. 35

Fusu thought for a while and said: "Sir, this jade tower should not belong to the Xiongnu. I think it should be the Xiongnu who plundered it from our Central Plains. The specific origin, we still need to investigate."

"Okay!" Ye Yu nodded and said solemnly: "Then trouble you, all the information related to this jade tower, must be investigated thoroughly! 35

"And you, Lao Zhu." Ye Yu turned to look at Chongzhen, and said with a serious face: "When Daming settles down, you also need to pay attention to such mysterious objects, I will be of great use! 99

Ying Zheng and the others quickly stood up and bowed to Ye Yu: "Please rest assured, sir, we will do our best!

After explaining these things, Ye Yu's face was still a little dignified, but it was obviously a lot easier than before.

He looked at Chongzhen and said with a smile: "Old Zhu, how is the domestic situation in Daming?"

"Thank you for your advice, Mr. Ming, the situation has become much clearer now." Chongzhen said proudly: "In this period of time, we have completely eradicated the eight imperial merchants. These profiteers who defected to the enemy and betrayed the country have been completely raided and exterminated by me, not only getting Hundreds of millions of taels of silver were used to fill the treasury, and several million stone grains were all used to relieve the victims, so I will no longer have to worry about food and silver.”


'Chongzhen boy is awesome!

"Brother Chongzhen has done a good job, he really deserves to be the younger generation of the widow, and he has some means of the widow!

Ying Zheng and Fu Su expressed their congratulations one after another, and everyone's mood was very comfortable.

After some business talk, Ye Yu greeted a few people to sit down and eat hot pot together.

Wang Ben grabbed a chopstick and said with emotion: "It's still good food here, sir, and after spending a month in northern Xinjiang, my old Wang's mouth is about to fade out. 55

"Not bad, sir, the food here is much better than that in the imperial kitchen."

"It's a pity that the chefs in the palace are not very skilled, otherwise all the delicious food from Mr.

Everyone was eating and drinking while talking about what happened in the court recently.

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen are even more bragging. Both of them are more familiar with Ye Yu now, and they know that he has never cared about this kind of thing, so they won't blush no matter how they brag.

"It's alright, alright, the cowhide has been blown to the sky by you." Ye Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't that the elimination of the Xiongnu and the imperial merchants, what's the big deal, you two can just blow it hard."

"It's not bragging about the widow." Ying Zheng said with a smile: "Sir, by eliminating the Xiongnu, my Daqin not only increased countless cattle and sheep, but also created thousands of miles of fertile soil. From then on, Daqin will have A steady stream of high-quality war horses is a great thing for me, Da Qin.”

The more Ying Zheng talked, the happier he became.

Before, whether it was the Five Hegemons in the Spring and Autumn Period or the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, everyone fought in one place in the Central Plains. To put it bluntly, it was an infighting among the Tianxia people themselves, and everyone never wanted to expand their territory.

Only he, and only he, Ying Zheng, was the first to accomplish the feat of opening up the territory and expanding the territory of Tianxia for thousands of miles. This is an extraordinary feat.

Ying Zheng smiled and was extremely satisfied, and even felt better than having unified the six kingdoms himself.

Ye Yu curled his lips and said, "Although you fought beautifully, Lao Zhao, you still need to pay attention to this country and the country. The thousands of miles of grassland are not owned by anyone who has fought them."

"There are not only the Huns in the northern grasslands, but also the Qiang people, the Da Yuezhi, and even more foreign races. You can guarantee that they will not be jealous of this fertile soil? Aliens have been jealous of my Tianxia land for a long time, Lao Zhao, don’t take it lightly.”

"Don't worry, sir." Ying Zheng said domineeringly: "The widow has already stationed fifty thousand troops on the grassland, waiting for these alien races to attack the grassland. As long as they dare to attack our Daqin territory, the widow will bring a million troops to suppress the border, completely Destroy them!"

"However, it is estimated that these alien races do not have the courage to invade our Daqin territory, and the Da Yuezhi and the countries in the Western Regions also sent tributes to show their goodwill. Obviously, the battle of the few people to destroy the Xiongnu has completely frightened their courage!

"You are too careless!"

Ye Yu said solemnly: "Old Zhao, do you really think that these alien races are so simple, they are like locusts in history, like weeds, even if a fire burns them, they will grow again in the next year. Emperor Wu of Han, Emperor Taizong of Tang , How many heroes in history have driven them out again and again, but in the end they were taken advantage of by these aliens because they could not control the grassland. 99

"You killed a Xiongnu, and soon there will be a second Xiongnu. Daqin is too far away from the grassland, and its control power is very weak. If there is any problem on the grassland, it will be introduced to Daqin in a few months, and the daylily will be cold when you send troops. already."

"Most of the barbarians are scumbags with human faces and beasts' hearts. Now that Daqin is strong, they are willing to surrender and secretly accumulate strength. Once the Central Plains is in chaos, they can take the opportunity to send troops south. At that time, it will be a messy end, you can clear?"

Ye Yu's voice got higher and higher, and finally got up slowly, staring at Ying Zheng very seriously, which brought great pressure to Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng was startled, and only then did he realize that after eliminating the ancient enemy of the Xiongnu, he was indeed a little floating.

He even forgot that there are many countries in the world that are not much weaker than the current Daqin that can bring threats, and even forgot the tragic tragedies in history.

Destroying the Xiongnu made him feel like nothing more than a hero in the world, but Ye Yu's words completely woke him up.

Ying Zheng's face turned pale, and said brightly, "Please also teach me sir."

Ye Yu pointed out: "After this war, the Hetao area has been completely incorporated into the Daqin territory, you can set up prefectures and counties in the Hetao area, and then move the people to open up wasteland.

"After this war, the soldiers of the six kingdoms should have seen the strength of Daqin, and they will definitely not dare to disagree. They can naturally reward cattle, sheep and horses as soldiers to defend the frontier, and then move 300,000 ordinary households from Daqin. In the past ten years, the Hetao Plain will completely become an inseparable part of Daqin, no matter what kind of aliens, as long as they dare to come, they can be beaten back.

・・Seeking flowers 0.

"Hi... three, 300,000 households!"

The three of Ying Zheng took a deep breath when they heard the sound.

Daqin's population is only 20 million people, 300,000 households, at least 1 million people. Where can they find so many people?

Tianxia has always had the concept of falling leaves returning to their roots. Hetao is so far away from the Central Plains, and the climate is more than a star and a half worse than that of the Central Plains. If you stay well in the Central Plains, who wants to run all the way to that bird without shitting. The prairie suffers alive.

Ying Zheng said brightly: "Sir, there is no problem in setting up prefectures and counties, but not to mention 300,000 households, even 30,000 households may not be able to make up. 35

"There's nothing we can't figure out." Ye Yu curled his lips and said: "The six countries have surrendered hundreds of thousands of soldiers. After this war, everyone has more or less gained a lot of military exploits and can exchange a lot of cattle and sheep treasures. "


"The treasure is easy to take, but the cattle and sheep can't be taken away. If you order people to distribute the cattle and sheep, can they still lead the sheep back to the Central Plains?"

"When the prefectures and counties on the prairie are established, you will bring all the family members of these descendants to the prairie. They are sure to live happily on the prairie. If you exempt the tax for two years, they will not be reluctant, maybe And secretly thank you.39

"Ah, how can this be?"

"Hehe, Mr. is indeed an old traitor... scheming, I admire Old Wang.

"Yes, yes, this method is wonderful, and the widow will start implementing it immediately after returning.

The three of Ying Zheng were stunned for a moment, and then they immediately gave Ye Yu a thumbs up.

As the saying goes, all the hustle and bustle of the world are for profit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world are for profit. Who can endure such temptation by using cattle and sheep to lure the people over.

In this war, all the cattle and sheep on the grasslands and the treasures of the Huns were looted by the Qin army. The number of cattle and sheep added up to several million, which was simply too much oil.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the six kingdoms fought bravely to kill the enemy this time, and their contribution was not small. If the cattle and sheep were distributed, almost everyone could get a dozen cattle and sheep, and even hundreds of them.

With so many cattle and sheep in hand, could it be that they would give up in vain? Of course not.

You must know that a cow is a priceless treasure in the eyes of ancient civilians. There are dozens of cattle and sheep, and there are vast grasslands waiting for them to graze and reclaim. No one can bear such a temptation.

"Sir, this method is really good." Even Chongzhen couldn't help but sigh: "With millions of people living in the north, you can firmly hold this land in your hands. From now on, which alien race will there be? If you dare to invade the northern grasslands, you will simply be looking for a dead end!""

Chongzhen turned around and smiled at Ying Zheng: "First Emperor, it seems that your Great Wall doesn't need to be built anymore.

"No need, no need!" Ying Zheng said with a smile: "The Great Wall was originally built to defend against the Xiongnu. Now that the Xiongnu has been destroyed, there is no need to build the Great Wall."

"After this battle, I have completely understood a truth. Offensive is the best defense. Instead of building the Great Wall to defend against aliens, it is better to build a weapon bureau to develop new weapons. When I conquer this earth, there will be no one else in the world. My enemy of Da Qin, it is useless to build the Great Wall. Six

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